-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

152) 7azzak Fe Yom Al Estefta2

This was Al Akhbar on 26th of March (al estefta2)!


Anonymous said...

Estefta7? eh estefta7 dah?
dah elly bey2oolo feeh ya fatta7 ya 3aleem ya razza2 ya karim, estaba7na we saba7 el molk lellah?
El mohem en tale3 borg el 7oot howwa resala mowaggaha lel 7eetan fe3lan.
bey2ollohom balash moghamarat moderra bemasale7 el watan fee haza el yom el tareekhy(ya3ny balash ser2a el naharda we khallona ne3eesh yom nedeef).

Tamer Mokhtar said...

eah da!! someone sending messages le el kobaar, for example El thour "like congratulations to Mubarak" and am sure that other horoscopes le nass tanya!!!!

Fatiflower said...

el 9ouss ely houa ana w Titi 3andou Dameer.Nas beedah!
Naharkou Abyad insha allah besbab el kalam ely bet2olouh.

Yasmine said...

i actually laughed out loud when i read this!

ya 3einy 3aleky ya masr!

aaaaaah yana yamma!