I simply can't understand how can a man in the 21st century deal with his wife through beating her up!
78% of husbands -in Egypt- have beaten their wives either physically or emotionally. The irony is that 65% only of these wives have admitted it !!.....13% were even afraid to admit it!
It is even a chronic crime ... when the children watch this as a normal scene, it becomes part of the their conception about marriage, ... and the misery goes on!
I can't blame the man only, I have to blame the families that apply double standards in raising their boys and girls..... to the extent that some men think of women as a piece of furniture at home, and women accept it coz of "del ragel wala del 7eta".
But it is not about blaming only. The question is: how to prevent this from being passed on to the next generation?
كشف الجهازالمركزى للتعبئة والاحصاء أن حوالى 78% من الأزواج اعترفوا بأنهم مارسوا أحد أشكال العنف سواء البدنى أو النفسى أو اللفظى ضد زوجاتهم، وفى المقابل أقرت 65% من الزوجات أنهن تعرضن لأحد اشكال العف على أيدى أزواجهن.