-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Friday, March 2, 2007

Z 3 Ls!!

I got this lately over the net...What do u think?

Your first love (usually your high school sweetheart), this is the love where you realize that love does exist and during the chaotic time of teenage adolescence find out for yourself what love is.

The second love, shared with a person with similar interests in love and in life, usually the person with whom you raise a family and settle into middle age.

The third and final great love of your life is the person you choose to grow old with, someone to share the memories of life and the mysteries of death.



Fatiflower said...

By Experience, I can say that you can fall in love as much as you want and few of the persons with who you fell in love make the difference. Why you need love and why you are exposed to love many times in your life? As a Muslim believer I believe that because Allah created us and for every one of us a pair, we feel this need to fill in the gap pushed by this constant need to find the person matching our chemical, mental, conceptual and spiritual features.Hard mission isn't it!
That's why it happens to us falling in love several times. I fall in love with the first one because our chemicals are matching and then I find that the rest of stuff isn't and then I meet another person whose features are matching 70% with mines and then I find that the importance and priority of each feature is different of mine and so on.... You will never reach 100% or even 90% of matching. That's why my advise to you is : the first person you meet and your features are 50 % matching with her features marry her. I am talking about marriage because I heard that you're looking for a wife :)))

Fatiflower said...

I forgot to mention in my previous comment that is only one version of my thinking towards this issue, I have other versions that I can provide personally:)

Anonymous said...

التعليق السابق جميل وحقيقي لحد كبير ولي تعليق آخر أيضا من وجهة نظري المحدودة بخبرتي الشخصية لو قسمنا الحب 3 فقط سيكون أول حب قلب بلا عقل وعندما يتنبه العقل يجد أنه غير صحيح الثاني قلب وقليل من العقل ويظل غير صحيح الثالث قلب وينهك العقل فتتوقف نهائيا عن الحب وهو طريق والزواج طريق آخر تماما كما انتهت صاحبة التعليق الأسبق لنفس النتيجة