-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Saturday, October 9, 2010

723) Muslim ... Mase7y ... Egyptian!

I really don't understand the silly discussions regarding Muslims and Christians that are taking part in all sorts of media during the last couple of months.

I think there are some major stuff regarding life, principals, morals...etc that has to do with our everyday life that are common in both religions and that is the most important thing. Co-existence and our relations have no contradiction with what came in both religions.

Our differences come about major stuff as well, but stuff that has nothing to do with the present life, it is either about what happened in the past or what will happen in the afterlife. In both cases we shouldn’t waste our time about it coz both followers (Muslims & Christians) won’t change their believes, and even if they did, it won’t matter in such case.
Jesus was crucified or not, who will go to heaven, will he come back to fight with or against Muslims... all of these issues don't affect our current life and having major disputes and even fights about it doesn't benefit anyone.

We do both agree about the main values in life, ethics, morals, we look alike, talk alike, and have common history and common destiny. This should drive us both to unite in order to save ourselves and our country from its long setback and don't take into further drops... None of us benefit from what is happening, only common enemies do.

I do like my Christian friends and colleagues -actually the girl I liked the most in my life was Christian- and I don't know a reason of hating them or considering them different in any form. Or as my dear friend Ehaab Abdo sings: "Muslim...Mase7y... Ana Masry".

We are both Egyptians, and we both own and will live this land till the end of life...Other than that, we won't have a country to fight about in the first place!



Shimaa Gamal said...

أنا كل لما أقرأ حاجة أو أشوف برنامج من بتوع البنزين على النار ده مايجيش فى دماغى إلا حاجة واحدة ، ما بدل المظاهرات على كل حاجة ، ليه مافيش حد فكر فى مظاهرة وحدة وطنية .
ليه ما فيش إلا أصوات الفتنة ؟

Mohaly said...

from my facebook

Mohamed Fathy فراغ فكري يا دكتور محمد

Nihal Mostafa leh mesh bene3mel mozaharat zay zaman, we yekoun fiha muslimin we mese7een ma3 ba3d??? zay thowret 19 keda...eh el zaman el 3'arib eli e7na 3aysheen fih dah???!!!!

Sarah Saad Well said Doctor... in addition ba2a yasalam lama el media tseeb kol 7aga bte7sal we trakez awi 3ala these kind of conflicts!!!
Walahi law e7na bas fakkarna logically 7aykoon el mawdoo3 absat mn keda bkteer msh bas regarding Muslims and Christians but regarding our country's issues too

amina said...

the image is great, says it all.

Shereen Hassan said...

This issue is very silly even to discuss. I was in a Coptic school educated by sisters, 95% of my school friends were Christians, my best friend Marian I love her & she share me all her secrets, one of my ideals is Christian. My family share phone calls & visits with our Christian friends, I got very surprised when I read or watch a discussion regarding this issue, I even never imagine such discussion, because I raised up to love & respect the other even if I have my own believes. Our religion Islam based on this idea, “There is no compulsion in religion”

Shereen Hassan said...

This issue is very silly even to discuss. I was in a Coptic school educated by sisters, 95% of my school friends were Christians, my best friend Marian I love her & she share me all her secrets, one of my ideals is Christian. My family share phone calls & visits with our Christian friends, I got very surprised when I read or watch a discussion regarding this issue, I even never imagine such discussion, because I raised up to love & respect the other even if I have my own believes. Our religion Islam based on this idea, “There is no compulsion in religion”

Shereen Hassan said...

This issue is very silly even to discuss. I was in a Coptic school educated by sisters, 95% of my school friends were Christians, my best friend Marian I love her & she share me all her secrets, one of my ideals is Christian. My family share phone calls & visits with our Christian friends, I got very surprised when I read or watch a discussion regarding this issue, I even never imagine such discussion, because I raised up to love & respect the other even if I have my own believes. Our religion Islam based on this idea, “There is no compulsion in religion”

Shereen said...

This issue is very silly even to discuss. I was in a Coptic school educated by sisters, 95% of my school friends were Christians, my best friend Marian I love her & she share me all her secrets, one of my ideals is Christian. My family share phone calls & visits with our Christian friends, I got very surprised when I read or watch a discussion regarding this issue, I even never imagine such discussion, because I raised up to love & respect the other even if I have my own believes. Our religion Islam based on this idea, “There is no compulsion in religion”

ahmed said...

احنا كلنا ابناء وطن واحد نصارى ومسلمين، ومفيش حد فينا ملوش جار أو صديق مسيحي والعكس بالعكس ويوم ما بتحصل كارثة مش بتفرق بين مسيحي ومسلم. ثم ان القرآن نص على ان اقرب الناس مودة للذين آمنوا النصارى

Hicham said...

This picture is worth a thousand words. We are Egyptians, whether Muslims or Christians who face the same problems.

I believe we should be more mature to understand that when the hate speech rise, it reflects the shallow minds that calls for it from both sides, especially the radicals who don't accept the exsistence of other people than those who follow them. Needless to mention that this can be a backdoor for our enemies and if we think that Egypt (the country not regime) has no enemies, then we're dreaming.

in simple words: erhamona ba2a men el-takhalof el-3a2ly da. We need to move forward.

Names said...

totally agree with ya dr. Mohamed but it is not a silly discussion now it is a silly action. As an egyptian i do believe that we are in one unit and we have to do something to show all the world that we all are egyptians in the good and bad situations. We have to protect ourselves from the enimies.

Allah gives the moslem man the permission to marry from the christian or even jewish woman. It means a lot. Our islam is mawada we ra7ma. Why do we deny this fact?

In The Name of Allah. "Ina ga3lnakom sho3oban wa kaba2el let3arafo."

Kefaya ba2a zolm we eftra 3alena we 3alehom.