Saturday, March 30, 2013

845) Got Money ... Got Life?!

Run after Money .... spend your whole youth piling it up ... over work, sacrifice time, relations, and anything to have more of it ..... why??! ... To enjoy your life when you are older and cant work ..... GIVE ME A BREAK.

Money is like drugs, it just gives an instant feeling of euphoria and owning the world, but no matter how much you have or get, you will always need more and your whole life will revolve around it. Do you think that keeping on possessing things will make you happy? Do you really think that if you own a yacht, a plane, 10 cars, ...etc will make you happy? ... I guess not, it will make you more worried about maintaining them and getting better ones. I'd rather earn enough money that makes me able to spend a week in a luxurious place twice a year than owning and worrying about it for the rest of the year.

This doesn't mean I hate making money, of course NOT. What I hate is making it a goal not a result. I work to make a difference, feel satisfied, and when I do that right, I should get money; sometimes a lot (Corporate), sometimes few (Academic), and sometimes none (Social Responsibility Work). But it only appears in my short term goals to maintain functioning properly, while life-time goals have no trace of it.

What really makes me happy is seeing a positive difference happening with people whether I took part in it or not. What makes me happy is seeing a talent recognized, an effort appreciated, and a passion respected. What makes me happy is freedom, justice, simplicity, and above all LOVE. This is a long lasting happiness money can't afford it.

Why do you lead a PENDING life running after a mirage while you can actually live it to the max with you already have? 



  1. People only do that when they don't appreciate what they have. And this doesn't apply on money goes for many things as well.
    And some keep running after what they think would be better without really taking a good lok at what they have. They never find it anyway.

  2. Ma3lesh ya Maryam but nothing can be compared with running after money.. people die and kill for it more than anything else.

  3. I guess it's all about materialistic / spiritual balance.. What do we really need the money for? And is that a real need orb not.. We always forget that we don't own money aslan. El feloos rez2 & we get the proper amount for us la2enaha fetna as well.ممكن الفلوس تفسد ناس وتضيع حياتهم وممكن تكون أداة في ايد ناس تانية للإصلاح.. دائماً مقتنعة أن المال هو مال الله إحنا مستخلفين عليه. صحيح السعي للرزق ده هو الأساس بس اللي بييجي نتيجة السعي ده من فوق بقي مش من الأرض خالص وبالتالي هو وسيلة وليس غاية.

  4. But from what you see around you this is not the real case ... Everybody is trying to do the least and get the most ..

    Money has become a goal for even young youth who wanna be a director in order to get more money in the first place.. this is not guessing btw.

  5. I was trying to say what sohad said so beautifully.
    People die and kill for power as well.or for anything else they badly want.sometimes people dont realize it is all rez2 and no one will take more than what allah has for them.
    Anyway what makes me happy can't be bought with money.

  6. My mother accuses me that I search for the stuff that gets me less money, and I always argue that I am searching for the stuff that makes more value whether it gets more or less money.

  7. Let me re-phrase .... Why are people so damn eager to possess more and more money ... why do we have the culture of "ma3ak 2resh teswa 2ersh" ya3ny mafeesh value added khales.

  8. el culture dee men zaman aweeee and dee fel 3alam el 3arab! We have been drifted away from important things in life! Or what life is really about...
    ليه عمر بن عبد العزيز كان خليفة للمسلمين ومعندوش غير ثوب واحد و الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام لما توفي كانت درعه مرهونة عند واحد يهودي!
    And why social standards & life style is classified bel feloos?

    2olee fen el parameters Elle bet2ees el 2nsan bee 2ara kam ketab wee fekro eih?

  9. إحنا مش مختلفين علي أهمية الفلوس في حياتنا ولكن الاختلاف في معناها بالنسبة لنا . I guess if you don't have enough money to travel for instance you will automatically work to gain more money to fulfill that need. It's all about the " line of sight" which differ from one person to another. people just don't ask themselves powerful questions to explore further what they need it for!

  10. انا لقيت القصة دي في صلب الموضوع وبتلخص كل اللي ممكن اقوله

    ذهب سائح الى المكسيك ، فامتدح الصيادين المَحليين في جودة أسماكهم، ثُمَّ سألهم:
    كم احتاجوا من الوقت لاصطيادها؟! فأجابه الصيادون في صوتٍ واحد:
    " ليس وقتا طويلاً " !
    فسألهم: "لماذا لا تقضون وقتاً أطول وتصطادون أكثر؟!
    فأوضح الصيّادون أن صيدهم القليل يكفي حاجتهم وحاجة عوائلهم !
    فسألهم: "ولكن ماذا تفعلون في بقية أوقاتكم؟"
    أجابوا:"ننام إلى وقت متأخر، نصطاد قليلاً، نلعب مع أطفالنا، ونأكل مع زوجاتنا وفي المَساء نزور أصدقاءنا، نلهو ونلعب بالجيتار ونردد بعض الأهازيج"
    قال السائح مقاطعاً: "لدي ماجستير إدارة أعمال من جامعة هارفرد، وبإمكاني مساعدتكم !
    ولكن عليكم أن تبدؤوا في الصيد لفترات طويلة كل يوم، ومن ثم تبيعون السَّمك الإضافي بعائد أكبر ، وتشترون قارب صيد أكبر "
    سألوه : "ثم ماذا؟"
    أجاب: مع القارب الكبير والنقود الإضافية، تستطيعون شراء قارب ثاني وثالث وهكذا حتّى يصبح لديكم أسطول سفن صيد متكامل، وبدل أن تبيعوا صيدكم لوسيط، ستتفاوضون مباشرة من المصانع، وربما أيضاً ستفتحون مصنعاً خاصاً بكم،
    وسيكون بإمكانكم مغادرة هذه القرية وتنتقلون لمكسيكو العاصمة، أو لوس أنجلوس أو حتى نيويورك !
    ومن هناك سيكون بإمكانكم مباشرة مشاريعكم العملاقة"
    سأل الصَّيادون السّائح:
    "كم من الوقت سنحتاج لتحقيق هذا؟"
    أجاب: مممم حوالي عشرين أو ربما خمسة وعشرين سنة ، فسألوه: "وماذا بعد ذلك؟"
    أجاب مُبتسماً :
    "عندما تكبر تجارتكم سوف تقومون بالمضاربة في الأسهم وتربحون الملايين"
    سألوه في دهشة:
    "الملايين؟ حقاً؟ وماذا سنفعل بعد ذلك؟"
    أجاب: "بعد ذلك يمكنكم أن تتقاعدوا، وتعيشوا بهدوء في قرية على الساحل، تنامون إلى وقت متأخر، تلعبون مع أطفالكم، وتأكلون مع زوجاتكم، وتقضون الليالي في الاستمتاع مع الأصدقاء"
    أجاب الصياديون: "مع كامل الاحترام والتقدير، ولكن هذا بالضبط ما نفعله الآن، إذا ما هو المنطق الذي من أجله نضيع خمسة وعشرين سنة نقضيها شقاءً؟"

    كثير منا يستنزف طاقته وكل قواه، ويهمل أهله وعائلته وصحته،، بل يزهد حتى في أمر آخرته التي هي حياة البقاء؛ لأجل ترف زائل!
    يظن بأن هذا الترف الذي استنزف قواه ، سيمنحه السعادة !
    وما عسى أن تبلغ قيمة السعادة التي تأتي إذا خارت القوى وانقضى ربيع العمر، وخفقت عند رؤوسنا أجنحة الموت..؟!
    فإلى كل فرد منا:
    .. أين تريد الوصول في حياتك

  11. The main difference between you and your mother is you do what you as correct for you while your mother wants you to do what everyone else does. She wants you to be like everyone around to be happy like everyone around bardo.
    Al mothers iust want us to be happy and dont think we are hapoier the way we are better than if we do like anyone else.
    Second, i agree woth sohad again. Everyone sets his own needs and what counts for them.we differ from oneanother.

  12. U know the Devil wears Prada movie goes around the same subject or close;))

  13. Ah yes.watched it yesterday and always feel happy for andrea to have escsped it at the right moment

  14. Asmaa: I always loved this story and I have talked about in a previous post couple of years ago ..

    Why wait to be happy when you are old, why dont you enjoy all when you can.

  15. Devils wears prada ... very well written and both meryl and ann were great in representing the 2 points of views. But actually if it were me, I wouldnt have waited that long.

  16. Maryam: I dont think that Mothers are ready to change their opinions about them being always right.

  17. May be because we put our happiness as a condition until we achieve a specific objective or goal and goal after goal we forget to be happy until we find ourselves getting older!! or sometimes we wait for others or something for long time to generate the feeling of happiness in our minds and hearts thinking that happiness must arrive from a source outside ourselves...I would say "satisfaction" is the solution to enjoy our lives with what we have NOW not with what we WILL have.

  18. I know moms will never are aunts, uncles and cousins.3adi. U can say they have their own ideals and thsts leave it is like miranda and andrea, each of them has her world where they are happy.
    At the end everyone hss the right to live his life the way they want.the budinessman asmaa mentioned in her story and the fisherman both have every right.its up to you to choose where you go.

  19. I know exactly how Andrea felt, I am much like her it takes me loooong time to acknowledge facts, and set my soul free.

  20. It takes me from 1 minute up to 1 month to set my soul free, and this is my ceiling ..

    and for the times it took me a month, I stayed couple of months afterwards healing.

  21. 1 min is sometimes more than enough to know the answer.often it takes me quiet sometime to gather my thoughts to tell others my decision.i need time to doublecheck for not to regtet it afterwsrds.

    I think the length of time depends on the importance of whatever we need to free ourselves from.

  22. I wish I can say the same about breaking through limiting believes, social frames, habitual thinking , social domestication, anf FEAR..We were born as free birds to FLLLLLYYYY, discover our talents and BE:)))

  23. I agree Maryam, it depends on the importance, and consequences of the decision on other people as well" Ecology of the decision" , and it also require courage , and inner strength to go against the flow, especially if emotional support is needed at times.


  24. كان نفسى كدبة إبريل السنة دى تبقى إن مرسى و الإخوان هايفضلوا فى الحكم ..

  25. Lol...atwal 7ala2a fel camera el 7'afeya

  26. Happy 1st of april :-)
    They lost many voters ya doctor: the lemon party, salafits, most azharians and many who thought they are trustworthy.their only suporters now r the group and those who can be bought.the parlament elections will be different. Cheer up, things might be different

  27. I wish I can be that optimistic, I dont trust the Egyptian People's choice anymore.

  28. It is not is just reading of what i se around me. Mom's salafi friend condemns the MB for not applying shari3a, espevially in the criminal laws and taking all power in hand.librals are against them anyway.simple ppl like our bawab wants them to keep their promises and swears no one of thwir entore village would elect them again.
    The lemon party are on the librals' side.
    They only have their ppl otherwise they are alone.
    Ppl who thought like Gika Allah uer7amo got a fat slap on their faces that woke them up from dreaming.
    Internationally they are condemnd.the loan is refused.they must work hard to gain ppl at their side again.
    They lost toooo much in the past 10 months

  29. I wish that they will fail more and more till their era ends forever.

  30. This is what i expect. It is like what happened with mubarak. When they fell none is on their side.
    All i pray for is that no one dies again.kefaya keda.young peple zay elward paid a high price for their chairs. Menhom le Allah.
    Just came back from ain sukhna.there is a good rate of occupation there. Rabena yesahel

  31. مصر صحبه حلوة وحضن دافئ ..
    مصر شط لنيل صافي
    مصر سيد درويش وثومة
    مصر أكبر من دي الحكومة
    مصر هي انتم وأنا
    مصر آمانا كلنا
    مصر مش مقر الأخوان
    مصر أم كل الأوطان
    مصر ابتسامة بنت سمرا
    مصر فلاحة بطرحة خضرا
    مصر نسمة أمل في بكرة

  32. It's not the things we want & don't get that are the source of our greatest tests & trials, it's the things we do get that we didn't want and never expected!

  33. Money can be a good test in marriage ... You know the faithful man when he has money, and you know the faithful women when her husband doesn't have money.

  34. Leeh seeeret el marriage 3ala ree2 keda ?:) marriage will be tested in so many ways, from my humble opinion money test will be the least difficult one...what if el set Heya Elle ma3aha feloos well ragel la2? Why we associate money with men bas?

  35. coz men are by nature more materialistic than women who are more emotional.

  36. Sohad, the poem is beautiful. thank you for sharing. it says so much.

    i guess money is associated with the man rather than the woman in marriage because he is responsible for living.

    the answer to your question dear is in the seerah. see how Khadijah helped and supported the Prophet PBUH, with her money asking him to go for the da3wah and not to go for the trading trips anymore?
    Sub7an Allah, he gave us in elseera answers to questions we might have. if only we read it with open minds :-)


    جون ستيوارت بهدل مرسى و جاب من الأخر .... يالا كنت زعلان من تريقة باسم، التريقة بقت عالمية جيت تكحلها عميتها كعادتك... فيه حته اللى بيتكلم فيها عن عظمة مصر و إزاى رئيسها مفروض يبقى قدها كنت هايعط. و الله مش عارف أضحك على المسخرة و لا أحزن على اللى بيتقال على واحد للأسف بيمثل مصر و هو مش قدها و لا حتى فارقه معاه.

  38. ميرسي:)
    هو الكلام طلع من جوايا بعد ما حضرت حفلة نصير شمة في الساقية مع اوركسترا بيت العود..لما شفت عازفين من العراق، ليبيا، السودان، روسيا وأمريكا في مصر علشان يتعلموا عزف العود:)) حسيت أن فعلاً مصر أكبر بكتيييير من مرسي والاخوان

  39. صح يا مريم السيرة فيها كل حاجة وقصة زواج الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام من السيدة خديجة بتقول حاجات كتير..منها أنها طلبته للزواج ومنها فرق السن بينهم وأنها كانت غنية:)

  40. eih dah. i didnt know you write poems. it is lovely, dear. you should write more often and share them. i love poems and enjoy everyone i read. begad thank you for sharing. :-)

    All you mentioned dear shows clearly how far we live from the way we should.
    and actually none sees it, although they call themselves Muslims 3ala elsunnah :-)

  41. Yes...imagine ba2a low el settat started to propose :)))

  42. Ya Mariam thank you kteer..your feedback is much appreciated:)) I am not a regular poem writer & never classified what I write:)) 2ana bas shewayet emotions tele3laha 2edeen wee regleen;))) mashya bee fardet el mo7' el yemeen all the time were bakteb Elle be7eso wee bas.

  43. I don't think a lady would do it for an egyptian. i can't imagine what he would think or how he'd react. the egyptian mentality isn't ready for such an approach yet, no matters how cultivated or educated the couple are.

  44. Sohad, i just told you my opinion, dear. you are good at writing. and peotry is all about emotions given some air. regardless of any qafiah or wazn, important is your choosing the words.
    Look at Nizar Qabbani for instance. whatever crazy feelings he got, he put it on paper. back then and till now he is recognized as either geniuous or the clear opposite.

    I would love to read your readings whenever you are ready to share.

    Dear, we are all emotions on awlking legs, that's why we got hit so badly :-). 3adi gedannnnn

  45. Sohad: consider this blog an open area to share with us any of your poems at anytime.

  46. Maryam: I don't see any problem if a woman proposed to me.. I am not better than the prophet pbuh.
    Would I accept or not that is another issue depending on if I do see us together or not and has nothing to do with who proposed.
    But even in the typical Egyptian proverbs it says ekhtob lebentak.

  47. very true from the concept's side ya Doctor. but from the practical side, i don't think it is applicable.
    sure no one is better than Him, PBUH, only society is far away from applying his Sunnah, although Allah sent him to be our mentor and guide.

    the proverb is interesting, i always wondered about it.

    I am neither pro nor con the concept. would be interesting to meet a couple with this expereince, though. i guess they would have a very special nature :-)

  48. Thanks ya dr. Will share:)) as for the marriage proposal I am 100% with Maryam.. El mentality 3andena fel daya3 & ya dr. You are an exception can't be consisted as a benchmark for Egyptian males..el set betetzal zol el seneen wel teneeen ma3 el regala Elle tafkerhom 3aqeem:)

  49. I dunno if being an exception from Egyptian men is a blessing or a curse. As u can see I ending up lonely after all.

  50. thank you sweetheart. your words are very accurate, ya Sohad.

    The mentality ya Doctor is far below any expectations. you will be surprised :-)

  51. it is a curse you are blessed to grateful if you escaped being like the others :-)
    actually we should all be grateful to have escaped being like the others. Aliens has its pros, bardo. :-)

  52. أشوف شعاع النور امسكه وفقلبي اخبيه... آبات وأصحي الاقيه من العتمه انطفي ..أقول يا مين يحميه...املك في قلبك وليد زي النبت احرسه ..لجل ما الورد يطرح ومتسيبوش الريح تطير بيه.

  53. beautiful style ya Sohad.
    and very true words, dear.
    you are talented :-)

  54. يا سيدي الفاضل أحسن حاجة في أي إنسان انه يكون صادق مع نفسه ومع ربه اللي همه الناس هنقول ايه ده ربنا معاه بقي!! يعني هو انا اللي حواليا كتير ما انا خدت علي دماغي وبرده بقيت لوحدي:) yet I prefer to be alone & be myself rather than being ma3 7ad mesh 2ader yefhamneee!

    Lol.. Linley aliens meeting point !

  55. I wish I had a certain writing style:) Ana bakteb 2ay 7aga gedan..

  56. dear, its ok not to have one certain style. like i said before it is nto the writing style that would define your writings, rather the content.
    look at all writers, the form might be different but the unique content is the thing that connects it.
    عندك يوسف إدريس مثلا، لازم لما اقرأ أي حاجة كتبها أحس ان حد خبطني على دماغي.
    هو ده بالضبط اللي هو كان عايزه، انه يفوق الناس من الغيبوبة اللي عايشين فيها.

    مش مهم خالص القالب اللي تحطي فيه كتاباتك، مهما إختلفت القوالب المهم ان روحك تبان فيها وتعرفّها :-)

  57. after some time you get used to being alien and you don't feel lonely anymore :-)
    have you ever noticed that we communicate well with kids and animals (pets)?
    I noticed it but not sure it is related

  58. Thnx 7abibty will keep your words in my heart & mind:)

    Yes indeed Ana dogs & horses are my pets:) dogs mesh ba2dar 2arabeehom now, yet pure Arabian horses have been my companion for a good 7 years of my life...I perfectly connect with them & I am never lonely ma3ahom..they are true friends..mo7tarameen wee metrabeyeen wee 3andohom amazing free spirit sealed with pride! Mesh ay 7ad can have their keys wala to ride them..& if y fell down.. They simply bow their heads and wait for you to ride again. Racing the wind with my horse is a time to BE:))

  59. Allah, Allah. dogs, horses, dolphines and birds are mine. never could get tab3an. birds i will never get in a cage.
    yes, they are exactely like you said. i would add kaman they have a very tender heart. somehow they manage to make me feel warm. i spent years with dogs of my cousins, and could not have enough of them.
    thought of learning the riding many times but never really got the time. I might start now, leih la2. :-)

  60. Sohad: Maryam is right, and u just write and it will come lewa7daha

    Maryam: eih da, fe3lan, I get along easier with old and young people, but I get along with most of Europeans as well !!

  61. most of us get along good with kids, i guess.their pure souls makes it easier to deal with.
    old people depends on them :-). usually i am polite.

    europeans, yes. most of them are direct enough for me to decide if i want to deal with them or just take off.
    the pros here is the degree of openness and straightforward character.

  62. 7ader :)) will do kermalkon I will write 2ay 7aga wee kol 7aga with no constraints:)

  63. Mohaly: enta 2oltrlee a month ago to publish whatever I wrote & I was reluctant to take the first step.

    Mariam: you liberated my soul from an old frame & a limiting believe & I am flying since yesterday & collected kol Elle katabtoo men zaman aweeee since 94..

    Thank you ento el taneen for your encouragement and support..:can't describe now how I feel except " انا كنت تهت مني ولقيتني"

  64. ya Sohad, i am happy you found you again, dear. but i don't think you were lost, maybe off the track shewaya, but i am sure deep down you knew what you want, dear.

    Dear, writers are always free spirits. it is by nature. you were just caught between lines keda for short. I am happy to see you happy and free again.

    Would lvoe to read your writings whenever you are ready to share them. old or new, i am interested :-)

    and you have a lovely tender spirit, 3ala fekra. it shows in the tenderness of your words and in the ideas iteslf.
    i wonder how your other writings are :-)

  65. Thanks Maryam, much appreciated :)) will share soon iSA

  66. el blog dee wa7ashetnee.. Strange enough that it has a different energy..starting from this writing encouraging spot Ana katabt 7aga leeko ento el etneen :because without you makontesh ha7es bel kalam da, still struggling with a limiting belief that what I write can't be published yet el kalam da leeko:

    حسيت بنفسي إحساس تاني كان نفسي أعيشه من زمان
    حسيت بقيمتي وبكياني وبكل أحلام الحياة..حسيت بالآه اللي مكتفاني..وبحرية عجباني..حسيت بنفسي اللي محيراني .

  67. Ya habibty, thank you so much.wallahi your words touched me deeply.
    Ya Sohad you are doing a wonderful job discovering yourself on yourown, so don't thank me. I am sure the artist in you will find the right way to show itself.and there arent any strings to your writings other than what you put yourself. Yalla, fly my dear :-)

  68. Nothing to be said after what Maryam said.

  69. Nothing to be said after what Maryam said.

  70. Howa fee 2ensan tabe3ee yetkalem ma3ako wee yeb2a 3ando constraints bardo:)) dee 7ata teb2a 3eeba.
    Fee new blog under construction as we speak:))


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