I think this image can say it all ... and actually I don't have much more to say than what I said in my article right after the referendum in March (Open Post 767) ... as the circumstances, attitudes, behaviours, and even mistakes are still the same..
Away from the panic attack liberals and pro-civil country are passing through, we need to see the real political threat here ... I think that Ekhwan wants to write the constitution and change the system into a parliament based system which will guarantee them a looking time of being in power which such state of religious tension and lack of political awareness. They may even make a deal with SCAF to agree upon giving them the special positioning in the constitution and power in trade of that, and can make use of Salafis as a scarecrow.
If the Liberals and pro-civil country continue committing the same mistakes and just keep taking to each other then we will be experiencing a new Theocratic Egypt .. and our Revolution will be replacing Kleptocracy with Theocracy !!!
Good morning Dr. Mohamed,
ReplyDeleteyes, what we have-not had- is a severe kind of Kleptocracy, as you defined it. because of my job, lelasaf, i got exposed to some cases, that are quite severe if you see how much people just "took" of the State funds,lands and property. a corrupcy that stinks, making me want to kill those people for stealing others rights and never have enough.while people die of cancer, malnutration and other diseases, the big ones never stop taking anything and everything that crosses their way.
as fr the future, I dont think we would have a theocracy.the SCAF, as i see, wants to rule.they might give Ekhwan a part of the cake, but wont allow them to have a big one.and the Ekhwan dont want a theocratic country anyway. they are a political group using religion as their "ledder", but are not really very deep into it. and the 2nd article of the constitution supports the Islam as the religion of the majority, so it is anyway the original source of laws.however this will remain just the form, but not the application. because if they apply it all, they wont have the limitless power they would have if they keep the country madany.
I dont worry of Ekhwan, as much as I worry of the Salafis. already they are making troubles almost everyday with their irresonsible announcements and weird sheikhs.and i dont think the SCAF or Ekhwan would give them upper hand.i think they will be suppressed just like before anyway. nowadays they are used as a tool of adding some salt & pepper to the salad, but not for long.once the new president takes over, amn el dawla will work on them again.
رؤية للموقف بعد المرحلة الاولى:
ReplyDeleteاولا اود أن اتوجهه بكل حب و احترام لثوار التحرير فهم مازلوا و سيظلوا أطهر شباب مصر و اصحاب ثورتها الحقيقيين
اخواني إن صعد كل صاحب مصلحة على اكتافكم فلا تحزنوا ، ان احسستم ان الثورة تسرق منا فلا تكتئبوا ، فالتاريخ سينصفكم و سيذكركم بكل خير ، اردنا جميعا مصر حرة ليبرارية و مدنية و مسلمة و مسيحية ، و تكالب عليها الاخوان و السلفيون يريدونها دينية دينية ،
و لنفكر سويا فيما يريده لنا الاخوان في الايام القادمة على فرض استمرار نتائج المرحلتين القادمتين بنفس المنوال من تقدم للاحزاب الدينية و احساسهم بالقوة و نشوة النصر ،
هم من الان يلوحون للمجلس العسكري بضرورة تشيكل الحكومة الجديدة بنهاية يناير القادم من حزب الاغلبية ،ههههه طبعا ليس الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي (سبحان مغير الاحوال) ، حزب الاغلبية سيكون حزب الاخوان بعد تحالفه اما مع الكتلة او مع السلفيين و ضم الافراد من الفئات و العمال و الفلاحين اليه ،
سيحاول الاخوان بعدها و بعد اتمام الصفقة مع العسكري (صفقة سيب و اناا اسيب - العسكري يسيبلهم الدستور و الاخوان يسيبلهم الحكم الذاتي و ميزانية الجيش و عدم المساءلة أنيا أو مستقبلا) ، سيحاول الاخوان التدخل بكل قوة لأختيار اعضاء الجمعية التأسيسة للدستور ، و هدفهم في ذلك هدف واحد ، لأ طبعا الهدف المرحلي مش تطبيق الشريعة كما تظنون، الهدف الاول لديهم سيكون تحويل مصر الى دولة برلمانية و تقليص صلحيات رئيس الجمهورية ليصبح رئيس شرفي و انا أوكد على ذلك ، و في ذلك الخطورة الكبرى على مصر في الوقت الحالي ، فشعب مصر غير جاهز اطلاقا لمثل هذا النوع من الديمقراطية و التي ستجعل كل خيوط مصر في يد الاغلبية في البرلمان ، و هذا ما يجب ان نخشاه جميعا الان ، حيث ان حزب الحرية و العدالة اذا حصل على الاغلبية هذه المرة فانه ينوي ان يحافظ على تلك الاغلبية لسنوات طويلة قادمة ، و إذا استطعنا تغيير رئيس مستبد بعد دورتين برلمانيتين على الاكثر ، فإننا سنحتاج الى اكثر من 30 سنة لإزاحة الاخوان عن اغلبية البرلمان حينئذ ، فعلينا مقاومة هذا التوجهه و ابقاء مصر دولة رئاسية على الاقل لثلاث دورات برلمانية.
بعد ذلك سيطلق الاخوان السلفيين على الشعب المصري لشغله بسفائف الامور و بكل فتوى عجيبة و غريبة ، و سيكون حائط الصد الاخير للمصريين في تلك المعركة ميييين ؟؟؟ مين ؟ المجلس العسكري !!!!! ، ابدا ، اخر حائط صد لنا هو الازهر الشريف و شيخه العالم الفاضل ، فهل ندرك ذلك ، هل ندرك جميعا اننا علينا ان ندعم و نقوي دور الازهر الان ، لان الاخوان و السلفيين لن يسكتوا عن الازهر و لن يتركوه يعمل لصالح المصريين و هم يضعون اعينهم على تلك المؤسسة التي حمت الدين الاسلامي بتسامحه و تفتحه و تيسيره على الناس بفهم الازهر و اهل الازهر الواعي لحقيقة الاسلام ،
سيعمل الاخوان و السلفيون على اختراق الازهر بكل السبل و ذلك بدس علماء ينتمون الى الاخوان و السلفيين داخل مؤسسة الازهر و تكوين لوبي داخل الازهر لتمرير ما يريدون من فتاوى تتماشى مع اهواءهم ، و سيعملون على تغيير طريقة تعيين شيخ الازهر من اختيار افضل العلماء الى طريقة الانتخاب الداخلي حتى يتم تصعيد شيخ اخواني او سلفي و ساعتها حنقول كلنا علليه العوض و منه العوض فيكي يا مصر.
كتبت خواطري هذه لأحث كل مصري مخلص ان يدعه من توافهه الامور الان و ان ينظر بكل عمق لما يدور حوله و ما يخطط له فعندما نفهم المخططات مبكرا سنستطيع مقاومتها و محاربتها.
السؤال الذي مازال يحيرني ، هل يكتفى العسكري بتلك الصفقة مع الاخوان ، قد يفعلون فلو ضمنوا عدم المساءلة بالاضافة الى حفنة الدولارات فقد يكون ذلك هو اكبر طموحاتهم الان بعدما شاهدوا ما حدث لكبيرهم
فماذا نحن فاعلون؟؟؟؟
خالد المكاوي
Ya Khaled, you scare me. what you said looks reasonable enough to me, only i dont think the SCAF would leave easily when they can have 80% of the cake. i think they will soon declare someone of their side as a possible president,maybe samy anan. he is on news very often nowadays. they might give el ekhwan some power, but not much. history says that.besides, ppl dont support them much, after they saw their real face.
ReplyDeleteas for the salafis, they have been moving since some time with their strange ideas within the society, not daring to show themselves with any power or resources. now that they showed the money they have, i dont think they will move freely for long. i think their wings will be cut shortly, and ppl resent them anyway. it is not true that they are large numbers allover Egypt, they are just centralized in some areas.
But i fully agree with your opinion about Al Azhar. or the "wasateyah in Islam", and hoping it will move quickly to balance the situation. i heard that Sheikh Al Azhar has announced an official satellite channel for Al Azhar, and hope this would have an effect.
this was just published on Shourouk News
ReplyDeleteالحرية والعدالة يتقدم ببلاغ رسمي للجنة العليا للانتخابات ضد أنصار "النور" بالدائرة الأولى بكفر الشيخ بتهمة "تضليل الناخبين"
looks positive to me. at least
الحرامية هايختلفوا على اقتسام التورتة
First of all,I believe that people have to free themselves a little bit from the "evil picture" that the old regime has been painting and carving into our souls that the ikhwan are a bunch of opportunists who care about no one but themselves. And EVEN if they were, that just makes them mature politicians. Everybody in politics want more power. That's just how it works. And everybody has their own set of play rules that they abide by. Ikhwan are just a group of people who have a certain vision that brings Islam as a way of life, rather than a background in our culture, that may be flawed in execution, or implementation, or even individuals who have personal agenda or character flaws that get in the way. But at the end of the day, they are an undeniable power, and they have been prosecuted for so long for believing in that vision.
ReplyDeleteNow that this is being said, we need to have a regional perspective of our country to understand what MIGHT be going behind the scenes.
We have to understand that SCAF is backed and monitored by the US and other powerful entities in the region. All of these entities, w 3ala ra2sohom el US, would hate nothing more than the islamists to be in power for the known reasons. They could let them be for sometime, but the country would be under regional-- mainly financial --pressures all the time. The SCAF wouldn't want at any cost our country to be an islamist frontier infront of a country like Israel. So by definition, the SCAF's benefit is actually the opposite of that of the ikhwan. What you are seeing now and even falling for, is a war of power struggle between SCAF and Ikhwan. They are not allies, they are enemies. The media has no other purpose but attacking and focusing on the fear of having islamists who are synonymous now to extremists in power.
And in a country that has been ruled by the army for so long, they will not leave that easily. Am not saying they will stay either. They would be giving power to a president, but they WILL ALWAYS stay in the background of politics and that is for the sole reason of defending the country (and along with their benefits) from any regional threats in case the Islamists won too much power.
The old regime will continue to inject fear and pick on the islamists mistakes and make a big deal of it.
And the Ikhwan will continue to fight for what they believe is right and will fall into the trap of running too fast and wanting too much at once.
But I hate the idea of the US being the one who guarantees the civil Egypt.. What about the Liberals and Pro-Civil country.. the guarantee has to be from within...