Omar -tab3an- has forwarded me a website - i wont publish its URL, hehe ;)- that announces sex escorting service, where ya 7elween?in CAIRO! we eih, details el details, nas professional el sara7a, every thing has its own price and most of the girls are from eastern Europe.
Tab3an I won't even discuss the concept and how did it penetrate Egypt! That is an endless story. El mohem, how much ba2a for a day ..... kam, 1000 LE la2 tab3an da yemken el entag el ma7ali, kam, aiwa... 10,400 LE !!!!! (mesh fahem ana eih el 400 LE!)
Tayeb, I am a PhD holder, teaching masters and diploma students in a reputable university, managing consultant and board member in a reputable company, and a reputable trainer in Egypt and arab region.... If I got crazy and asked for this amount in 1 man day of consulting, training, ..etc, It will be akeed the last day in my career... I know that -surprisingly- renting minds is much less profitable (no comparison aslan) than renting bodies, bas mesh keda!
So ya Maha, and all my dear blog readers ... I need your opinion, how should i feel about that?!
Akhokom El Mafrous,
w da esmo fann bardo ya ragel!!
well, I have to say you shouldn't be mafroos, and you shouldn't compare situations aslan. As frustrating as it might sound yet, think about the whole package...I don't think the rest of the escort package is tempting enough :D
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half- wit, and the emperor remains an emperor"
sa7 ya emperor..asdy ya Doctor!!
Aside from el farsa :) howa fien police el adab :)
I have been exploring some facebook groups and prostitution seems to be another business hit on FB.
So, I wonder lama 7ad ye2ool kalam may3gbsh el 7okooma yegebooh. And such things mafish 7ad beyfakar yegbha?
Then lieh yedfa3o fi el mostawarad 10400 l.e.? howa 7ata fi di fi 3o2det khawaga :)
el escort wel doctor di zay el rakesa wal seyasi :)
el mokrana mesh fe sal7ak on the short term, but akeed you are the wiiner on the long term
i think you should be MAFROS but only on the short term.
ya nerro, who said anything about fann?
ya shaimaa, we howa feen el police fe game3et el dewal, we share3 el haram, wel mokatam, wel shokak el mafrousha fel mohandseen?
A website? mmm ..
Howa el fekra enn yekhallasona we yenazzamo el mawdoo3 da 3ashan begadd 2erefna.
El mafrood ye3melolhom amaken yetlammo feha we yetkeshef 3alihom regularly zay el dewal barra mabte3mel.
It's about damn time we accept that ba2a, mogtama3 3'areeb, men barra 3eb we 7aram we men gowa haymoto 3ashan wa7da be 100 gneh aslan :S
Bass the 400 L.E is kind of odd fe3lan, darayeb we damgha? walla omg .. gamarek?! :D
About your question, you should try and feel indifferent, it's your best alternative :D
do3aba ya Omar...do3aba :))
no need to feel mafrous khales :))).mafish ay 7aga 3'alat fi elbald dih. everything is exactely at its place :)))
3adi ya doctor. we all got to swollow such things at some times.
bas to be honest, you should be mafrous.:))))))))
heya ba2et keda?!
Mesh adra to comment, i will do after absorbing el sadma ya mohaly.
Really darba adya .. 7asby allah w ne3m el wakeel.
Omar,it reminds me more of naguib elri7any's last movie 'ghazl elbant' when he was comparing his salary as 1st class arabic teacher-with the man who was taking care of the dog:-S
Ma3lesh ya took me 2 hours to copd with bardo :-*
ياللي نصحت الناس بشــــــــــــــرب النبيت
مع بنت حلوه .. وعود , وضحك , وحديت
مش كنت تنصحهم منين يكســــــــــــــــبوا
تمن ده كله ؟ ... و الا يمكن نســـــــــــيت
عجبي !!
Aside of the concept, which is all crap, it seems that a lot of people do really have a lot of money to waste!!
Well I don't see why it is a surprise that they charge so much. It is a simple case of supply and demand. If supply is restricted, then the price goes up. It is just basic economics.
You may say "well these services are around anyway, and so supply is not restricted". True to some degree. But since this is an escort service, then there is a "quality control" factor that demands a premium.
Secondly, given that such services are illegal in Egypt, there is a risk premium to be added on top of that.
I will stick to the price discussion and not venture into other territory, where I'm sure my views will clash with most!
Begad mesh 3arfa a2ool eh wala eh?, mafroosa zayak ya mohaly, w depressed w arfana men kotr el7agat el negative. As if everyone is doing his best to destroy the country, and for what?
Mohaly, when I read this post I remembered the incident of the “TGV” that I told you about two days ago … I guess it will be 3ady ba2a w keda ;)
Akeed there is prostitution in Egypt as in everywhere, we all know that, but it has always been either individually or organized 3almestakhaby.
Now they are advertising for escort services …. In a country claims to have values & strong religious roots (whether Islamic or Coptic) .. 7aga gamila awy !!
Shaimaa is asking about police el adab !!! … howa feen el police aslan fe elbalad? Haven’t u seen youssef shahin’s last movie “heya fawda” ?!
Wake up dear …… This is EGYPT … kolo beyzabat kolo!
Ibrahim is saying it’s about time we accept that >> yalahwy? Then after that rapping girls on the streets will be a minor crime!!!
And knowing Egyptian people, if this went on public, everyone will fight against the concept – while lots & lots will be “hidden clients” - & by the time it will be normal, as everything!!
H.A.W, if we have to swallow such things then we are participating with those who are destroying us, wala eh ?!
I am always thinking about my child, when I try to raise him on our values as we have been raised & at the same time everything around us is going on the opposite way … rabena yostor
Don’t try to compare ya mohaly … u r not qualified enough to earn such amount in this country, may be somewhere else, and as Omar said, u are the winner on the long term “keep the hopes” ;)
Mohaly, my husband wants to get a “Russian servant” @ home, he says “keda awfar” ;))
Begad mesh 3arfa to smile & mock or to be shocked or to be depressed wala eh wala eh wala eh!
God Anob,:
I personally find it a perect economic analysis but you didn't tackle the human aspect, how should we feel after we spent years in working and studying to make our brains eligible to produce quality thinking that we can use to work and prosper.
Actually I am interested in your opinion as you are one of the high profiles I am talking about.
Ana bardo 3ayza a3raf meen ele beyedfa3?
both ya Maha, both :-( :-)
Well, after re-thinking, i might change my career ....
Ana hashtaghal ra2asa :)
ya Maha, your husband da ragel beyefham ;) we ba3deen da afyad leeki 3al long term bardo, kolo ta7t 3eneky hehehe :)
ya Jess, eli ma3ahosh ... mayyelzamoush, akeed el tabaka "EL RAKIA" whose who can spend 10400 LE in one day coz they simply make more than that ;)
ya Maha, enti fakra en enti momken teb2i ra2asa bel sahel keda!
fe beta3 10 million wa7da fel tabour, khodeelik rakam we hanb2a nenadi 3aaleeki lama yegi dorik ya mama!
Mohaly, i forgot to tell you that i like the picture of this post. mo3abera gedan :)
Advertising for the escort services on a photo of the pyramids & the academic degree :))
Omar .... don't worry i know i can be qualified for the job, ana bas mesh 3ayza a3a2adko :P
كشف استطلاع الرأي ـ الذي أجراه الحزب الوطني أخيرا بين المواطنين ـ عن أن هناك شعورا عاما بالتحسن النسبي في مستوي المعيشة والدخل, وفي خدمات الصحة والتعليم ومياه الشرب, وتوفير الخبز المدعوم.
وأوضح الاستطلاع ـ الذي تم علي عينة حجمها2400 أسرة موزعة علي27 وحدة إدارية بين قرية ومدينة وشياخة ـ أن البطالة هي المشكلة الاقتصادية الأولي التي تواجه المواطنين حاليا, يليها مشكلات ارتفاع الأسعار, وانخفاض الدخل, والسكن, والفساد. وأوضح الاستطلاع ـ الذي قام به فريق علمي متخصص ـ أن ثقة المواطنين ازدادت بالحكومة بصفة عامة, وإن كان هناك انخفاض للثقة فيما يتعلق بمواجهة مشكلتي البطالة وارتفاع الأسعار. وقالت نسبة كبيرة من أفراد عينة الاستطلاع: إنهم يشعرون بزيادة هامش الحرية في المجتمع, وقالوا: إنهم ينظرون للمستقبل بشكل أكثر تفاؤلا.
وأوضح الاستطلاع أن نسبة البطالة في المجتمع بلغت في العام الحالي10.9%, وأن البطالة بين الشباب تمثل19%. وقال49% من الأسر التي تم استطلاع آرائها: إن دخلهم الشهري يكفيهم, بينما أوضح51% أن دخلهم لا يكفي. وقال نصف أفراد العينة: إنهم لا يريدون الخصخصة, بينما رأي54% أن القطاع الخاص مفيد جدا للاقتصاد المصري.
Well, it is not really about the amount of money paid.
The idea is ironic. Personally I am against prostitution, the same way I am against legalizing drug use.
These can't fall under the category of personal choices. Personal choices are those choices you make and affect no one but you. When you start affecting others, this is a crime.
What is really ironic is that if these people paid half that amount to Egyptian prostitutes, they would have helped raising the standard of living of some Egyptian families. But instead they are helping the eastern European economies! It is really ironic!
And the comment wasn't about the presence of police in general. The point was specific. People are being arrested for saying things online, so why don't they arrest these people too. wala they have filters, they can only read politics?
I am not a fan of Khaled Youssef's work.
And I won't take neither his view nor any other person's view for granted. Because 1st it wasn't a documentary (and even documentaries represents someone's opinion). 2nd the movie business in Egypt in general doesn't represent Egypt. I don't relate to any of the movie characters, I don't relate to the way actors look and act in the movies. I don't think many of the 80 millions relate to any of them.
So, heya fawda, for me is just a fiction. Someone who was affected with something and made a story that has violence and sex to sell. And he didn't even sell a solution along them!
Playing on the negative feeling most of the Egyptians have is something that sells too.
In my opinion if this country is fawda in anyway, it is because we are fawdawyeen. I believe that each and everyone of you had bribed someone to do him something. Each and everyone of you had broke a law at least once in his life. (I did and I am sure all of you did too)
And systems like the one ruling us flourishes in fawda.
I think Mohaly should have reported this site to someone. I don't know if electronic government services has reached that phase. But akeed there is a way other than watching.
And ibhog, next time you see a prostitute in the street report her. Call the police. Maybe there are bad cops but also there are good cops who really serve this country. But probably you won't report prostitution because you are pro it ;)
My point is, the negative things will keep negative unless we change them. And change won't come unless we imposed it.
Shiamaa, you clearly expressed your point (although I feel tension underneath the words)..
3agabetni floushring Eastern European Economy, it is another irony!
For reporting it, publishing it on BlogSpot, and Facebook is a start and akeed it will reach them (if they don't know already ;) we el 400 LE is customs as IBHOG said!
It is not tension, it is coffee withdrawal symptoms :)
I think adultry is legal now as long as both parties are in agreement and it is not exercised in public, w Ullaho 2a3lam ya3ni.
The more important part is where is the religious establishment? No one has ever talked about how we should react to such things and I am really lost on that. I live in a remote area and people get together in cars all the time and I really don't know what to do about it except for trying to annoy the hell out of them lest they have some shame. Call me "mish ragil" if you'd like, but I really don't know better. And I've asked the Imam at our mosque and he didn't know better either.
2id3o Rubbina yisli7 7alna wa la yaj3alana fitnatan lil qawmi ith-thalimeen..
Shaimaa, i totally agree with you that we are "sha3b fawdawy" and the negative things will remain negative until we do something - we all know that- but saying & knowing is not DOING!
& for your info, this escort service is made specifically for "top businessmen", they have a mission & selected clients (ya3ny very highly organized prostitution)
the EGP 400 that annoys you akeed from the exchange rate, definetly their prices are in US$ or Euro!!
aw commissions w stamps :)
stamps :)
The businessman:
Why didn't you send me the girl I have asked for? :(
El Mowazaf:
enta neset el 400 LE damghet da3ara ya oztaz !
I like the question that is being raised, what should we do?!
This needs some thinking and research..
@ Anonymous
It is illegal if money is included.
@ Maha
I really believe if a top businessman can't find a better way to have sex, he should pay this amount to his shrink :) I never understood what would make someone pay to get something that he can get for free.
Shaimaa .. it depends on the type of "goods & services" they get.
Kolo betamano.
about paying to shrink, that could be done if they know there is something wrong, but actually they don't, for them everything is business & is calculated .. "money talks"
el balad de mawkoosa fe3lan, I just remembered the endlessly pious lawyer who formed the cult we see these days of 'banning porn websites' and when he won the freaking case, everyone was happy.
Well, Maha, believe me, if porn is banned, rape rates will explode, ya3ny begadd hatkhafy tenzely bellel fe3lan, I think you know the real numbers of porn surfers in Egypt, use any web crawler reporting tool and see the keywords. And in KSA we all know what's happening behind walls, la2 we al3an men keda, homosexuality rates!
I live in Haram, and I see prostitutes all the time, and I can see their disgusting ways of sneaking around and smuggling alcohol and .. well, other things :S
I'm not pro prostitution, I just want things to be organized, because and let's be honest here, even if I reported 100 prostitutes (el haram malyan awy asl), bardo there are hundreds of thousands fel balad kollaha, and not accepting them is denying a fact, yes, it's bad, it's imposed, but it's there, and we have to deal with it.
Guys begadd begadd the police? lol .. da fe rape cases HNAK! gowa 3andohom!
It's a mere emotional burden to accept them, because they're criminals from a religion point of view, we sob7an allah, el religion tele3 hena fag2a bardo! laken fe hagat tanya tela2y marmy 3ala ganb!
Ya gama3a, el religion da mesh an outfit we can customize to our own convenience, we either follow it or we don't follow it!
Ya3ny el masaged already fadya we ba3den fag2a hobb keda lazem ne7areb el de3ara? ezzay teegy de, da la yomken abadan hane3raf ne7arebha .. abadan abadan!
If I'm getting a vote for organizing prostitution, I'll say yes. This doesn't mean I vote for prostitution or that I have empathy for those disgusting creatures, it just means we have to deal with what we face. And if you think thoroughly, the best way to contain it, is to organize it or to arrest them ALL (and that's just not possible).
Da inside Egyptian families delwa2ty if a teenage said the word: "Prostitute", they're punished, because it's taboo, so they grow up *wanting* to know what that is (and of course religion tale3 hena bass already, fa mafeesh any constraints! ya3ny momken tela2y la besally wala beysoom we beyesra2 we beyekzeb), and it's only a matter of time when they're free enough to hit rock bottom in the nearest nightclub.
We ba3den el religion yetla3 men sobato hena ba3d ma kan marmy we tela2ina ben2ool eh da .. 2felo el night club! arrest them all .. those nasty criminals!
we mafeesh yomen we te7sal rape case fel share3 belnahar .. we 7asbeya allah wa ne3m el wakeel!
eh el comment el momella de! sorry!
I'm LOVING this blog!
i agree with maha, lovely picture as always ya mohaly
although i am totally against adultury but i am wondering that nowadays girls became so easy, why do people to pay money for ?!
I really like the way you put stuff together. To tell you the truth, I am not sure if organizing prostitution is good or not.
On one side it is better for:
1. keeping and eye and control
2. minimizing STD (sexual transmitted diseases)
3. believe it or not, 7emayet el mostahlek (from paying more) .. may be they should have a "3adad" zay el taxi :)
4. making the rest of streets prositition free as it is everywhere now.
On the other side we are legalizing something that is prohibited by religion, so it is a philosophical dilemma!
Ibhog .. i like your way in writting stuff too :)
& i agree with all what you wrote, except for the part of organizing prostitution, and i know it's also impossible to clean the streets from those prostitutes!!
Instead of organizing this disgusting thing, other things should be done:
Changing & developing the education system for example(including values, morals & sex education) i believe if people get the minimum education they need, they will realize what's going around them, but we are people living day by day w kolo beyemshy!
ya amina, you mean leih teda3 aktar lama memkon tedfa3 a2al aw matedfa3sh khales ;)
ask maha, she seems to have good connections (her late comments shows high self confidence about that ;)
a comment from facebook:
Ahmedabdelrehim made a comment about your link:
"ya doc. a2olk ana el fare fen fe el se3er wenta 3rfen ana fe el so2 men zaman , that means i have the market expercience and also gulf exp.
the diff is in the overheads and in direct cost , as we contractors say for this job to be profitable , khalena belo3't el so2 ahsan balsh el white collars lang. ya3ni 3ashan tekoen " merbaha we gaybba hamha " fe nas keter wa2fa wara el end product dah el product dah magleksh keda men el hawa , ya doc matbosesh fe el nas fe l2methom :)
P.S 1: send me the site plz i wanna apply there emken ekon 3ayezen male escorts wala haga we my overhead is not that much so i will offer the lowest rate and best value for money :) , escorting for both sexies is ok bardo akel 3esh mor ya doc.
we ba3den 7'lanea nebatal contracting as it is involve the same practices used by the " escorting " ladies but wt less pay :)"
Well Omar, the topic was shocking & woth searching after it & i was even more shocked to an extent that i felt i'm not living in the same country :)
bas ya3ny heya gat 3ala dee :))
lama ab2a ra2asa yemken i can accept the situation w mayefre2sh ma3aya to be shocked from these facts :))
About why to pay ba2a da mawdoo3 tany, since guys like to hunt, it's became so easy now as girls are offering themselves & for free, that makes them "cheap goods", so as long as their prices are high, and the contact are through agencies w 7arakat, the quality seems to be guaranteed & for that they worth to be paid for (from their point of view)!
Mohaly, fekret el 3adad maskhara :)
bas el khof ba2a yeb2o zay el taxi, ye2felo el 3adad we yetkhan2o 3ala el ogra :))
You can mark a price for having sex, but Making Love is priceless.
I have an answer to your orginal question ya Mohaly. Edgar Wallace said "An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex."
and regarding making love or that is ex for free or "marriage".. I'd say:
"The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less" :))
Well Dr. Mohammed ... this issue is in the whole world not in Egypt only and this industry is really profitable one, more than any other industry. Am I the only one cold here :-)))))))))
moftary enta bardo ya mohaly, mesh lazem LE10400, ma feah per hour and per 2 hours w 3 hours kaman!!..lazem el overnight ya3ny!!
kaman prices are in euro and EGP so el LE400 di bta3et el x-change rate mehs mzawdenha ya3ny..(I googled the website and found it, was in the first 5 top ranks)!!
7aga zeft bgad..aeh ele ba2eena feah da!!..na2es aeh tany??!!
Did you notice this part "available for incall (in a luxurt five stars hotel in city center of cairo) and outcall appointments"??!!
Does it mean that it can be managed by the hotel???!!
gamda enti ya engy bardo :)
not the hotel itself, but security guys lazem beyeb2o 3arefeen, mesh ay wa7da betedkol ay hotel, ba buz kebeer as the cute marianne said ;)
The New York Times reports:
A small group of scientists, including some psychologists, say they are starting to discover what many Wall Street professionals have long suspected — that people are hard-wired for money. The human brain, these researchers say, responds to high-stakes trading just as it does to the lure of sex. And the riskier the trades get, the more the brain craves them.
Maha, when i said swollow it down- dear- i meant swollow down the fact taht someone as good as dr. Mohamed will not earn such an amount per day. even after all his certificates, studies, participation in all he listed.
didnt mean swollow down such "things".
sorry for the misunderstanding dear.
ibhog: i like the way you got it all linked together, but i hate the idea of "accepting" it.
i agree to the concept that it will make streets safer for others, if "they" have their closed places. and agree with oyur opinion, that it would be better if organized and somehow legalized.
but i cant swollow this. have we reached this phase????
instaed of encouraging more constructive ideas and principes and religious education, support of marriage in poor levels, etc. we accept this????
la2, i thought it over but i cant. like Maha said, when im supposed to raise my children what shall i teach them ba2a? how shall i explain this???
begad, i cant accept it. i cant swollow or tolerate it. if i do, what about my religous believes then? i will be accepting and tolerating and in a way encouraging something that is forbidden, and that is kaman one of the "kaba2er".
la2, i cant possibly do that. its hell on earth.
what should we do?
i guess we dont have any options but to try and get things back to the right track.
for this escort- nothing to be done. its for people who choose to pay their money in it. khalas.
but for others, for the community and new generations, we could do this:
1- encourage education as much as possible. forget about manhag el ta3liem. what i mean is educate those arround us of what is religion, life, family, dameer.those who havent had any education or not our level of education- we can deliver our knowledge to them.
2-encourage young generations to keep a close relation to Masjid/church for better religious education. it will keep them busy and on the long term they will develop a sense of 7aram and 7alal, which will protect them.
3-financially support marraige of poor people, helping them to start a stable family.
4-where you can, raise youngesters arround you. be it ibn el bawab, street cleaner, anywhere you see something wrong, calmly point it out to the person, especially if its a young boy or girl. bas ya3ni be careful not to get into troubles :))))
5-moms and dads, please keep a close eye on your children. where they go, who are their clsoe friends, the way they talk, their level of trusting you and open up to you, encourage them to do sports, encourage them to read and learn, encourage any hobbies they your best to develop a balanced person. invest love and time in them. they are not less important than your careers.
i think we have only reached this phase of everything is corrupted, because parents have stoped raising their children.
this is what i could think of right now.wish i could do more
ya salam howa ento koloko lesa 3arfeen el7ekaya de just now? ento hatmaselo wala eih ma de 7agat e7na 3arfenha men zaman howa ento ma betshofosh arabic movies wala eih? wala ento fakreen en de bas aflam maho e7na 7ayatna nafsaha film kol yom benshof we benesma3 7aga gededa....
Mohaly didn't you know all of that when you wrote(bitches&wives)? and by the way there's more than one channel on satelite like this website that's beside offering oral sex as well&didn't anyone of you noticed these channels?at least in order to delete it if you have kids? kol da mawgod men zaman bas makansh belbaga7a bet3at delwa2ty...rabena yer7amna we yostor 3alena.....
من اجمل قصائد نزار قبــــــــاني
قالت لهُ...
أتحبني وأنا ضريرة ...
وفي الدُّنيا بناتُ كثيرة ...
الحلوةُ و الجميلةُ و المثيرة ...
ما أنت إلا بمجنون ...
أو مشفقٌ على عمياء العيون ...
قالَ ...
بل أنا عاشقٌ يا حلوتي ...
ولا أتمنى من دنيتي ...
إلا أن تصيري زوجتي ...
وقد رزقني الله المال ...
وما أظنُّ الشفاء مٌحال ...
قالت ...
إن أعدتّ إليّ بصري...
وفي يومٍ جاءها مُسرِعا ...
أبشري قد وجدّتُ المُتبرِّعا ...
وستبصرين ما خلق اللهُ وأبدعا ...
وستوفين بوعدكِ لي ...
وتكونين زوجةً لي ...
ويوم فتحت أعيُنها ...
كان واقفاَ يمسُك يدها ...
رأتهُ ...
فدوت صرختُها ...
أأنت أيضاً أعمى؟!!...
وبكت حظها الشُؤمَ ...
لا تحزني يا حبيبتي ...
ستكونين عيوني و دليلتي ...
فمتى تصيرين زوجتي ...
قالت ..
أأنا أتزوّجُ ضريرا ...
وقد أصبحتُ اليومَ بصيرا ...
فبكى ....
وقال سامحيني ...
من أنا لتتزوّجيني ....
ولكن ...
قبل أن تترُكيني ...
أريدُ منكِ أن تعديني...
أن تعتني جيداً بعيوني
Mary, this post is about discovering an organized foriegn escorting service in Cairo not just prostitution, and comparing its income to our profiles.
We know akeed about prositution, it was there 10000 years before this blog was opened.
P.S. beshwesh shewaya 3al nas :)
H.A.W .. ana bardo 2olt akeed i misunderstood ur words ;), i got ur point & tab3an i agree with you.
Mary, as u & mohaly mentioned ... prostitution already exist many years before, but not belbaga7a dee w kaman advertizing for themselves & having profiles & criteria for their staff !!
Take it easy dear, by the way, who does't know u here will say enek dakhla telatashy fe elnas :))
Miss you :)
Mohaly, it's meaningless to compare the value of your mind, and education with just some extra money...
Coz yu are comparing something pricesless to another thing that is very easy to acheive.
I think you are the winner on both short and long terms.
It's not 7'aless about money,it's about having things that no money can buy.
We ba3deen we know that if your aim is only making money, it's easy fe baladak dy by many ways.... bass the impossible thing delwa2ty is making value ....
shokran ya Marwa 3al kalam el gamed dah, athlagtee sadry :)
Miss you too ya Maha we ana mesh da7'la 2alatash fe 7ad walahy bas ana zehe2t ba2a we 2ereft men el 7agat de...El beyot et7'arabet we elnas da3et,we elbanat ra7et fe dahia.na2es eih tany 3ashan el wa7ed yeb2a depressed?kowayes 2awy eny lessa ma enta7artesh le3'ayet delwa2ty...
Mohaly i'm really sorry about my way in commenting bas really everyday 3amaleen neshof we nesma3 7agat leiha el3agab we 2al 3adel emam kan bey2ol: (balad beta3et shehadat sa7e7)...Ma3lesh you should be mafroos we man2oot kaman bas 2ady 7al el donia..tefteker lesa fe amal?
it is out of question Mary, if there is no hope, there is no life aslan!
p.s. shahadat eih ba2a! I should have done it in Sexual Studies kanet teb2a afyad!
Gamda ya Mohaly
positive thinking:
Time is on my side, the more i grow older, i can charge more fees, while she will have to have less fees every half decade.
I can work till i am 70, she will be obselete in such business by forty something.
finally one positive thinking here:))))
true you can work as long as you wish, she will have to stop by 40 maximum.
and one final comment, which you of course know but here it is once more.
what you have is priceless, no matters how things arround are.
dont be mafrous, be happy for choosing the right path.:))))))
Ya Mohaly, i believe that that's the approach you need to consider in your career.
Brain and body,,,idea & action be
practical and join the hype :)
just consider what the market needs.
we law mawdoo3 el 400 meday2ak khaleeh 500
Some thoughts to further complicate some of the issues raised here:
I have no idea whether these women you write of have masterminded and are single-handedly profiting from the sale of their own bodies, but I think some of the following bears reflection.
Eastern Europe is now the destination from where the most trafficked women, tricked into or forced into prostitution, come from.
Eastern Europe has a rapidly growing HIV population.
Anonymous Offering More Food for Thought
Subhan Allah ya akhi, mesh bardak "el-mafrood nsheel ba3d" walla eah? You know "Masr Om El-Donya" so the poor Eastern girls found no place but our country to just do it! Also I think that this sum of "10,400 LE" is almost equal to "$1,850" with today rates so I wonder whether is this too much? Da keda nasb 3alany :D
O.K. Aside from my sarcasm above, I share your status of being mafrous because for years I am reputiable but never got that sum in one night :D
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
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