-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011
597) Fawazeer Ramadan ::: Faster Lanes!
Why if we are driving in a slow lane and we change lanes, the one we were in will always move faster than the one we are in now?!
that is actually true.
why ba2a?
I think that we are always looking beside us and not for the rest of the lane, aren't we?
Hi Mohaly, I thought this was a local phenomenon in Switzerland but apparently it's also in Egypt?! I believe it is something like if you want to overtake me I won't make it easy for you. Something like a 'ta7ady'.
I have a theory, it's called the 'group effect'.
When 10 cars are driving in the slow lane, and the next lane starts to move faster, 'all' the 10 cars will think moving to the faster lane will gain them time.
Believe it or not, they make everything worse.
It's like: "we should go to City Stars at noon so that we could have a spot to stand in the crowded mall, but to our surprise many people thought the same", and the circle goes on and on.
Wait a minute. Does Egypt having 70+ million as population has anything to do with this?
As a tribute to the officer who gave his life on Mehwar, I dedicate my sincere condolences to his family and beloved, and my endless hopes that a nuclear bomb would hit Cairo and reset everything isA. :D
it is always greener on the other side of the lawn
I agree with Ibhog's theory. When cars on the slow lane have the impression the other lane is faster and decide to move to the other lane, they increase the car density in the "faster lane" and create in this lane a jam. Because the car density is lower in the original slow lane, it starts to be the faster lane.
A japanese study of March 2008 showed that even very small fluctuations in the car density cause a chain reaction being able to lead to a traffic jam.(published in New Journal of Physics - www.iop.org)
because most of the other cars switch to the faster lane to make it slow :)) and the other one in which we were before becomes faster as its not crowded
guess so anyway
:D, very true!
I guess because we all think the same..Try to keep your slow lane and for your surprize it will move faster then the other one, I do so lately after I got the same notice.
It seems that IBHOG won this Fazoura :)
Engy: I agree.
*confetti shower*
*trophy* :D
btw, I'm super flattered with the 'Impressive' tag at my blogroll's link, thanks a million I really do appreciate it :)
I guess it is about our perception. Perhaps, we never feel satisfied with what we have and we look forward to other stuff which might be the same as we have now
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