Since Maha couldn't tolerate more of the last post, so i decided to give her el darba el 2adia :)
Omar -tab3an- has forwarded me a website - i wont publish its URL, hehe ;)- that announces sex escorting service, where ya 7elween?in CAIRO! we eih, details el details, nas professional el sara7a, every thing has its own price and most of the girls are from eastern Europe.
Tab3an I won't even discuss the concept and how did it penetrate Egypt! That is an endless story. El mohem, how much ba2a for a day ..... kam, 1000 LE la2 tab3an da yemken el entag el ma7ali, kam, aiwa... 10,400 LE !!!!! (mesh fahem ana eih el 400 LE!)
Tayeb, I am a PhD holder, teaching masters and diploma students in a reputable university, managing consultant and board member in a reputable company, and a reputable trainer in Egypt and arab region.... If I got crazy and asked for this amount in 1 man day of consulting, training, ..etc, It will be akeed the last day in my career... I know that -surprisingly- renting minds is much less profitable (no comparison aslan) than renting bodies, bas mesh keda!
So ya Maha, and all my dear blog readers ... I need your opinion, how should i feel about that?!
Akhokom El Mafrous,