Wednesday, March 25, 2009

545) Watch out for what you give women!!

Since March is recognized as the Women's month (I don't know why by the way), and since 70% of this blog audience are women (I don't know why bardo but glad it is not the opposite), I want to share with you this quote about the importance of what we (men) give women, and what we get in return...
"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit."  

I think that this is very ture, isn't it?


  1. That's so true, but fair enough :)

  2. yes Mohaly very true, I like the last part :) they deserve shit if they hurt her by any mean or annoyed her as long as she is so good and paying her duties and more


  4. Wow , it so true ,we give back more in all cases !

  5. This means that if I gave her a kiss, she should ..... ;))))

    eih ya saralona 7abibi, miss u xoxxo

  6. Haven't seen Shimaa in awhile, hope everything is alright.

  7. mohaly, it is really true,we r so generous ,so in regard to the shit part"e7zaar el 7aleem eza ghadab".....
    why is march a woman's month???

  8. Merhan: In March, Internation Women Day, Egyptian Women Day, Arab Mothers Day!

  9. لازم نشكر صاحب المقولة المجهول
    كلامه صحيح جداا للمرأة التى تحتفظ بفطرتها سليمة
    فهكذا تولد بقدرة على العطاء وقدرة على تقديره ولكن احيانا تتغير هذه الفطرة بفعل عوامل كثيرة
    وحينما نتحدث عن البشر سواء رجال او نساء ففى رأيى أن هناك اغلبية واقلية
    فلا بد انك قابلت نماذج من النساء كلما اعطيتها أرادت أكثر دون أن تحاول أن تعطى شيئا
    كما ان تقدير المرأة للعطاء يختلف فهناك من يهمها التقدير المعنوى ويتساوى عندها خاتم من زجاج واخر من الماظ طالما كان من الشخص الصح
    وهناك من لا تقدر الا العطاء المادى

    بس فى النهاية الاغلبية كويسين وطيبين
    وطبعا انا منهم فلازم اقول كده مش تحيز ..لكن لازم اناصر اخواتى فى الانسانية


  10. وطبعا بقدر عطائها فهى ايضا عندها القدرة على تحويل حياة اى رجل الى جحيم
    ودى برضه موهبة فطرية لكن هناك بعض الرجال يستحقون هذا.. فالحذر واجب

  11. you are right Jannah, I knew a girl that gave me nothing but hell and I tried everything to please her to the extent that her parents used to call me to appologize for the weird actions and reactions.

    Sometimes bardo we give and hope to just get nothing, but getting "crap" when giving is really bad. I remember that I spent 2 years after this relation just sick of girls.

  12. or in other words they always overreact!

  13. By the way, tomorrow marks the 30th anniversary of Camp David Peace Accords - the historic peace treaty that was signed between Israel and Egypt on March 26th, 1979 at the White House in Washington D.C.

    I have been trying to figure out Egypt's position regarding the anniversary this year as it is not clear to me from the media.

  14. Mona: On the official level, no comments so far. Opposition newspapers: they see that it is now obsolete. People are too busy with day to day life to think about it

    "In order to distract people from their higher needs, threaten their lower needs"!

    P.S> I noticed that all your comments on this posts are not about this post ;))

  15. الحقيقة هو صحيح جدا
    بس كدة عداها العيب
    ولا ايه ؟

    المهم بالمناسبة شهر مارس هو شهر المراة عشان الصدفة جعلت فيه يوم المراة العالمي ويوم المراة المصرية الاتنين في شهر واحد

    واليوم العالمي كان بسبب ان المراة في امريكا كانت بتاخد مرتب اقل من الرجل ان قامت بنفس العمل فخرجوا عملوا مظاهرة للمطالبة بحقوقهم في شهر مارس في سنة ما .. واخدوها

    ويوم المراة المصرية تزامن مع خروج المراة مع الرجل في المظاهرات ايام ثورة 1919 واعتبروها انقلاب علي القالب الضيق الذي وضعت فيه المراة عهودا وقرونا من قبل

    اما عيد الام فمش عارفة ليه اختاروا له شهر مارس

    لكن اليومين جعلوا شهر مارس بالتاكيد شهر المراة

    بوست ظريف علي فكرة

  16. Mohaly, You are right, that's simply because I disagree with the statement's premise.

  17. It's very true but i can tell that 95% of men bey3molo mesh 3arfeen el 7ekaya de.. But sometimes like jannah said women can make life hell but not because men deserve that it's because they're rusty and by the way i've one of them in my family&believe it or not we all suffers from her not only her husband(my only brother)...
    But don't you agree with me that romance is no longer the same like before?
    Mohaly don't you really know why 70% of this blog audience are women?soooooooooo weird?

  18. ya Mona bardo if you disagree with the statement, you should tell us why may be there is something that we don't see... if you noticed I had a tag question at the end which means that it a subjective statement.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Kochia: Mostafa Amin picked March 21st to start with the spring time.

    Mona: I agree with Omar's Comment

    Mary: no, i really don't.

    Omar: There is something wrong with our accounts, this is my 3rd trial to post a comment and everytime I post it I find your name on it!! But I finally fixed it. Did you hack my account?!!

  21. la2 ya mastoul, you forgot that I have used your laptop when I was at your home couple of hours ago :)


  22. Let's parse it to see which ones I disagree with:

    Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.
    > Nice compliment, thank you very much.

    If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
    > Come on now, you cannot be serious. Women are not baby factories by the way. But I will give Mr. "Anonymous" the benefit of the doubt, maybe he does not know any better.

    If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
    > That is if the man co-operate in the co-creation of the peaceful environment - It is a shared responsibility.

    If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
    > It will be very nice if our modern men offer their assistance in the meal making process, I am sure that this will make the meal taste even better.

    If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
    > Sorry, I am not that easy. Try harder. I will smile back though, that's all.

    She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
    > Whatever you say!

    So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.
    > Not my style. I will just wait until things cool off and seek the opportunity to have a constructive conversation about the conflict.

    Overall, I mostly disagree with Mr. "Anonymous" statement.

  23. Mona, things are much simple that that. For the first time since you joined the blog, I find myself in a disagreement with your opinion (but still like your way of displaying it).

    What if Mr.Anon is a SHE not HE.
    the point: what this anonymous wants to say is the POSITIVE part, and I don't know why you assumed the negative intension in this quote.

  24. I am sure that Mr. "Anonymous" had good intentions but the statement just did not click for me.

    We still love you Omar, don't worry.

  25. Thanks for the Reuters link Omar. I am actually a little tense right now because I have been trying to understand Egypt's current position regarding the treaty for hours now and I am not getting very far.

  26. Hi Mona it seems that either you'd never been to Egypt before or you haven't visited Egypt for a long time but believe me that's the way the story goes mainly here in Egypt you know why? because women in Egypt're looking for anything to make them happy&as for women men're their source of happiness so they kept waiting for any nice feelings they can have from men....
    Mohaly:here's why in my opinion Because your way in writing posts&comments reflects your personality which all who deals with you personal can know it quite well..
    i swear to god that i thought that people like you doesn't exist anymore&it's not a complement i don't have to......Take a look at the comments on your posts you'll find out that you mean a lot to someone you've never met before..

  27. Mary, I grew up in Egypt and I come visit quite often- I know exactly what you are talking about. But just because things are the way they are, doesn't mean that's the way they have to be. There is always room for for change and improvement. But if you guys are cool with the statement and the status quo, that's great. I am so happy for you. We love Mohaly and Omar anyway.

  28. Mona don't you agree with me that we need to change our whole life? don't you agree with me that our status here in Egypt is coming more&more complicated?we have lots of important things that we have to improve much more important than improving men's behaviour but we need to start. what about education?economic?health?.......etc we need to blow up our whole life first then we should think about men.

  29. Mary: Thank You, and ...... !!!!

    Mona: Of course we always need change and development but I feel I am missing something, If you see the category of the post you will find it about Giving. The way I saw this quote is that Men have to give women more in order to get more & more, and the good input will get great output, and bad input will get it worse. I am trying hard to understand how can this be a negative thing but really can't.
    P.S. & and we really love and respect you Mona.

  30. Ya mohaly that song is incredible everybody should listen to's vvvvvvvvvery nice& Mona lots of men really do this(what's said in the song)may be sometimes without saying but with actions..

  31. Really love can make miracles don't you all agree with me? you can't resist having a smile on your face while listening to this song.Love isn't a war it's a nice feelings no matter who start doing what.
    when love exist i myself think that each one must do his/her best to make his/her partner feels how much they mean to each other don't wait until he start when you wanna something go&have it don't hesitate that's the real change go&have love coz love is life.listen to the song saying"to really love a woman let her hold you till you know how she needs to be touched,you gotta breathe her,really taste her,till you can feel her in your blood" that's love it's a boundless feelings, It's an endless road of giving..No no way that you give love&gain hatred.
    Wish you all a good day full of love.

  32. mona
    you were asking about camp david treaty. they announce today that Egypt is not celebrating the day but our embassador in isreal will attend isreal's celebration.
    like most Egyptians, i think this treaty is obsolete, i can list many reasons for that but the one i really think people ignore is about sinai, sainai is not only sharm and Dahab.
    one visit there you'l know that we don't have the freedom to do whatever we want because of this treaty. it's sad coz sainai is a gold mine if we really develop it.
    by the way, do you know arabic??
    i prefere to write in arabic but i can write in English if it's easier for you
    all the best

  33. Hi All, don't be surprised I am an old contributor to this blog (Ezzayak ya Moh) but I was busy buying the groceries and on the same time making meals :)

    Don't you think that men give now so little and that women are multiplying the efforts to give everything. We can also say that Woman is the earth (ground) man is rain, if there is no rain the ground dries and the plants die so men should rain heavily with their love and affection to have their lives green and pleasant ones. so now you know Man it's your choice to have a green or dry life :)

  34. Gannah,
    Yes, I can read Arabic. Thanks for the information. I find it really useful.

    I feel that I am being so critical for the first time in a long time but that's O.K., it is a good opportunity to explore my full spectrum of feelings and emotions and thanks for the triggers by the way.

    I am not saying it is negative at all, I meant to say that it just uses different style and mindset than my style and mindset. I am sure that Mr./Ms. "Anonymous" meant well but I find the part about "crap" and "shit" to be so unclassy and childish.

  35. Mona, of course shit and crap is not classy but childish!!! should children use that :)
    I noticed that Mohaly when commented he used more polite words like "dont give her bad stuff in order not to get worse", but may be the Mr.Anon meant that to give such effect, and may be if he used polite/classy words like what Mohaly did, it won't be that conroversial and catchy!

  36. *ya Fatima u don't need an introduction :)
    **ya Mary fe3lan fe banat that romantic now!
    ***where is saralona? I hope that she is not upset!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Omar, When I said childish, I meant it is like when children get in a fight with one of their class mates or siblings and come home and try to justify their behavior to their parents or school teachers by saying: "he/she pushed me first so I pushed him/her back, he/she deserves what he/she got for what he/she did"

    In my opinion, adults should know better than that.

  39. Akheran ya mohal e3trft tht the only positive thing in mans lifa is WOMAN ;) ybny u r nothing wizout us asln wala eh ybnat :D bs ely by3gbny fek enk dyman mzbtna kda :D wb3den wht do u want woman 2 give u back when kissing her yasy 3mora beh u will never change
    P.s 1: khlek shahd ya mohal 3shn bt3od t2oly give him another chance &TELL HIM NOT 2 ASK ABOUT ME LAW SAM7T
    P.s 2: im not upset a3dalk 3la 2lbk :P

  40. Signature:
    msh 3rfa eh anonymous de :D

  41. إلى منى: إذا كنت تجدين كلمة شيت مش كلاسى فما رايك فى الكلام الاتى:

    المرأه في سن20 مثل كرة القدم يركض خلفها 22 رجلا

    وفي سن30 مثل كرة السلة يركض خلفها 10 رجال

    وفي سن40 مثل كرة البيسبول يركض خلفها رجل واحد

    وفي سن50 مثل كرة التنس كل رجل يرميها للآخر

    أما في سن 60 مثل كرة الجولف تقذف إلى الحفرة

  42. surely ya 3omar fe banat that romantic now keteeeeeeeeeeeeer...

  43. Omar and Mohaly,
    Just for the record keeping - I did not want to mention this earlier but I think now might be a good time to bring this up - I found the part about "sperm" and "baby" in Mr./Ms "Anonymous" statement to be so inconsiderate and insensitive and rude in some ways particularly to women who cannot carry children for medical reasons or else.

    What if the if a woman cannot carry a child, would that make her less of a woman to Mr./Ms. "Anonymous"?

    Just a thought to consider.

  44. ya Mona I think you are giving this quote much bigger thought and analysis that it deserves.

  45. Mona don't u think that what Hisham said is much mooore rude to the extent that women are just a ball to kick. At least Mr.Anon was taking about giving.

  46. Omar, I am just explaining to you guys why this statement did not set well with me.

  47. Yep, I agree with your take on it Omar.

  48. You left the main meaning behind that quote& went through another way of thinking,really don't know why?

  49. Mary, Because deep down in my heart I hope to improve the image of Egyptian women, to have them be recognized for their intelligence, sense of humor, warmth, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, unconditional love and all the other things that make a real woman. Not the meal making, not the babies, not the "s**t"

  50. Mona,i got your point,but women in Egypt are no longer the same like before they achieved great successes in all fields,so lets not keep looking only at the dark side.Bad men exists all over the world i don't know where do you live,but don't you have women abused from men in your country?

  51. I hope you are right Mary. My country is Egypt even when I am not living in it. I do think that both men and women get abused by each other but I feel that I said enough already in this post and I am just ready to move on to the next thing.

  52. Mona: Although I am really glad with the hot & dynamic discussion, but I agree with the guys here that you have given it much more than it deserves.

    Women are equal to men with different rights and different duties but the end they are equal. Even God in Quran when He mentioned that Men are over Women with a degree, He said it is conditional that the Man should spend his money, love, care, and protection in order to earn this extra degree.

    In Egypt these days not only women are abused but men, animals, and even plants :(

    Anyway I agree with you Mona it is enough for this post, and I already posted a new one couple of mins ago about a more important topic about our lives not only relations.

  53. I know now why u r so picky... ent 3aaz 7ad tafseel. all this for what one bad experience???

  54. wow :) I have missed a lot in this discussion

    Thanks Mona for asking. I am just following the old advice about the value of silence :)) I talk too much and it is time to shut up and learn ;)

  55. Shimaa,
    Please speak up, I cannot wait to hear your views on stuff.

  56. why is it unfortunate, you get whatever you deserve :)

  57. well if she gave you a baby, a home and her heart .. why on earth would you give her crap !?! ... so its totally normal xP

    no kidding .. its true because a woman is a human being .so if you treat her bad she will get even.. why do you expect her to be different ?

  58. I liked this blog, i think is very interesting, most of all for the new ideas that this blog talk.

  59. hey buddy,this is one of the best posts that I�ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme. I�m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.


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