-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Saturday, November 3, 2007

315) Wives and Bitches!!

Sorry for the title but it is in the core of what I wanna say!

I always wondered why do bitches (not necessary hookers, any kind of bitchy attitude) get what they want, while wives don't get it with the same ease (if they can get it aslan)?

Why do men become able to pay double what they planned for a bitch, and think twice when they want to get an expensive gift to their wives?

Is it "shatara" from the bitch, or "khayaba" from wife, or the problem in both men and women?!



Embee said...

The reason behind that imho is the same reason why relationships go boring after a while. Wife is his khalas, she's not going anywhere. As for the side-dish, he has to prove himself to her to have her attention and beat other "johns" to her. I guess so ya3ni.

Anonymous said...

coz el bitches -lamo2akhza- know how the man thinks and the shortest way to his decision making process but wives donnot put themselves in their husband shoes,

Anonymous said...

we feen tamer, he is the one expert in such topics :)

Tamer Mokhtar said...

ana geet :)

the same difference between full timer job & who is working per hour... heheh!

one for long term & the second per job!

aiwa keda ya mohaly etkalem fe 7aga nefhama hehehehh

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

cause wives after marriage became anything but a wife

loose their femininity

and men want always to feel the femininity and softness of women ...

Anonymous said...

A lot of men choose a wife based on qualities different than what they fantasize about, sexually.
Dependable partner, good mother, socially acceptable, etc.
while if he interacts with a woman he's sexually attracted to, hence becomes weak under her "spell", he loses most reasoning, and gives in to his attraction.

Unknown said...

Cause men get board faster than wives changes, women needs to keep man interested and keen for what next, this why bored wives losing against fluffy an kinky bitchy behavior, this doesn't mean a wive to behave like bitch, but to know how to keep her man quite busy thinking of her in fantasy ways

Mohaly said...

good point ya Usama

Mohaly said...

I think part of the man no matter how serious he is wants to be pampered even in a childish way, and when he suddenly find what he was getting -and actually looking for more when married- is vanished after marriage he feels fooled and starts (consciously or unconsciously) seeking it outside.