-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Sunday, April 20, 2008

391) Moh@lyics Weekly E11 !

Helwan: I understand that we need to divide Cairo to be able to manage it, but the logic says that it should be divided into Old Cairo and New Cairo, not Old Cairo and Helwan... From the culture, future, nature, distance..etc the new governorate should be covering the all the new areas in Cairo and be called "new Cairo" beacuse the future is there, and keep Helwan part of the old Cairo where it belongs.

Coptic Pope: What happened in London is definitely not acceptable. The Coptic Pope is a holy figure that should be treated with respect and shouldn’t be asked to pass through security gates. I am glad that Egypt had decided to treat British VIPs same way so that the know that VIPs are VIPs regardless of their nationalities.



Shimaa Gamal said...

May be they didn't it new Cairo mn bab el tafa2ol :) They didn't want to curse it bel za7ma wel polution.
I believe the future isn't there. All the new areas in Cairo are part of the present, the future is else where. The future is in the unplanned.

Yasmine said...
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Yasmine said...

"كانت أوساط المحكمة الدستورية العليا قد تحدثت عن أن المأزق الذي تعرضت له جاء بسبب أن المادة ‏174‏ من الدستور تنص علي أن مدينة القاهرة هي مقر المحكمة الدستورية العليا‏ وبعد صدور القرار الخاص بإنشاء محافظة حلوان‏ فوجئت المحكمة بأن مقرها الواقع علي كورنيش النيل وضمن دائرة حي البساتين قد أصبح تابعا جغرافيا لمحافظة حلوان‏ وليس للقاهرة العاصمة‏ مما يشكل مخالفة دستورية‏."


Anonymous said...

and they say that it has been studied for 2 years now!!!!!
how come and problems keeps on arising, they may need your strategic skills ya mohaly ;)

Embee said...

What is still completely baffling me is having Al Re7ab & Madinati under the same governor as Helwan with all the poverty, 3ezab & factories. Each of those has different problems, issues & ways to handle things. The logic to do that is completely beyond me.