Sunday, June 1, 2014

863) خناقة كافية !

مرة فى يوم مش فاكر إيه
عزمت عقلى و قلبى ع الكافية
و بعد ما عرفتهم على بعض ..
سابونى أنا و مسكوا فى بعض

عقلى يقوله تحب ليه 
و قلبى قاعد يضحك عليه
بيقوله أمال عايش ليه ..
و حياتك دى بتعمل بيها إيه

عقلى إتزرزر و عمل منظر
و كان هايلم الخلق عليه
قاله حياتى هى نجاحى ..
فى شغلى و إسمى و مالى يا بيه

قلبى زغرله و قاملوه و قالوه
إنت بجد مصدق نفسك
هى أشغالك على نجاحاتك ..
فى لحظة حب بتساوى إيه

عقلى بكى و جالى إشتكى
إن قلبى بيقسى عليه
و أنا من طيبتى أو من خيبتى ..
مش عارف أعمل فيهم إيه

عقلى بيكبر و قلبى بيضغر
و عاملين خناقة مع بعض
و أنا بتفرج و ساعات أهرج ..
و لا طايل و لا سما و لا أرض

يونيو 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

862) Dare to Dream - Egyptian Version !

In my post no.848, I urged you to dream and get outside your comfort zone. However, after watching this video (released yesterday by Sandra Nashaat), I have to admin that Egyptians re-defined this concept, as the comfort zone itself is a dream for most of them.

I will leave you to watch, listen, feel, and hopefully act to help them to dream, and get their dreams come true ...


Thursday, May 8, 2014

861) لحظات جنون !

تمر الأوطان العظيمة بلحظات جنون غير مفهومة ... و مصر دولة عريقة و نصيبها من تلك اللحظات لا يعد و لا يحصى ... تعالوا معا نستعرض بعض من هذه اللحظات فى السنوات الأخيرة:

اللحظة اللى الناس نزلت تقول لجمال مايمشيش بعد ما إنهار الحلم و تحققت الهزيمة.
 اللحظة اللى نزلت فبها عدالة السماء على إستاد باليرمو (جون مجدى عبد الغنى)
اللحظة اللى الناس نزلت فيها تتفرج ع الزلزال.
اللحظة اللى إنتظرنا فيها مسلسل ل أحمد عبد العزيز و جيهان نصر.
اللحظة اللى إتعدل فيها الدستور لمد الرئاسة "لمدد" أخرى
اللحظة اللى الناس رشحت علاء مبارك للرئاسة بعد ما شتم الجزائر فى الماتش مع إنهم كانوا بيهتفوا لا للتوريث لجمال..
اللحظة اللى إحتفلنا فيها بتنحى (قصدى "تخلى") مبارك و إدارة المجلس العسكرى..
اللحظة اللى قالت فيها الصناديق للإسلام نعم.
اللحظة اللى فرحنا فيها بأول رئيس "مدنى منتخب.".
اللحظة اللى هايتعدل فيها الدستور لمد الرئاسة لمدد أخرى تانى
اللحظة اللى قرر عمرو أديب إنه يتجوز لميس..


Thursday, April 24, 2014

860) Cairo Friendship Association !

On the same day 20 years ago (24.4.1994), I and some distinguished friends established a small student organization that grew really fast till winning the best Club at the AUC (American University in Cairo) and extended its chapters to 2 local Universities in Egypt (Ain Shams, & Helwan), and 3 International ones in Europe (Switzerland), North America (Canada), and Asia (Bahrain). It extended to have subsidiaries like the Pro-Action Team for Development, Arab Cultral Integration Conference, Publications (like CIFA, Thursday in Cairo,..etc), and mega projects (like Cairo Anniversary, Cairo Cultural Trips, ..etc) that attracted students and graduates from all over Egypt.

To all those who once took part in any of CFA activities in its golden age (1994-2000) including Pro-Action Team, Arab Cultural Integration Conference, CFA Egypt, or CIFA, I would like to deeeeeply thank you for your precious and sincere contributions that made us have such successful experience.

Special Thanks to CFA & its subsidiaries' icons: Yasmine Fahmy, Al Moataz Selmy, Karam El Tobgy,Sherif Saleh, Lana Gad, Mohamed Farag, Tamer Breakah, Mohamed Badran, Amr Youssef, Khaled Helmy, Rhonad Kotb, Nermine Abdel-Fattah, Noha Hatata, Mohamed El Batta, Noha Nasrat, Marwa Nosohy, Ahmed Farrag, Reham Farouk, Randa Hamza, Zaki Zahran, Tarek Genina, Mohamed El Ammamy, Nehal El Naggar, Waad El Hadidi, Mohamed Khamis, Khalil El Bawab, Ahmed Hafez, Kareem Farahat, Lana Malky, Tamer Mahdy and a lot more :)

I can say proudly that these days were some of the best days of my life.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

859) To Pee or not to Pee ... !!

I think that William Shakespeare would have written it this way if he had a simple walk in the streets of Cairo, and had witnessed himself the view, smell, and feeling of "Pee" allover the walls, sidewalks, bushes, alleys, ...etc.

The scene of people peeing in the streets is becoming quite normal, something I almost see every other day. The last time I did was yesterday when a Taxi driver pulled over beside a 5 starts hotel and went to the other side of the car, opened the door, unzipped his pants, and simply peed between the passenger door and the car !

Although it seems disgusting, but insisting always to put myself in others shoes instead of framing or judging makes me think that most of the time people do that because there are no practical alternatives (
a decent or even functioning public toilet) specially if they are using public transportation or just walking. It gets even worse if you are a female.

I tried it myself, and walked for 2.5 kilometers thinking about something I wanna do work, and I had all that walk without finding one single public toilet, and wondered, what if I really cant hold it anymore during that walk, what should I have done?! So instead of thinking strategically about "being" or not "being", I turned out to be thinking about "peeing" or not "peeing".


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

858) The Multi-Dimensional Love !

Couple of days ago I was chatting with a dear old friend and she asked me if I have loved before, and I said that Love is a multi-dimensional word and I am not sure that I have covered all its dimensions. So she asked me to define that, and I said:

"Love to be fully felt and understood it has to contain -randomly- respect, desire, itching, power & weakness, bitterness, missing, sharing, caring, lust, possession and sacrifice (willingly), mutual understanding and appreciation, common plans and chaos ... It is something that you cant see or touch, but can feel its effect on everything within you and around you, it takes you to another dimension ... and it just doesn't happen, it accumulates till you one day realize that you r way deep in love and u cant tell when did it start and how will it end..."

Am I right in describing it ?!


Monday, March 24, 2014

857) Do We Know ?!

We think that we know what they know, but the reality is that they don't know if they really know; hence, we actually don't know that they don't know, and accordingly no one knows who really know.

So we should stop acting as if we know while we don't know because in order to know, we have to realize that we actually don't know!

Do you know?


Thursday, February 27, 2014

856) 7 years of Blogging :::: Where Am I today?!

Today marks the 7th birthday -my lucky number- of my blog ... yeah it has been 6 month since my last post, and that is the longest period ever I stopped publishing on my blog, but in 7 years, that is not that much time.

It was a weird feeling not to be able to express myself through writings as I used to over all these years. It was something like a mental / psychological block that kept me not able of putting any thought on paper during that period.

This is coinciding with getting into the late 30s and soonly moving to 40s, where I am stopping before a huge and massive milestone & checking not only if I am still on the right track, but if it is the right track in the first place.

I traveled to many places in 3 different continents during these 6 months, thought a lot about it, and realized that some dreams deserve to die for while other dreams are to be kept in that wonderful golden fluffy cage somewhere in your mind.

On the public front, lots of disappointments and frustrations over the last 3 years, and I still have hope that by staying in Egypt and helping in changing of the mindset of the younger generations, we can change the culture in the future ... I am still working on it, but awaaaaay from politics.
On the mental / career front, things are not going as good as it was before the revolution(s) in business, but I am still challenging myself to focus on quality not pursue money to compensate for the lost business. Yet, I had to let go of some expensive dreams and replace them with more practical ones.
On the emotional front I am still fighting and struggling to find "the best friend for the rest of my life" to be my life partner rather than settling for the increasing urge of companionship and increasing pressures from family and society. I am also getting back to physically meet my close friends in person after falling into the virtual trap for a long time and losing the taste real friendships.
On the spiritual front, although my practices are not getting any better - except on the moral part-, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I can feel the greatness of God in everything, and I am so grateful more than ever. I am sure I will reach that level of purity I wanna reach someday ISA. I am still still struggling with the dual-faced society that focuses on the practices and looks rather than the faith and actions.
On the phyiscal front, my health is fine, and I am almost sustaining a regular workout practice to keep myself of gaining weight, get more fit, and lead a healthy life-style (I gotta be trained from now, not when I am old).

So more or less, I realized that life is a continuous non-ending struggle with myself and others, and as much as the hardships of these struggles, as much as it is the essence of its beauty till reaching my destination ... The secret is feeling grateful for what I have, ambitious about what I wanna have, and not regretful for what I haven't had.

Happy Birthday my Blog :)
