Sunday, January 23, 2011

746) About Love & Cheating !

What is Love? and why does cheating happen?
Interesting Analysis (keeping in mind cultural differences) that I am sharing with you to discuss.



  1. women deserve to be betrayed ya Doc

  2. why are you referring to it as "cheating"...

    there are a couple of aspects...

    - although her reference was the american culture, she was talking about all humans when she mentioned those three drives (sexual, romantic love, and attachment)... i think it's rather more acceptable on some level to have those 3 drives for 3 different people at a time early in any relationship before both partners decide to commit or even just be exclusive...

    - that being said, having drives does not necessarily mean we have no control over them... controlling drives and urges is probably impossible, but in the sense of having the; meaning, they what we do with those urges CAN BE controlled, it's just usually a very hard thing to do... the motivation to control them rather depends on a lot variables, like culture, society, faith, or mere vulnerability towards how others perceive you, not to mention of course inner insecurities... my point is, if you are attached to someone, you can feel intense emotions for another and feel sexually attracted to random people or even specific ones, but you decide in which direction to act and then we come to whether "cheating" is an issue there...

    was that clear enough or more like blabber?

  3. clear and deep insomniac.
    but cheating will happen if dont control so this is the root that we need to tackle.

  4. faith n beliefs vs. needs n desires; hopes vs. reality; body vs. soul; .. n a miracle called "الإرادة".. create the balance!

    (btw, PRIDE is not for sale at the first place)

  5. sunshine, then if someone asks me to set it (pride) aside, what should I do?

  6. (as long as its not "kebr")
    pride = respect to myself..
    the equation is clear, non-negotiable!

  7. walahi mana 3aref .. I dont think one of my weakness is kebr, I know that my pride is an important part of my personality, but I hope it is not kebr.

  8. "Kebr" Mohaly.. It is not you khales :)

  9. Tayeb ya3ne homa el 3 drives(sexual, romantic love, and attachment)... msh momken y7salo tgah 7ad wa7ed bas.
    i think the love is 2 ve all the 3 drives for only one.
    if we ve one drive it is not our true love.
    but it can happen that we ve 1 drive for someone else in the presence of the true love.( 3al mashy keda):)
    hena ba2a u must be conscious and control it.
    u know the story of alrasoul sala ahlah 3alyah wasalam and the wife of zayed.

  10. il 3o2da ba2a that there's always somethin missin from the three drives n u have to compromise one of these depending on ur priority, which wilI, hopefully, reduce(or eliminate) cheating.. (but I want the three :D) n that will be the perfect match .. fel ganna ba2a insha Allah :D


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