The first day, 1 min before the operation. Getting prepared in my room. In this cap & gown i felt like I am the
physician not the patient!! The "E.R." mode just overwhelmed me, and I started asking in the surgery room about every single details; what does this do, why, how. Actually the doctor
regretted that he decided to do it with a spinal
atheistic coz they wished i would SHUT UP. I kept talking and asking even a 100ml shot of "
I literally had a PAIN IN THE ASS, so why not be one!!
george cloony ya rabi :)
el mohem 7amdella 3ala salamtak.
By the way, I replied to the post no. 111, please read.
Thank you Tarerk, and I commented on urs.
1 Min before the opertaion and you SMILE . It seems that you were a naughty patient . 7amdella 3ala salamtak after 5 years but this is the 1st time i read this post :)
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