-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
595) Fawazeer Ramadan ::: "Om" El Donya !
Do Egyptians really love Egypt?
Is all this crtisism out of love or hate?
Are Egyptians critizing and willing to change and sacrify, or will they jump over the next opportunity to leave the country?
ميت ألف فرصة عشان أسيب مصر... ولا عمري سبتها علشان هي بلادي... إللي بجد بحبها بحبها بكدبها وصدقها بحب فيها أصالة وندالة أهلها بحب فيها السهر بحب زيفها وأصلها بحب فيها طلعة الشمس... تنور وشها بحب فيها القمر... طالع يغازل حسنها بحب فيها المشي... على شط نيلها وبحرها بحب فيها بناتها... راسمين ملامح شعبها دي بنت مايصه... وحاطه ورده فـ شعرها ودي بنت جد... ونازله جري لشغلها هتلاقي فين بلد فيها الكنايس والجوامع... بتحضن بعضها مسلم مسيحي... إخوات راضعين طيبة من صدرها نبع الحنان... ويناموا حاضنين أرضها هتلاقي فين تاني... بلد كل حاجه فيها تخليك تحبها هتقولي ظالمه... هقولك برضو بحبها هتقولي ضالمه... ما هو ده سواد شعرها هتقولي زحمه... هقولك علشان بنعشق أرضها هتقولي فيها فساد... هقولك ده من طيبة شعبها جرب كده تسهر ولو وحدك على ضف نيلها... وحبها جرب تشوف بنت حلوه مع شاب واقف جمبها بيحبها... شايل في قلبه هموم الدنيا كلها... وبرضو بيحبها جرب كده تاكل دره وترمس على شطها... وتشوف وشوش الناس واضحك زيها طب وانت ماشي لوحدك ووقعت في مشكله... مش بتلاقي ألف واحد جمبك بيحلها... لا تعرفهم ولا يعرفوك بس جمعكم حبها أهي هي دي مصر... زاحمه ظالمه... فاسده ضالمه... مش مهم... ده كفايه خفت دمها... هأفضل لمصر أقول وأعيد... أنا أصلي عاشق أرضها... وطبعا ده كله كلام في الهوا... أنا لو تجيني نص فرصة هقول لها... بالسلامه يا مصر... ومش عايز أشوف وشها... وهي دي بقى ندالة أهلها
I don't think we truely love it, like relegion, many do the acts but it is not deep inside.
We talk a lot about loving it which is a cover-up for our desires to be having other nationality, and leave all the shit rather than trying to do something about it.
Upper classes want to get as much as they can lower classes will go for who pays more muslims want it a theocratic country and christians feel that their country is taken
بلدى واحبها وافديها بدمى مهما كانو هل مصر هى الى تحت المنظار لكل حاقد هل مصر هية ممكن الصراع ولما مصر هل لانها اقوى دولة عربية هل لانها يوجد بها الطيب شعب من تكلم على مصر لو لم توجد مصر ماذا كانو فاعلين ان مصر بشهادة التاريخ هى الدولة الصامدة فى وجة كل معتدى ويعلم العالم كلة انها مصدر امان لكل عربى لما مصر لانها الاجمل او لانها القوة البشرية العظما اذا كان يوجد اخطاء فكلنا خطائون ولا هم ملائكة يوجد الكثير بدل منكرة مصر ونقول الى مقدرش يقولة اعداء مصر.......نتحد ونطرح الجوانب الجميلة ونعرف بكل زوق من هى مصر مصر الى تقف بجوار كل عربى ولا شوية مال غيرو الدنيا انى احب مصر واحب كل عربى حر واحب الشرفاء واحب كل الوطن العربى تامة ولاقبل ان يقول حاقد ان عربى (كان) ممكن طرح السلبيات بصورة اجمل من كدة يتقبلها كل انسان محترم وهل نحنو لايوجد بداخلنا سلبيات اكثر من مصر ان من يحاول ان يقحم مصر فى كل حاجة واى حاجة سوف اكون لة بلمرصاد انى مصرى وادافع عنها وعن الدول العربية وشعوبها انى حر ولاجد من يمنعنى تحت اى شرط او ضغط احبك بلدى مصر واموت تحت ترابك اعشق بلدى
tayeb, does Egypt love egyptinas? i loved staying here, and refused to move out to europe when i got the chance to. i loved being home with family and friends . i stayed here because it was home, and it was where i belong and it was wehre i want to die, and where i wanted to build my future and my kids. now, i lost the feeling of "home". my people dont tolerate me any more. if i have to leave, it will not be my choice. Egypt didnt love me enough to hold me- although i have tried to buy its love.
نحن كمصريين لانكره بلدنا ولكن نكره الحكومة والنظام الحاكم الفاسد فى البلد لانهم حولوا كل شىء الى فساد وخراب لقد فسد الحاكم وفسدت معهة أجهزة ومؤسسات الحكم الى ثلة من الشرفاء فى بعض المجالات وهؤلاء يتم التحلص منهم عند إكتشافهم ونحن نكرههم ليس حبا فى الكراهية أو حسدا لهم ولكن أقول لك أنظر الى طعامك أو طعامنا من أين يأتى!! من أراضى يتم ريها بماء الصرف ورشها بمواد كيماوية محرمة دوليا وعندما منع الوزير السابق للزراعة تداولها تم طرده من الوزارة وأتوا بالاباظة الى خلاها بظاظة وأنظر الى الماء الذى تشربه وكم به من شوائب وعوالق أتت على نصف شعب مصر وأصابته بالعديد من الامراض وآخرها التيفود وأنظر الى دوائك وقارن بين تأثيره على صحتك ونفس الدواء الذى تشتيره من الخارج وأخبرنى عن النتيجة وهذا شىء تم تجربته مع العديد من أقارب وأصدقاء !! هذا رغم أهميته فهو شىء قليل من كثير من الفساد والتلوث الذى أصابنا به نظام الحكم الفاسد وشلة الفاسدين المفسدين التابعة له من أصحاب المال والسلطة وخادميهم وهلم جر
ibhog placed 'el-mokhtasar' but I found myself among people who "loves" the country "Egypt" not many of the people because I still care about it despite all the 2araf we see.
p.s. عارف وجة الشبه بين "مصر" و"فرنسا"؟ مصر = أم الدنيا ،فرنسا = أم اللمبي :D
Mohaly, I think that Egyptians do love Egypt and in many ways unconditionally, but still we're helpless...YES, people should start the "change" on a smaller scale and be effective in their own community, but still it won't really change as long as the government is corrupt...When people or better say the "right people" don't have the authority, I think it takes a whole lot of time for a "developing" country to change on its own...
As for jumping over the next opportunity to leave the country, I would say 'Why not?'....We are tooooo many; people should leave if they have a good opportunity and go outside, learn and work on improving their living conditions, and leave a place for people who can't afford or don't have a chance to live decently here..And eventually those people would come back and maybe introduce something new to their country that would fasten the process of change...
Actually, that is how I see it, and I myself would hold on an opportunity to leave the country, it doesn't that I don't love Egypt, but in my point of view, it means that I love it too much that I want to be better as an Egyptian, leave a place for a fellow citizen and then come back and change something :) (Sounds like a fairytale?:))
Sara: I am not against going out for a while and comeback, we have to do that in order to make NAHDA, this what was done in the beginning of the 19th and 20th century, but unfortunately this doesn't happen anymore. People go out either to escape from Egypt or to make money and save it. Very few who still think about using the knowledge in developing the country, and I know that the government is not that supportive -Dr.Zewail's example- but that is not enough excuse for giving up making a change.
I personally think that the current adult/youth generations (18-40) don't love the country as my as the previous generations did and are not willing to sacrifice any personal gain for a bigger one. I can't talk about below 18 but I am not very much optimistic so far.
Sara: please write your name in the Name/URL part instead of keeping it anonymous.
I am Soha by the way, not Sara.. Anyways...Why do you think the previous generation loved Egypt more if we are to suppose that this generation doesn't love Egypt?(though I think we shouldn't generalize)
And what is the definition of a country nowadays? Is it the place where we're born? Or is it the place where we feel safe or happy? Is it the place where we are raised up?
To me, the answer to the question of why this generation doesn't love this country is similar to a mother who gave birth to a child and then left him/her on the streets on his/her own to face all the dangers and difficulties of life and then when he/she is mature enough, she goes and ask him/her: love me please, you should love me because I am your mother...What would his/her answer be like then?
How would you ask some unfortunate people to sacrifice for their mother/country when she has always been unfair to them and has never shown them love?
People who love their country are those who have not really suffered in their lives, have had a place to shelter them, a good education and people to love them, otherwise, I don't think they would have been capable of any kind of love or sacrifice..They won't even be able to love themselves at first place!
Well, we do complain a lot, but I don't think we should equate leaving the country with hating it. It's a fact that most countries have the ability to provide a better future than Egypt and I don't think we should blame people for wanting a better future for themselves and their kids. I wouldn't want to leave the country, but if I have to, I will.
As for myself, I don't like admitting my love to Egypt, because it just makes me feel so sad to see it now, buried under a thousand mishap. I do like to hear about the old, more beautiful Egypt whenever I can; it gives me some hope.
I am sorry Soha, it was the last hour before Iftar :)
I can't deny that what you have said is true and big part of our love to our mothers is because what they have done for us. But if we stopped there and say Egypt has done nothing for us, then we will never change the current bad Egypt to the one we would love to have.
I am not generalizing over all the generation, but it is obvious through all functional aspects that previous generation were more attached to Egypt and their conditions weren't that good too (either colonization, or war, ..etc).
I believe that those unfortunate people who have bad mothers would prefer having their same mother with some modififcations than having a totally different mother. I mean that I believe that we would love to have a better Egypt than being an American or European because it is our country after all, and WE ARE THE ONES who can give the country its identity now and for future generations.
Ceasrio: Welcome to the blog. I am not EQUATING them (leave and hate) but I am saying if you really love it, then you should stay and struggle to make it better. Big change can happen from small changes.
We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
Look at examples of people like Talaat Harb; who could have invested outside Egypt but he had a vision of having Egyptian owned banks and companies. The rulers (Occupation Authority) had a fierce war against him but he won and established and run many successful projects, and when he had to choose between himself and Egypt after he finished his role, he choose himself and resigned. I have tens of examples about people like him in bad circumstances, these people LOVE Egypt regardless of its situation. I think People who leave (3alatoul not for a while) may hate it or not but they definitely don't love it as much.
Mohaly, there is a novel called "Beer in the Snooker Club" (1964) by Waguih Ghali. He's an Egyptian writer, it's in English and it's his only novel.(He committed suicide in 1969). I am not going to spoil it for you! I recommend it...I think it may answer some of your questions,specially those concerning people leaving the country and traveling abroad, and what they face there..Yes, it is set during Nasser's regime, but the mindset of the protagonist is somehow similar to those who have received a foreign education and are suffering from an identity crisis..
قالولي بتحب مصر فقلت مش عارف المعنى كعبة وانا بوَفْد الحروف طايف وألف مغزل قصايد في الإدين لافف قالولي بتحب مصر فقلت مش عارف أنا لما اشوف مصر ع الصفحة بكون خايف
ما يجيش في بالي هرم ما يجيش في بالي نيل ما يجيش في بالي غيطان خضرا وشمس أصيل ولا جزوع فلاحين لو يعدلوها تميل حكم الليالي ياخدهم في الحصاد محاصيل ويلبّسوهم فراعنة ساعة التمثيل وساعة الجد فيه سخرة وإسماعيل ما يجيش في بالي عرابي ونظرته في الخيل وسعد باشا وفريد وبقيّة التماثيل ولا ام كلثوم في خِمسانها ولا المنديل الصبح في التاكسي صوتها مبوظُّه التسجيل ما يجيش في بالي العبور وسفارة اسرائيل ولا الحضارة اللي واجعة دماغنا جيل ورا جيل قالولي بتحب مصر أخدني صمت طويل وجت في بالي ابتسامة وانتهت بعويل
ميت ألف فرصة عشان أسيب مصر... ولا عمري سبتها
علشان هي بلادي... إللي بجد بحبها
بحبها بكدبها وصدقها
بحب فيها أصالة وندالة أهلها
بحب فيها السهر
بحب زيفها وأصلها
بحب فيها طلعة الشمس... تنور وشها
بحب فيها القمر... طالع يغازل حسنها
بحب فيها المشي... على شط نيلها وبحرها
بحب فيها بناتها... راسمين ملامح شعبها
دي بنت مايصه... وحاطه ورده فـ شعرها
ودي بنت جد... ونازله جري لشغلها
هتلاقي فين بلد فيها الكنايس والجوامع... بتحضن بعضها
مسلم مسيحي... إخوات راضعين طيبة من صدرها
نبع الحنان... ويناموا حاضنين أرضها
هتلاقي فين تاني... بلد كل حاجه فيها تخليك تحبها
هتقولي ظالمه... هقولك برضو بحبها
هتقولي ضالمه... ما هو ده سواد شعرها
هتقولي زحمه... هقولك علشان بنعشق أرضها
هتقولي فيها فساد... هقولك ده من طيبة شعبها
جرب كده تسهر ولو وحدك على ضف نيلها... وحبها
جرب تشوف بنت حلوه مع شاب واقف جمبها بيحبها... شايل في قلبه هموم الدنيا كلها... وبرضو بيحبها
جرب كده تاكل دره وترمس على شطها... وتشوف وشوش الناس واضحك زيها
طب وانت ماشي لوحدك ووقعت في مشكله... مش بتلاقي ألف واحد جمبك بيحلها... لا تعرفهم ولا يعرفوك بس جمعكم حبها
أهي هي دي مصر...
زاحمه ظالمه...
فاسده ضالمه...
مش مهم...
ده كفايه خفت دمها...
هأفضل لمصر أقول وأعيد...
أنا أصلي عاشق أرضها...
وطبعا ده كله كلام في الهوا...
أنا لو تجيني نص فرصة هقول لها...
بالسلامه يا مصر...
ومش عايز أشوف وشها...
وهي دي بقى ندالة أهلها
I think that Egyptians are naturally-born complainers whether they love or hate the country.
I don't think we truely love it, like relegion, many do the acts but it is not deep inside.
We talk a lot about loving it which is a cover-up for our desires to be having other nationality, and leave all the shit rather than trying to do something about it.
Upper classes want to get as much as they can
lower classes will go for who pays more
muslims want it a theocratic country
and christians feel that their country is taken
"2om" el donya ;)
Eih ya Omar da!
Feen Gypo yerod :)
أستاذ عمر
بلدى واحبها وافديها بدمى مهما كانو
هل مصر هى الى تحت المنظار لكل حاقد
هل مصر هية ممكن الصراع
ولما مصر هل لانها اقوى دولة عربية
هل لانها يوجد بها الطيب شعب
من تكلم على مصر لو لم توجد مصر
ماذا كانو فاعلين
ان مصر بشهادة التاريخ هى الدولة الصامدة
فى وجة كل معتدى
ويعلم العالم كلة انها مصدر امان لكل عربى
لما مصر لانها الاجمل او لانها القوة البشرية
اذا كان يوجد اخطاء فكلنا خطائون
ولا هم ملائكة
يوجد الكثير
بدل منكرة مصر ونقول الى مقدرش يقولة
اعداء مصر.......نتحد ونطرح الجوانب الجميلة
ونعرف بكل زوق من هى مصر
مصر الى تقف بجوار كل عربى
ولا شوية مال غيرو الدنيا
انى احب مصر واحب كل عربى حر واحب الشرفاء واحب كل الوطن العربى تامة
ولاقبل ان يقول حاقد ان عربى (كان)
ممكن طرح السلبيات بصورة اجمل من كدة
يتقبلها كل انسان محترم
وهل نحنو لايوجد بداخلنا سلبيات اكثر من مصر
ان من يحاول ان يقحم مصر فى كل حاجة واى حاجة سوف اكون لة بلمرصاد
انى مصرى وادافع عنها وعن الدول العربية
انى حر ولاجد من يمنعنى
تحت اى شرط او ضغط
احبك بلدى مصر واموت تحت ترابك
اعشق بلدى
tayeb, does Egypt love egyptinas?
i loved staying here, and refused to move out to europe when i got the chance to. i loved being home with family and friends .
i stayed here because it was home, and it was where i belong and it was wehre i want to die, and where i wanted to build my future and my kids.
now, i lost the feeling of "home". my people dont tolerate me any more.
if i have to leave, it will not be my choice.
Egypt didnt love me enough to hold me- although i have tried to buy its love.
نحن كمصريين لانكره بلدنا ولكن نكره الحكومة والنظام الحاكم الفاسد فى البلد لانهم حولوا كل شىء الى فساد وخراب لقد فسد الحاكم وفسدت معهة أجهزة ومؤسسات الحكم الى ثلة من الشرفاء فى بعض المجالات وهؤلاء يتم التحلص منهم عند إكتشافهم ونحن نكرههم ليس حبا فى الكراهية أو حسدا لهم ولكن أقول لك أنظر الى طعامك أو طعامنا من أين يأتى!! من أراضى يتم ريها بماء الصرف ورشها بمواد كيماوية محرمة دوليا وعندما منع الوزير السابق للزراعة تداولها تم طرده من الوزارة وأتوا بالاباظة الى خلاها بظاظة وأنظر الى الماء الذى تشربه وكم به من شوائب وعوالق أتت على نصف شعب مصر وأصابته بالعديد من الامراض وآخرها التيفود وأنظر الى دوائك وقارن بين تأثيره على صحتك ونفس الدواء الذى تشتيره من الخارج وأخبرنى عن النتيجة وهذا شىء تم تجربته مع العديد من أقارب وأصدقاء !! هذا رغم أهميته فهو شىء قليل من كثير من الفساد والتلوث الذى أصابنا به نظام الحكم الفاسد وشلة الفاسدين المفسدين التابعة له من أصحاب المال والسلطة وخادميهم وهلم جر
Actually, some Egyptians are just indifferent, they don't love or hate - instead they don't give a damn.
And that's even more catastrophic, indifference in the most evil, it's worse than hatred.
Hating your country means you still care, caring means you actually love your country.
For me personally, sometimes I can't but be absolutely indifferent men kotr el 2araf we 7efazan 3ala a3saby.
I think Ibhog won this Fazoura ;)
ibhog placed 'el-mokhtasar' but I found myself among people who "loves" the country "Egypt" not many of the people because I still care about it despite all the 2araf we see.
p.s. عارف وجة الشبه بين "مصر" و"فرنسا"؟ مصر = أم الدنيا ،فرنسا = أم اللمبي :D
Mohaly, I think that Egyptians do love Egypt and in many ways unconditionally, but still we're helpless...YES, people should start the "change" on a smaller scale and be effective in their own community, but still it won't really change as long as the government is corrupt...When people or better say the "right people" don't have the authority, I think it takes a whole lot of time for a "developing" country to change on its own...
As for jumping over the next opportunity to leave the country, I would say 'Why not?'....We are tooooo many; people should leave if they have a good opportunity and go outside, learn and work on improving their living conditions, and leave a place for people who can't afford or don't have a chance to live decently here..And eventually those people would come back and maybe introduce something new to their country that would fasten the process of change...
Actually, that is how I see it, and I myself would hold on an opportunity to leave the country, it doesn't that I don't love Egypt, but in my point of view, it means that I love it too much that I want to be better as an Egyptian, leave a place for a fellow citizen and then come back and change something :) (Sounds like a fairytale?:))
What do you think Mohaly?
Sara: I am not against going out for a while and comeback, we have to do that in order to make NAHDA, this what was done in the beginning of the 19th and 20th century, but unfortunately this doesn't happen anymore. People go out either to escape from Egypt or to make money and save it. Very few who still think about using the knowledge in developing the country, and I know that the government is not that supportive -Dr.Zewail's example- but that is not enough excuse for giving up making a change.
I personally think that the current adult/youth generations (18-40) don't love the country as my as the previous generations did and are not willing to sacrifice any personal gain for a bigger one. I can't talk about below 18 but I am not very much optimistic so far.
Sara: please write your name in the Name/URL part instead of keeping it anonymous.
I am Soha by the way, not Sara.. Anyways...Why do you think the previous generation loved Egypt more if we are to suppose that this generation doesn't love Egypt?(though I think we shouldn't generalize)
And what is the definition of a country nowadays? Is it the place where we're born? Or is it the place where we feel safe or happy? Is it the place where we are raised up?
To me, the answer to the question of why this generation doesn't love this country is similar to a mother who gave birth to a child and then left him/her on the streets on his/her own to face all the dangers and difficulties of life and then when he/she is mature enough, she goes and ask him/her: love me please, you should love me because I am your mother...What would his/her answer be like then?
How would you ask some unfortunate people to sacrifice for their mother/country when she has always been unfair to them and has never shown them love?
People who love their country are those who have not really suffered in their lives, have had a place to shelter them, a good education and people to love them, otherwise, I don't think they would have been capable of any kind of love or sacrifice..They won't even be able to love themselves at first place!
Well, we do complain a lot, but I don't think we should equate leaving the country with hating it.
It's a fact that most countries have the ability to provide a better future than Egypt and I don't think we should blame people for wanting a better future for themselves and their kids.
I wouldn't want to leave the country, but if I have to, I will.
As for myself, I don't like admitting my love to Egypt, because it just makes me feel so sad to see it now, buried under a thousand mishap. I do like to hear about the old, more beautiful Egypt whenever I can; it gives me some hope.
I am sorry Soha, it was the last hour before Iftar :)
I can't deny that what you have said is true and big part of our love to our mothers is because what they have done for us. But if we stopped there and say Egypt has done nothing for us, then we will never change the current bad Egypt to the one we would love to have.
I am not generalizing over all the generation, but it is obvious through all functional aspects that previous generation were more attached to Egypt and their conditions weren't that good too (either colonization, or war, ..etc).
I believe that those unfortunate people who have bad mothers would prefer having their same mother with some modififcations than having a totally different mother. I mean that I believe that we would love to have a better Egypt than being an American or European because it is our country after all, and WE ARE THE ONES who can give the country its identity now and for future generations.
Ceasrio: Welcome to the blog.
I am not EQUATING them (leave and hate) but I am saying if you really love it, then you should stay and struggle to make it better. Big change can happen from small changes.
We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
Look at examples of people like Talaat Harb; who could have invested outside Egypt but he had a vision of having Egyptian owned banks and companies. The rulers (Occupation Authority) had a fierce war against him but he won and established and run many successful projects, and when he had to choose between himself and Egypt after he finished his role, he choose himself and resigned. I have tens of examples about people like him in bad circumstances, these people LOVE Egypt regardless of its situation. I think People who leave (3alatoul not for a while) may hate it or not but they definitely don't love it as much.
Mohaly, there is a novel called "Beer in the Snooker Club" (1964) by Waguih Ghali. He's an Egyptian writer, it's in English and it's his only novel.(He committed suicide in 1969). I am not going to spoil it for you! I recommend it...I think it may answer some of your questions,specially those concerning people leaving the country and traveling abroad, and what they face there..Yes, it is set during Nasser's regime, but the mindset of the protagonist is somehow similar to those who have received a foreign education and are suffering from an identity crisis..
Thank You Soha, I will do that.
قالولي بتحب مصر فقلت مش عارف
المعنى كعبة وانا بوَفْد الحروف طايف
وألف مغزل قصايد في الإدين لافف
قالولي بتحب مصر فقلت مش عارف
أنا لما اشوف مصر ع الصفحة بكون خايف
ما يجيش في بالي هرم ما يجيش في بالي نيل
ما يجيش في بالي غيطان خضرا وشمس أصيل
ولا جزوع فلاحين لو يعدلوها تميل
حكم الليالي ياخدهم في الحصاد محاصيل
ويلبّسوهم فراعنة ساعة التمثيل
وساعة الجد فيه سخرة وإسماعيل
ما يجيش في بالي عرابي ونظرته في الخيل
وسعد باشا وفريد وبقيّة التماثيل
ولا ام كلثوم في خِمسانها ولا المنديل
الصبح في التاكسي صوتها مبوظُّه التسجيل
ما يجيش في بالي العبور وسفارة اسرائيل
ولا الحضارة اللي واجعة دماغنا جيل ورا جيل
قالولي بتحب مصر أخدني صمت طويل
وجت في بالي ابتسامة وانتهت بعويل
Tamim el Barghouty
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