-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

278) Borg GIZA el Mayel!!

Ma7adesh A7san Men 7ad!! They have Borg PISA el Mayel, and we have Borg GIZA el Mayel ;)


Gypo said...

Ah ya masr ya omm el 3agayeb.
Wallahy bayen el yahood mesh beyekzebo we homma elly fe3lan bano el haram mesh e7na. maho law e7na elly baneina el haram, ezzay eddahwelna lel daraga dy?????
we 3agaby 3aleiky ya balad.
harga3 tany wa2ool ah ya balad..... el rayyes bet3ha se77eto foll el foll(a7san aroo7 el segn ya 3am fel ayyam el moftarga dy)

Anonymous said...

This is not the only building in egypt that looks so, i saw two other buildings and people are living in them 3ady, but can anyone tell us how is it built in this way?

Anonymous said...

it is not only about how it is built, how doesnt it fall? and why everybody is cool with the situation

maho mesh momken 3andena fe dubai yeb2o banno in a year 500 m of burj dubai and in egypt om el donya feeha beyout 3amla keda

3ala ray2 gypo AH YA BALAD men gher .....!

Gypo said...

ya gama3a ana structural engineer(we mohaly kaman) we ba2olloko en el 3omara dy foll el foll mafeehash ay 7aga. koll ma fee el amr en el 7agg me2awel el 3omara 7abb ya3mel kharasanet meyoul 3ashan el mayya matbawwazsh el as2of, we balash ba2a 7aswaka 3al fady, laww basseto 3al balakonat you'll find all of them na7yet el 7etta el watya 3ashan ayy mayya to2a3 fel beit tegry 3ala tool 3al balakona we tokhrog men el mezrab (ya gama3a balash eftera da22a2o kwayyes fel soora hatshoofo el mozrab khareg men el na7ya el yemeen men el balkona). da gher en el 7agg el me2awel kan beyelma7 el boyout elly 7awaleih to check verticality of his building(actually all buildings to the left are at an angle also).
Fee ba2a nass fassaret el soora dy tafseer tany, en el ard karaweyyaton fa laww we2eft be3eed shwayya 3an el 3omara hatla2eeha fe3lan mayla ma3a ennaha totally vertical.
We ba3dein ya khwanna el gama3a el talamza betoo3 el madares dol ba2a homma elly hay3ellemouna el shoghl?ma7na toul 3omrena fel kar we 3omr ma gara 7aga SEBHA 3ALA RABBENA, RABBAK BEYOSTORHA.

Ah ya balad men gher..(mesh 3ayzeen net7ebes fe ramadan, kollo foll wel rayyes se77eto tamam)

Mohaly said...

Nazareya Bardo ya wad ya Gypo! El 3abakria el masria lan tatawakaf!!

P.S. ana Mechanical Engineer, but bafham kewayes fel Construction :)

Anonymous said...

on the contrary, this building proves the fact that we (the egyptians) built the pyramids as we are able to san3 el mou3gezat for Masr om el 3agayeb

sara said...

Is this pic for real?!

Mohaly said...

unfort. yes :(