Tuesday, April 15, 2014

859) To Pee or not to Pee ... !!

I think that William Shakespeare would have written it this way if he had a simple walk in the streets of Cairo, and had witnessed himself the view, smell, and feeling of "Pee" allover the walls, sidewalks, bushes, alleys, ...etc.

The scene of people peeing in the streets is becoming quite normal, something I almost see every other day. The last time I did was yesterday when a Taxi driver pulled over beside a 5 starts hotel and went to the other side of the car, opened the door, unzipped his pants, and simply peed between the passenger door and the car !

Although it seems disgusting, but insisting always to put myself in others shoes instead of framing or judging makes me think that most of the time people do that because there are no practical alternatives (
a decent or even functioning public toilet) specially if they are using public transportation or just walking. It gets even worse if you are a female.

I tried it myself, and walked for 2.5 kilometers thinking about something I wanna do work, and I had all that walk without finding one single public toilet, and wondered, what if I really cant hold it anymore during that walk, what should I have done?! So instead of thinking strategically about "being" or not "being", I turned out to be thinking about "peeing" or not "peeing".



  1. You can check this out as well ..


  2. قد اتفهم الاسباب الصحيه (السكر مثلا ) اللي ممكن تخلي الناس تعمل كده

    او الامنيه اللي تخليهم يخافوا
    يستخدموا الحمامات العامه

    لكن مالا اتقهمه هو بلد الالف مئذنه اكيد يعني بين الجامع والجامع في جامع واكيد اي واحد فيهمم فيه تواليت

    المنظر مخجل وغير حضاري او حتى ديني
    دي مساله تربيه وثقافه مجتمع محتاجه تغيير

    لما بيكون معايا صحاب اجانب بيعلقوا على المنظر الاي كلام ده والواحد ما بيعرفش بصراحه يرد عليهم

  3. You will not believe it, i was traveling to Alex. with two Malaysian guys and in the middle of the road they asked the driver to stop on the roadside, after a while i understood what they need to do....when they came back to the car they looked at me and one of them said with a smily face "guys have advantage than girls"!!!!!!!!!!! it was a shock for me el sara7a and couldn't respond....7atta el aganeb?!

  4. I though about Mosques, but Mosques opens just 30 mins before and 30 mins after the prayer time.. Most of the time it is closed (except Ramadan)

  5. خطورة التبول وأنت قائم


  6. ya 2abo el 3ela ... I dont get where is the problem !!!

    and you are just making it worse now.

  7. Good morning everybody
    take the word "pee" off and put instead "live" and you got it all said in one sentence.
    ya Doctor this is a country that doesn’t offer a life aslan, not just the pee.

    during the past years if i know i will be on moving for long-even the ride from work to home that usually takes about 90 min.- to be ready for this. i don't drink fluids one hour before and visit the rest-room just before leaving the place i trust using it in. it helps here.

    but if u do the change i mentioned above, i haven't found a solution yet :-)

  8. as for the masjids- unfortunately it is like you mentioned, which shouldn’t be the case. often ppl don't catch the prayer and want to pray afterwards. if the masjids are closed we, females, are lost here. we can't pray elsewhere, you know.
    so again, we need to live in this country. even breath.

  9. ohh ya Maryam, u r getting it philosophical now ..

    No need to replace it, it all about peeing at the end of the day. We are being peed on by the Government, and we are peeing on whatever we can pee on.

    Sorry but ... u know..

  10. As for the mosques, I guess they should have the toilet part opened through a separate entrance.

    Ana aslan mesh 3aref balad zay masr feha mosques leih .. mesh lama yeb2a fe deen el 2awel.

  11. i am not putting it philosophical at all. if you regard peeing as literally a need for a healthy life, then it is part of life that is as all other parts of life ignored by the gov and ppl are pushed again to deal with it on personal basis, depending on nature of each and every one. and there is nothing you can do here. i don't imagine having public WCs. it is simply impossible in the Arabic culture to keep it clean. not even in the Haram is it possible, despite the efforts the gov there is doing. This part doesn’t belong in the culture here- so drop it and save yourself the hassle like i do.

    as for the masjids, again, it is an example where the arabic culture comes to the front to badly hit you.
    we need to see the masjids for what they really are: a meeting point for Moslems to really communicate. how things have turned to be is -again- our fault.
    most of the Masjids have the WC and "meida" separate. i always wondered how ppl shower there. this is not a joke, this is based on a statement from the cleaner of the masjid right next to my house.
    :-) ay khedma

  12. Women are really finding hard time there..

  13. well, i would be happy if this would be my only worry :-)
    seriously, one can really avoid falling into that problem: simply stop drinking fluids one hour before one goes anywhere and visit the rest-room before leaving the house or work. that should do it. especially if one travels for long in our beautiful, organized traffic.

  14. انا عندي اقتراح ... ليه الشركات الكبيرة والنبوك مايعملوش مبادرات ويساهموا في مساعدة الحكومة في حل مشكلة زي المشكلة دي واهي تعتبر وسيلة من وسائل الدعاية بتاعتهم اللي ممكن تجذب الناس.

    القكرة هي انشاء دورات مياه متنقلة ممكن تتعمل من حاجة كدة زي الحاويات اللي متثبتة علي مقطورة عربية نقل وبتتصمم من جوة زي وحدات الحمامات اللي موجودة في الطيارات او القطارات أو اتوبيسات الرحلات الطويلة وممكن تتقسم لوحدات رجالي ووحدات حريمي اللي بتكون مساحتها صغيرة وبتقضي المهمة اللي بتكون مجهزه بخزان للفضلات وخزان للمياه وبيتم التخلص من الفضلات كل فترة ان العربية النقل تيجي تشبك في المقطورة وتروح علي مكان مخصص لتفريع محتوياتها واعادة ملئ خزان الميه وترجع تاني تقف في مكانها.

    ده مجرد اقتراح .. ممكن حد يزود عليه ويعدل عليه.
    انا افتكر ان بنك زي ال CIB كان عمل مبادرة قبل كدة وعمل صنايق زبالة ووزعها في الشوارع وكان مكتوب عليها برعاية البنك التجاري الدولي.
    وشركة تانية مش فاكرة اسمها كانت عاملة كراسي استراحات لكبار السن علي الارصفة لانتطار المواصلات

  15. Since you didn't post lately, i have to write my wishes here: Happy "World Book Day". :-)

  16. for me they do :-)
    something strange is happening: i am subscribed to receive new posts or new comments.
    i dont receive both! i have to check the website to see the comments or new posts.
    so what is the problem here?

  17. May be the mail sends them to junk ..

    post 860 is live..

  18. The same people who pee in the streets are the same people who spit on the streets and some of them are those who pray every day in mosques (It's the culture there were raised up in). I can understand that you put yourself in their shoes and that some of them can not hold it but others can. Also , others can get tissues instead of cigarettes in order to spit and do the other disgusting things. It's the way Men were raised up in our beloved country.
    كاقتراح : لو اتعمل يوم واحد من كل شهر مثلا يجمعوا فيه فلوس مدخل المدينة (اللى بيبقى من 2 جنيه ل 20 جنيه ) و يبنوا بيها تواليت عام فى كل منطقة هيقدروا يغطوا المدينة كلها خلال سنة


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