-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011
729) 3alam Wara2 !
Isn't it Ironic that your whole life is just about some pieces of paper .....
A Birth Certificate shows that we were born...
A Death Certificate shows that we died...
and Pictures show that we lived !!
i don't know why, but this kind of hurts :(
It does indeed ya ze2red.
yes i realized how imp are these papers when i lost my wallet,,so take good care of your ID 3shn hatet3ab awy enk tetal3 wa7ed tany:))
btw ana lao bas nesyt my password fa i couldnt enter with my account:((
It shouldn't just be about some pieces of papers to prove we lived and died! It would be really sad if we came into life and left without adding anything or changing or influencing any living being, whether it is human, animal, or even plant; or even added something to ourselves, like learned something beneficial or worshipped God the proper way... If the only thing that would prove we lived are papers, then we have definitely wasted our lives....I hope that we never waste our lives, cause we only live once!
So amazingly TRUE.It shouldn't be this way at all,we should influence others or even have a small impact or interaction to be remembered. i dont mean it has to be a huge thing or a great discovery,what i mean that i would like to be remembered as a good friend or a great mum or someone who was there in time of need .
but really dont know if even this tiny thought is applicable in this world.
That is why I started saying: "Isn't it Ironic?"
remember this?
Yaaa I miss awe these days whenever I listen to the songs of the old Fawazeer I remember when I was a kid and waiting for them in Ramadan, I love these Fawazeer
haha :) yeah, Nelly :) It was really nice....I used to tell my mum that when I grow up and finish school, I will be free to watch Nelly every Ramadan!lol :)
I don't think that Allah (SWT) created us to have these papers only and then die.
This is only from the governmental perspective, we are for them just some pieces of paper.
P.S: you forget to mention after A birth....., a death......, pictures ..... ACTIONS you did that truly made a difference in others lives to be remembered with it.
Our life time is not calculated with days we lived, it is with smiles we drew on others faces, it is any help offered to the needy people. In fact it is many things..
Kol sana wentom tayben :).
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