-------- "This is the time for action not only words, use your God given gifts to develop this country, dont be afraid to speak up, and feel PROUD THAT U R EGYPTIAN." -------- Mohaly, Feb 2011

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

547) 6th of October on March 31st!

I am not convinced of what they call National day "Eid Kawmy" of the governorates, as if the governorate is a separate nation or race! but anyway, this is not about should we celebrate that or not.

I was just wondering about the new governorate (6th of October). The governor has been spending his time lately in searching for a day that will be the National day of the governorate!!!! Imagine how silly it is that the only governorate in Egypt that is named after a day of glory is searching for a day to celebrate other than the OBVIOUS day in its name!

You know what day they chose? March 31st!!!!

1. 7ad fahem 7aga?!
2. Why the hell they didn't ask the people living there?



Anonymous said...

اندلع حريق كبير بمنطقة المغالق بالشرابية‏,‏ بعد أن ألقي أحد العاطلين بعبوة من البنزين المشتعلة علي إحدي الغرف الخشبية لخلاف مع أحد جيرانه‏,‏ وأسفر الحريق المروع عن إصابة ثمانية أشخاص‏,‏ واحتراق ثلاثة عقارات سكنية‏.‏ وقد دفعت القوات المسلحة بعناصر اقتحام و‏25‏ سيارة مجهزة للسيطرة علي الحريق‏,‏ وقد تمكنت من محاصرته بالفعل‏.‏

وفي الوقت نفسه‏,‏ شب حريق آخر بسوق عشوائية أسفل كوبري التونسي‏,‏ وتبين أن الحريق اندلع بسبب تطاير شرارة من قضبان السكك الحديدية في أثناء عبور قطار بالمنطقة‏,‏ وتمكنت قوات الإطفاء من السيطرة علي الحريق‏.‏

وقد اندلع الحريقان بعد منتصف ليلة أمس الأول‏.‏ ومن ناحية أخري‏,‏ بدأت نيابة جنوب القاهرة تحقيقاتها في الحريق الذي شب أمس الأول بالمركز التجاري للتوحيد والنور في حلوان‏,‏ والتهم معظم محتويات المركز‏,‏ وقدرت قيمة الخسائر بـ‏25‏ مليون جنيه‏,‏ وتبين أن الحريق بسبب انفجار لمبة كهربائية أدي إلي حدوث ماس كهربائي‏.‏

Elham Salah said...

we howa men emta beys2alo 7ad 2bl ma ye3meloh 7aga!! gat 3ala deh ya3ny :))

Jim said...

genius , in a bad way

Shimaa Gamal said...

It will make sense lw kan 3eed meladoh is March 31st :))

Mona said...

I am not sure why because I have never been to 6 October Governate before, but it looks like they have chosen to celebrate their Governate National Day on the same day that the Governate of Giza celebrates its National Day, which marks the anniversary of the historical battle that took place in 1919 between Nazlet El-Shoubak's farmers and the British occupation troops.

Sylvia said...

Same when they decided to make Tiba Liberation Day a day off for schools and universities only!!!
Ya3ni when your kids are off and you have to go to work you can leave them with your Bawab!! isn't that smart?!

We leih Tiba Liberation Day is not treated same as Sinai Liberation Day?! any ideas?

So, "haza al-shebl men zaka al-asad" we el 7edek yefham

Mona said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mona said...

Did you mean Tiba or Taba?

From my vague memory of middle school history, Israel agreed to return Sinai back to Egyptian sovereignty as part of 1979 Camp David Peace accords in exchange for security. Israel withdrew from the Sinai on April 25th 1982 but did not withdraw from Taba and tried to bargain keeping it in exchange for another piece of land but Mubarak refused to give it up and took the case to the International court of Justice. As a result of the arbitration efforts between Israel and Egypt, the Taba Arbitration Tribunal in Geneva, decided in favor of Egypt on September 29th, 1988. In 1989, Israel and Egypt signed an agreement that turned over Taba to Egyptian sovereignty. The agreement granted free Israeli access to the Taba resort and permitted the use of Israeli water, power and currency.

I am guessing that this is why the Sinai and Tiba liberation is celebrated on different days.

Gannah said...

لا اعتقد ان هناك مجال للتساؤل لماذا لم يسألوا الناس ؟؟ لأن هذا ببساطة ليس وارد ولا أعتقد انه جزء من عقلية حكوماتنا أن تستشير الناس..ببساطة على الناس أن تنفذ ما يقررونه..وليست الحكومة فقط هى من يفعل ذلك...بل كل من له سلطة فى البيت والمدرسة والجامعة لا يسأل.. لا الاب يسأل طفله عما يريد ولا مدير المدرسة يسأل تلاميذه ولا رئيس الجامعة مرورا بأعضاء هيئة التدريس ..أى أن السلطة فى مصر تعطيك الحق فى ان تفعل ما تشاء طالما أنك فى السلطة ..يا ريتها مسألة عيد قومى وبس كانت هانت ..المشكلة فيما هو أكبر..اشتاركك فى القرار يعطيك شعور بالانتماء وينمى الاحساس بالمسؤولية منذ الصغر
هذه الاشياء الصغيرة حقيقة هى ما يصنع كل الفارق.. فلنأمل أن يعى كل مسؤول حدوده وان يعلم الناس ان لهم حق فى صنع القرار

Mohaly said...

yes Mona, I know the shobak village story on March 31st, but still it would have made more sense that Shobak be part of Giza and celebrate on 31/3, while 6th of October celebrates on 6th of October.

Mohaly said...

Sylvia, 19th of March is the day the Egyptian flag was raised in Taba.

If you noticed that starting next year 25th of Jan and 19th of March will be vacation for Schools and Government only!
You know what it is better at least we will have good traffic for extra 2 days :)

Mohaly said...

Jannah, unfortunately yes.. and what is the result of not taking their opinions... complete chaos, protests, and no production. Le7ad emta? da kolena khasraneen!!!

Sylvia said...

sorry for the typo, I meant Taba Liberation Day. You got me wrong, I was wondering about the fact that everybody was given Sinai Liberation Day as a holiday while Taba Liberation Day is a holiday only for schools and universities. I meant to say that both occasions should have been treated similarly and equally and didn't mean that they should be celebrated on the same date..

However, thanks for refreshing our historical knowledge and yes at least no traffic while I'm going to work and my daughter is off:(

Mona said...

Thanks for the heads up. I am just not on the top of everything particularly when it comes to Egyptian Holidays but I try to keep up as much as I can.

Mona said...

I was curious to know if 6th of October Governate still has any farm lands. As I mentioned earlier, I have never been there before but it looks like a fancy town from the pictures I saw.

Manakholia said...

You are all way off...

After reading this post I decided to do my own research on the topic. I did interviews, got a phd in history and read many books all the while screaming "why?! it makes NO sense!!" But as the trail dug deeper and the bits and pieces came together I accidentally stumbled onto a worldwide conspiracy involving our government, the monkey who was in the Mobinil Ad and Paris Hilton. Cue a warrant for my arrest and an adrenalin pumping chase all over the world. And what I finally discovered was mind-blowing, a secret that will change how we view the world...

But I musn't say anymore. I've said too much already...

Mohaly said...

Mona, yes, there are still agri lands. actually the size of the 6th of October makes it one of the biggest governorates.

Mohaly said...

Manakholia, you remind me of Galal Amer writings & books.

Mona said...

Wow Manakholia, I am impressed. You did all this research, got a Ph.D. in History, found the secret that is gonna transform our lives, got chased by the INTERPOL all over the world and then came back safely to share part of you with us - All that in one day. You must of found the time machine as well. Stay safe during your adventures, we need you.

Omar Rostom said...

6 October or 31 March, da kan zaman look at us now
tell me one day in the last 20 years that deserves celebration asasan!!!

Mona said...

Since I read Manakholia's comment I have been obsessed by the idea of getting a hold of the "Secret" he/she found and that is going to change the way we view the world. I wanna know the "Secret"

Any help here?

Omar Rostom said...

ya Monmon (ba3aksek shewaya :)

if the blogger name is manakholia then the secret can be anything in the world!

may be the secret is that Obama is actually Bin Laden after a successful plastic surgery, and this was the best way to take revenge from George Bush by actually taking his place!!

Mona said...


:) Thanks for the playful spirit Omar. It made me feel a little lighter.

And that's a great speculation, but how would that transform my life as a good citizen of planet earth.

Mary jacoub said...

HI all:
6th of October,or March 31st does it bothers you?ok listen to this:
yesterday i was watching a program t.v. and guess what were they discussing? sms on the cell phones when you receive it,it cause you some kind of headache or something like that.do you believe that people believe such a thing and they were interviewing a doctor and asking him if hospitals reports about any cases!!!!!do you believe so?can anyone believe such a thing?we did..any comments?:(:(:(

Omar Rostom said...

ya Mona
wasn't his campaign about change that will affect everyone :)