Arabs should be entitled for the World Records in consumption, with distinction regarding how silly the fields of consumption are. I will just be mentioning selected numbers from the non-periodical reports of Arab World Consumptions, and briefly commenting..although sometimes I feel that there is no comment, but I will leave that to you to decide...
Outcome of monthly cellular SMS messages that appear on the bar at the bottom of the screen of Arab satellite channels in the downlink convergence (8) million dollars!
The cost of producing video clips of Arab songs is (16) billion dollars per year!
Total annual income of domestic servants is Arab (35) billion dollars ! or approximately (3) billion dollars a month!!
Total spending by the Arab Women on beauty products in a single year is (2) billion dollars (1.5 billion share of Gulf women!
Total spending by all the Arab countries on scientific research is (1.7) billion dollars annually, representing (0.3%) only of the gross national product.
For comparison: in France, 2.7%, Sweden 2.9%, Japan 3% (ie, 10 times as much Arab countries combined), In Israel, 4.7% according to figures from UNESCO for the year 2004)!
The number of illiterates in the Arab world is more than the (100) million, this means that one of every 3 Arabs can not read or write!!! And for those who spend their money on books: The average number of books read by an American per year (11) books, and European (7) Books, The Arab in a single year does not exceed a quarter page
P.S. Thank God that the report did not mention how much do Arabs spend on prostitutes and sex escorts.