Since I started a series called
BrightSide of Egypt talking about good people and stuff in our generation, I thought of creating balance and start the
DarkSide of Egypt too. Hopefully the bright side posts will outnumber the
DarkSide ones :)
The first topic and one of the most serious
DarkSide issues in our generation is the 3
urfi Marriage where any 2 can just write a paper and keep a copy in a hypocrite way for just having sex (sorry for being blunt). It is the
Quran (Al-baqara) which said that the Hypocrites will be in the lowest level in Hell (a3
ozo Bellah). So even those who have a "western" boy-girl friend style are not as worse as those who are 3
urfi married
coz they are fooling themselves, the society, and think that they are "fooling" Allah.
I know that there are many reasons that have led to this situation including financial, economic, social, and religious awareness as well. But when you read the following part of a study, you will know why I decided to dedicate my first post about the
DarkSide for it.
كشفت إحصائيات صادرة عن وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية المصرية، النقاب عن وجود أكثر من 255 ألف طالب وطالبة في مصر متزوجون عرفيا. ويشكل هذا العدد نسبة تصل إلى 17 % من طلبة الجامعات في مصر، والبالغ عددهم 5.1 مليونا. وبحسب الإحصائية فان هناك 14 ألف طفل من مجهولي النسب هم نتاج هذا النوع من الزواج.
Continuing with this rate will not only be a problem but will be a catastrophe as it act as an avalanche that will swap many of the long-lived Egyptian
characteristics along the way the least of which will be the family values.
Mohaly :(