-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

323) Maho Ya Mohamed, Ya Gamal !

Hmm... I realized now why the only option we have is Gamal!
Since the "Revolution" in 1952, all the people who governed Egypt were either Gamal or Mohamed:

-MOHAMED Naguib 1953-1954
-GAMAL Abdel Nasser 1954-1970
-MOHAMED Anwar El Sadat 1970-1981
-MOHAMED Hosni Mubarak 1981 -

and since Mohamed has been dominating for the past 37 years, it is about time for Gamal.. and since there is no other Gamal in all the key positions in the country (People's Assembly, Shoura Council, the Prime Ministers, and Ministers, and even el the NDP), then Gamal Mubarak is the only choice we have 3ashan man2ta3sh 3ada :)

Shofo ezay el madou3 wala tawreeth wala 7aga...e7na bas neyetna we7sha ;)


Anonymous said...

fekra bardo
ya ya Mohaly, akheeran 3erefna el sabab
gazak Allah kheir ya sheikh :)

Anonymous said...

ana el 3agabni el infinity sign eli ganb hosni mubarak ;)

sohier said...

helwa ya mohaly ...deih tel3et 3adaaa kedah zay el ka7k fel 3eed ya3nee maloush asas men el se7aa ya3nee tel3et BED3A :D w kol bed3da dalalh w kol dalalah fel nar yeb2aa nebtel el bed3aa deih ya mohaly w rabena yekfena shar el beda3 ya me3alem:)

Anonymous said...

yetrabba fe 3ezzo (7amada 3ezzo) nonna 3ala el 7egr (MAMA ??) tehezzo...elnas yet3'azo ma yet3'azo..3ala senanhom gazzo wala yhezzo...
etma7'tar tata tata be 2alata..ya (7amada) hay2omo (3ozzalak) we yefezzooo

yeeeet raaabbaaaa fee 3eeezzzoooo

(ya 7amada ya gamed ;) )

na3tazer le ye7ya el fa7'arany tab3an..no offence at all ;)

by the way..ya 7amada ya gamed is all what crossed my mind when i was listening to his speach fe maglesy el sha3b we elshora..el mowakkareen..