فى إعتقادى إن التركيز على صندوق الإنتخاب ما هو
إلا إمتداد لثقافة التركيز على الإمتحان كهدف و ليس كأداة تقييم، و التى
كانت أحد الأسباب الرئيسية فى إنحراف منظمومة التعليم عن أهدافها و رسالتها. سي
صندوق الإنتخاب
ليس غاية و لا حتى وسيلة للديمقراطية... صندوق الإنتخاب ما هو إلا اّليه من اّليات
الديمقراطية.. هدف أى حزب شريف و وطنى هو إحساس الناس بالفارق الإيجابى لوجوده
بالحكم حتى لو كانوا معارضين لحكمه، و بهذا يستطيع أن يكسب أرضية و إحترام أكبر فى
للأسف الأجيال
التى تربت على إعتبار إمتحان أخر السنة هو الهدف من الصعب إقناعها إن تحصيل العلم
و التغيير الإيجابى فى شخصية المتعلم و قدرتة على توظيف العلم هى الغاية، و ليست هى
النجاح فى الإمتحان حتى لو بحشر المعلومات أو بالغش. و هذا للأسف إنعكس على
الممارسات الإنتخابية كإهتمام و مساعدة المواطنين لأيام أو أسابيع قبل الإنتخابات ، و المحاولة بكل الطرق
المشروعة و غير المشروعة الفوز بها.
هذا الشبل من ذاك الأسد ..
Totally agree with you....the ignorant person doesn't mean the one who didn't learn or the one who can't read or write! but the one who didn't understand and digest what has been learnt....in addition as i consider the exam is the last step in the education process and a way to evaluate it..I do consider that the box is the last step in the democracy after implementing its meaning from social justice, freedom, bread, etc...to evaluat it. Not before the elections time only.
El kalam keteer in this subject but the conclusion is The education by is the solution.
صح جداً..دي ثقافة شعب تم تغييبه ومسح عقله بأستيكة كبيره..لا بديل عن نشر الوعي وحث الناس علي العمل. بس برده ثقافة نذاكر علشان ننجح مش علشان نتعلم وكسة أنظمة عربية كتير.. احنا خيبتنا بنكسل نفكر
احنا لو فكرنا نموت:))
My motto: في ناس نهضتها السبت والأحد واحنا نهضتنا موردتش علي حد
جامد أوى الربط يا دكتور ... أول مرة أخد بالى
They are well connected, so the problem is not only now the illiterate people, but even the educated ones.
What you call here educated, aren't educated at all. they can read and write, however whatever they "learn" dones't really stay. it vanishes from their heads as soon as it is thrown onto the exam's paper. i have been facing this issue with sons and daughters of my cousins, whom i teach languages.
the system has successfully destroyed any kind of learning enthusiasm, where the new generation is concerned. i am talking about teens of 12-19.
where the elections are concerend, the new system has successfully destroyed the feeling of loyalty and ownership i wished there would be, connecting people to policital life again. before the elections were postponed a huge banner at the premises of the ruling party hung informing of the medical care group that is there every Friday to help "our dear people". ater they were postponed, the banner disappeared. and i thought "واطيين وأغبياء".
I understand the connection you build here, and have been thinking about it since yesterday. both isues you chose show how deep the stupidity and ignorance have gone into our bones.
our only way is raising awareness. there is no other way out. and let's hope for response.
yes maryam, and raising awareness has to start with those teens 13-19 first and before anyone else as in 10 years time they will be the driving force.
and for the banner, dont worry it will be up again by September.
i know it will be up again when the elections are due. i just wonder, doesn't anyone really understands what this is all about? ya3ni how can people be so fooled. but i can't blame them for being this way. it is the only way they learned to think. the only way they know to "control" the elections. being honest doesn't come in question as they know exactely where would that leave them.
i keep talking to these young people i come in contact with wallahi. but often i feel very bad bc of the way they think and act. when their parents ask me what i think i only say the kids are doing ok, when it comes to the exams. i dont get near the real issue, bc the parents as well have the same culture. lets get the exams done, and then everything will be ok. so i don't even try.
it is sad to see how the young generation have turned to be users of technology, however they don't apply any kind of knowledge. i don't understand begad how come they use and apply tech on laptops, ipad and whatever apps they have, and at same time they are incapable of understanding the importance of knowledge, languages and sciences. how do they want to proceed without understanding the language of outside world.
this reminds me of the catastrophic idea the ex-parlamaint had of arabizing the sciences.
your post just hit a nerve as usual.:-)
i am very upset and very sad becasue of what is hapening in the education and learning area.
That is exactly what I wanna do .. el sandok culture won't change unless we change the exam oriented culture.
maho unless we have people in charge who value the importance of education in the "nahda" we will be stuck with a system that discourage anyone from any kind of learnign.
and "ummet iqraa" is becoming "ummet la taqraa".
which Islam are they implementing here, i wonder.
طيب بلاش نتكلم عن التعليم يمكن ده مطلوب له مجهود وشغل متعب. خلينا نتكلم عن أبسط أنواع التفكير المنطقي. بقالي فترة باقرأ الانجازات التي تمت في عهد الرئيس مرسي ومن ضمنها بدء تصنيع عربات المترو. كل ما أقرأ الخبر ده أقول طب إزاي؟ إمتى المصاتع دي أنشئت وعينت ناس وإشتغلت علشان تنتج حاجة بالضخامة دي؟ طيب فين المصنع؟
النهاردة أحد الأصدقاء بعت لي رابط الخبر من الصفحة الرسمية للشركات الثلاثة اليابانية المنتجة للعربات.
كومن سينس برده.
والناس زي الهبلة عمالة تنشر الخبر ومافيش واحد مواطن فقط قرر إنه يشوف لكلام صحيح ولا كدبة زي كل مرة.
للدرجة دي المخ إتلغى من الحياة؟
طيب وبعدين؟ هانوصل لحد فين؟ أنا مش باطلب معجزة أنا باطلب مجرد التفكير. صعبة دي؟
Yes sa3ba away..coz we were always trained not to.
i know, the system prevented logical and analytical thinking.
and so does being memeber of the "gamaa" so most of who we have on ground now are not used to think.
but how do you explain their "thinking" of how to get to the ruling place, the proposed ideas of laws the ex-parlamaint had, and their overall thinking way?
the ability is either there or not. there is no mind-way.
the answer in the "group think" culture that is based on couple of people thinking and rest are just following.
that's what i have been hearing the whole time, but it doesn't explain to me how some of them are concerend with "marrigae and divorce" others with ruling and power, some with money and trade.
the line connceting business and power is clear. but the line of marraige and divorce shows a sick mind behind. i dont think they all suffer from this sickness of mind.
this is an outside going of the group thinking to me.
back to your post, the culture of learning for an exam is actually reflecting allover. the very short term thinking and "planning" shows it clearly and in the simplest ways and with well educated people as well.
we don't have long-term-planning/thinking longer than one month, if any.
have you noticed this?
long term planning
Egypt and Longterm planning dont mix
i know. it is on the simplest things wallahi, like driving at the right side when you are turning right at the next side street. is it that difficult?
meno lellah hosny el zeft. he should be prosecuted for treason
do u see any kind of hope at least in your student?
independant thinking
self-educating and research?
I dont only see it, I make sure to build it in before I finish my term with them.
that's good. at least we have a handful of young people who could take over somewhere.
i see it too in some of my voluteering colleagues. very enthusiastic young people eager to help and to learn.
it refreshes me when being amongst them :-)
back to your post, so if the librals are to work now, they should be working on educating people on how judge the work of a political party based on their overall performance.
what i fear is that poverty here is a major factor that would deffinetely influence their judging. exactly like the pciture here states.
so, how to overcome this factor and really reach this class and get them to choose the correct way.
remember the factor of "religion" as well.
something just happened. my colleague, sharing same office with me gives courses in energy management and saving.
he just showed me an email where a future participant asked him to "guarantee that if i attend the whole course, i will get the certificate at the end thereof".
ya3ni, my colleague tried to explain the steps to this young man, but all what really concerned him was the certificate, so that he gets the money back from the hotel where he worked now, and then find another job at a better salary.
course fees are 2.000 EURO.
he missed the whole point of the course. :-)
I can give tens of examples like that .. even Arabs " ab3'a el shahada 7ag el sherka"
i know there are millions of such a case. i just wonder what would convince them to do it the right way.
The root cause of all problems in this Country is the education system...So it needs a revolution to reform and rehabilitate all the system.
سيأتيك الصندوق من حيث أن تترفع أنت أن تتداخل معه.
do you really think they would give up on the elections?
i think it is their only way to get to the Parlamaint again through their usual way. however i sincerely hope they would get to see their realy "size", after they lost the elections in most of the students' unions this round.
They will win the elections .. as long as we are having the exam culture prevailing, they will continue to win..
May God Damn El Ekhwan every minute and every second of the day and night.
the party just failed an important exam. Mubarak's release is the one exam that will literally kill them politically, if not personally kaman.
a sad step i hoped never to witness.
Quality certificates, audits, masters and phd's without real knowledge..no value for real work not to mention excellence! Real - true contribution to economic & social development. Have been always doing my best to give a meaningful contribution to any company I work for..bas mafeesh fayda hatefdal ne3mel el sho3'l wee nesatef wara2 3alahan ne3ala2 el shahada 3al 7eeta:( no value for time, energy or true people growth & development!
مجتمع غريب بيفكر تفكير جماعي أهوج .. يطفو فوق طوفان من سطحية التفكير والمادية والكروتة.. اقلب العداد أي كلام علشان نبيع اكتر ونكوش.. التطور الحقيقي محتاج مساحة من الصدق مع النفس قبل الصدق مع الآخرين!! انا مخنوقة جداً من الكدب والخداع الأهبل
طيب تفتكري يا سهاد ده كذب وخداع للنفس ولا عدم وعي بوجود المشكلة أصلا؟
إبتديت أعتقد إن معظم الناس مش شايفين إن فيه مشكلة أصلا من قلة الوعي وإنتشار الجهل ولو بأبسط الأشياء.
In corporates I see it as deception, because they are fully aware! In society & education could be lack of awareness or perception.
Mix of both actually, non awareness, and surrendering to the norms even if aware.
i see it as rather unawareness with their ignorance.
let me say, most of the time they don't see the problem due to their ignorance.
surrounding to norms is a kind of unawareness with "outer world" ya Doctor. one follows the common road, because it is the only known road to him.
would today's slap on the face wake them up? i wonder.
I agree with mohaly. It requires a muscle to be a trend setter. Surrendering to the norms & going with the flow is much easier, it's not only about awareness, but also about the stamina & resilience to swim against the current!
Ma7adesh e7'tara3 Anti-loneliness tablets for Aliens?
I avoid posting about loneliness coz if I did I will make you all cry till your eyes swell.
Well .. You should write about it & perhaps you will be the beam of light in loneliness homeland! It's the dark side of the moon. I think that it's important to experience the human emotional rainbow to gain insights, and reflections about who we really are. تولد الأفراح من رحم الأحزان
ساعات بتتولدأفراح هبلة بس مش قصة خالص :)
I am sorry 7asa 2nee 2alabt el discussion drama, talking about loneliness :)))
La2 dear.rhat's ok. I didn't want to comment before until i calm down.
Anti-lonliness pills are still in the lala-land.but whay i do is communicating with other aliens-like here- reading, if i don't find someone to talk to and listening much to lectures. It is good company.
Ya3ni, try to cope with it.when there is nothing to really do and i can't take it anylonger i simply pray. Doaa is always good. And i always know that Allah listens and knows. Maalesh, such strikes go away.
What have you written lately? I am sure you did ya banouta :-)
Don't avoid it ya doctor.sometimes it is a relief knowing that you are not alone.
Oh yes dear I wrote my first blog & trying to change el name bas & will shoot 3ala tool:))
Ama ba2a for the loneliness fa I deleted my comment after writing it 3alashan man3ayatsh kolena;)
Mabrouk :-)
This the bright side of being alien.
Eager to read it.
For your eyes only.. 3alashan lessa mazabatesh el format 7'ales.. The two mentioned persons are you ya Maryam & mohaly:))) thank you ento el etneen for being genuine, tender, and caring.
i know this out of context here, but i can't resist sharing with you tow, Dr. Mohamed and Sohad:
"if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them."
Jodi Picoult.
I agree, you learn to enjoy solitude. you learn to become comfortable with solitude, but the primary reason is because people dissappoint you
Dunno ya Maryam is it disappointment or high expectations that we will find someone who can truly understand, what is behind the words, or the soul reflections.. Maybe it is meant to be..
meant to be walla choice by preassure?
Ma3lesh, everything will be ok.
Les Miserables
La2 not to taht extent ya Doctor :-)
miserable is someone who doesn't have faith or talent.
elhamdollah both are there.
inshaa Allah it will be ok :-)
Walahee ya mariouma Howa choice due to scarcity of resources 3'aleban :p
Ya mohaly كل عظماء التاريخ كانوا لوحدهم كده :))
Wee ba3deen maho e7na 3aysheen ma3 e7na ahoo..:)) Ana ba7awel ad7ak bas Ana ba3afer atla3 barra el 2e7sas dah..
resources are there, dear. maybe we need to clear our vision to see them bas.
even tears are good vision-clearer.
cheer-up guys. everything will be ok begad. i have no clue how.
bas ya3ni.
عارفين إفتكرت إيه دلوقتي؟ فاكرين مسرحية المتزوجون، لما شيرين قالت لسمير غانم "احنا غلابه يا مسعودى؟" فقلها سمير غانم فشر احنا مساكين ياروحى
هو إحنا غلابه يا سهاد :-)
You have become this liberal, multicultural, and multilingual entity. You cannot be simplified in order to conform to existing models, you remain clear-sighted and sceptical about human constructions such as associations, couples, encounters, and exchanges. You understand the illusory nature of social codes. But also you're still a loner, and even with family members and friends, you instinctively keeps your distance and unfortunately making it exhausting for yourself and others to relate.
ICE: very true.
well and painfully said ya ICE
ده احنا طلعنا غلابة بجد يا مريم:))
i guess now Solitude is more of a choice and a comfort territory (2awsa3 men el zone bee shewaya.
ana zabat el blog name as i wanted it to be http://www.kharbashat-masrya.blogspot.com/
check the new post, still working on the format.
I like the new name ... Kharbashat
Thank you thank you , i used to write what I called kharbashat & من ذاكرة الورق ..
من ذاكرة الورق جميلة جدا.
فللورق ذاكرة لا تنسى :-)
مبروك. إوعي تكسلي تكتبي بقى :-)
والله يا مريم انتي اللي جميلةجداً :)
عندي خربشات كتير محفورة في ذاكرة أوراقي فمش هكسل أكيد
Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.
Frederick Douglas.
An ignorant slave is easy to control and direct whereever one wishes. an ignorant slave has certain needs that do not include freedom of thought or speech. Anignorant slave is a perfect voter.
i hoped the advisors of Islam would be the keenest to implement the "Iqraa-theory".
February Romance: celebrate Valentine's Day
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