Communication is THE most important aspect in the success or failure of any relationship. It is a real pity when both parties like each other and they have to break up because they can't smoothly communicate. It is not an easy decision but it is inevitable.
Please don't ruin your relationship with lack or mis-communication.
I guess u r totally right, but it is not that easy :( sometimes especilly if u r in the begining of a relationship u put a line to ur self not to be crossed telling ur self this will change in the future. during this period u may be misunderstood as u can't communicate properly with ur partner. or what do u think?
I Think it will be too late .. u should be yourself from day 1.
Nice New Theme! I like it waay better than the old ones.
And you are correct..fe3lan, people tend to misinterespret the non-communicated :D
Have you seen that movie called: 28 days? It talked about just that!
thank u
28 days: yes i did, it is relevant
I think at some point, one shouldn't really try any harder; that far, either things should have already worked out, or they never will.
It's a matter of protecting one's sanity and searching for their partner elsewhere.
One interesting thought though is how lack of communication sometimes makes you miss out on great potential partners!!
Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.
u r right, may be it would be too late but it happens :( regardless how much u r in love with ur partner.
one of my problems :(
marwa khtb
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