Friday, February 27, 2009


Today M.O.H.@.L.Y.I.C.S starts its 3rd year. At 12pm on the 27th of February 2007 in SpotLight Street in Hurghada, this blog was born.

Since then 535 posts, 3859 comments were posted in 1035 web pages, 19788 visitors paid 76927 visits creating 151,546 pageviews from 112 countries.

Most visiting countires are Egypt (59%), USA (14%), UAE (5%), Morocco (4%), UK (3%), Germany (2%), Australia (2%), Saudi Arabia (1%), Switzerland (1%), & Canada (1%).

Average Time on Site is 4 mins per visit; i.e. visitors had spent 2603 hours on this blog since it started. 31% is the average perecentage of new vists.

Most Visited Posts: 7eena Maysara (post 350), Reem Abaza (post 250), Hassan we Morcos (post 438), Kiss wala 7araj (post 374), Gumus-Noor Mania (post 457), Toltomeya we Talatashar (post 313), Sex Education (post 443), El Shabab wel Hegab (post 417), 3ayza Atgawez book (post 394), Obama dream and reality (post 493).

Not bad for an English blog in an Arab country I guess :)

Thank you for keeping me posting, without you comments, it would have been dull. Special thanks to the 12 main followers, and the frquent visitors... Thanks Omar for your presense and quick comments, Thanks a lot MONA for the valuable contributions, Thanks to El Za3eema Shaimaa & the presistent Elham. Thanks Ola (frustrated), Noly, Nerma, Nerro, the beautiful Nourita, Amr, Yasmine, Amina, Gjoe, the naughty Titi, Brownie, Gee, Fatima, the Geeks Bo2bo2 & Embee, and all frequent commenters and visitors, and of course the princess of Humor: Saralona :) I miss some people from first year mainly Khateeb, Gypo,Yasmine Farahat, and Yasmine Ismail.

I hope that we will be together till we celebrate the completion of the 3rd year as we started it together. Wish you all the best, and Happy Anniversary :)



  1. Happy Anniversary Mohammed, I do really like your way in presenting things. I think that this is attributed to your Strategic Planning background:)
    Hope things get better next year isA

  2. Happy Anniversary!

    w 3o2baal el post el 10,000 (wink wink)

    bgad your blog is one of the ebst and it is always in my shared stuff in Google Reader :D

  3. Happy anniversary :)

    i'll still keep the same question after 10 years from today, would you keep all these posts on? things r going to change, and maybe your opinon :) especially about being single :)


  4. Happy Anniversary, 3o2bal seneen keteer of blogging 7agat keteer tenawar lomad keteer fi dema3' nas keteer :)))

    I won't ever deny that I have learnt a lot following your blog.

    So, just keep blogging and never stop :)

  5. Mohaly, this is a day where we all say thank you for sharing with us all these thoughts, fun, feelings, and time of course.

    and by the way I like the new year colors as well :)


    Because we are friends long before the blog, and because I know almost all what you do in life I wanna tell you that you are really making a difference.

    Your students in AUC say that you changed their lives, many of the people whom you have trained in Egypt or here in UAE keep on applying what you taught them and still intouch with you as their mentor, the companies you have applied your thoughts within succeded, and now your writings are attracting more and more people who have brains and they admit that you are making a positive difference.

    Even if you do mistakes, who doesn't, as you u say we should look at the overall, and my overall is that I AM PROUD TO BE YOUR FRIEND MOHALY, and although i am beta3 banat we maleesh fel gawaz, but I really wanna see you with the girl you deserve who will love you and know that she has a precious gift.

    Kefaya keda la7san ma3rafsh akalemak :)

  7. ah by the way, celebrating the MOH@LICYS anniversary, I have posted my first post today!

    saralona, mestanee ra2yek ;)

  8. im really very proud & happy that u didnt 4get me in presenting ur MAIN friends in ur blog although im a new one yarab isa 3o2bal el anniversary el 100000000 wna feeh :D:D

    And 4 u b2a ya 3mora ana 3omry 3omry 3omry mesh hagy elblog bt3k dh abdn abdn y3ny

    we b3den ybny asln ana now b2et " THE PRINCESS OF HUMOR" y3ny m7dsh hy3rf yklmny b3d kedaaaaaa
    3shn tb2a tb3ny tany ya (bt3 banat) yartny sm3t klmk men zaman ya mohal ya sadeky

    ana mesh hadkholo blog tool mana 3ysha ya mohal :D:D

  9. Happy anniversary Mohaly :)
    I think Omar rostom saba2ny we 2al mo3zam ely kont 3ayza a2ooloh, you are really making a difference and you changed a lot of lives, I regret really that I didn't know about you and your blogs earlier, I really missed a lot, although I'm a new follower here but it added a lot to me and reading your posts became one of my daily habits. I’m really happy for your success.
    I agree with Tamer Mokhtar every year many changes are going to happen, in your opinions, in your posts and in Mohaly himself, but all I'm sure about that all these changes will be better and better and always toward the positive direction, and you will even exceed our all expectations, please keep lighting the roads and the minds in the darkness and never stop, me and all your reader will support you. Thanks a lot.

  10. Saralona, I am sorry, will not do that again.

    Elham, thanks for proving my point.

  11. Congratulations and 3okbal 100 sana. I had to smile at the 1% Switzerland only, we should do something about it.
    Congratulations also for the blog's new layout.

  12. Happy anniversary :D
    Here’s to many many many ones to come isa :)

  13. Wow Guys, I didn't all this love and respect, I am overwhelmed, and you made it harder for me now :)

    Thanks a lot for all the nice, and really fulling and motivating words.

    Ola, Gjoe, Shaimaa, Amina: Thank you, I will try to keep it that way, and hope to continue on your top list.

    Tamer: Thank you, Will answer you in another comment.

    Omar, Elham: This is too much. I am really glad to see part of my mission is coming true. I hope that I can be up to your expectations.

    Saralona: Thank you, you are the newest but the positive noise and fun you made had a clear fingerprint. P.S> Forgive Omar :)

    Nobelese: Actually I was surprized when I found quite an noticeable traffic coming from Switzerland, but I am glad that MOH@LYICS is reaching out there, and yeah I hope to see it much more than 1%. Welcome to the blog and hope to see your contributions more often.

    Nerro, and Nourita: Thank you :)

    Mona: Where did you disappear? haven't read anything for you in the last couple of days? Come and join the celebration, you are one of the main stars of this blog.

  14. TAMER:

    Actually since you asked this question couple of years ago, and I really keep thinking about it every now and then!!

    I guess the ideas will definitely develop (not change) with age, and we will start seeing stuff in a different and more inclusive way.

    E.g.: My opinions about being single will be valid, because it was always be within the context of being single, I haven't been married before, and definitely there will be development of these ideas after marriage.

    What I wanna say is that the only constant in life is change, and the people who won't develop their thinking and ideas after 10 years will be stubborn and will start going backward coz the world is really speeding forward.

    P.S. Tamer, I really hope to see you blogging again, I miss your fun and freedom in your blog.

  15. so the answer is yes or no? :)
    sounds you won't commit! hehe

    for my blog: i found it more funny to comment on your blog :)
    but i'll send you my style posts for your blog, and for sure you have the right to sensor :D

  16. Thank you so much Mohaly for being who you are and for your two year old, M.O.H.@.L.Y.I.C.S, Hurghada born Blog at Spotlight street.

    Through M.O.H.@.L.Y.I.C.S, I had a chance to meet wonderful exceptional people who challenged, influenced and shaped my thinking processes on the conscious and unconscious levels, and for that I am so gratful.

    Thank you!

  17. tyb 3shn khatrk enta bas ya mohal hafkr eny forgive him
    bs hy3mly eh b2a 3shn yesl7nyyyyy im waiting b2a ya mohal lw 3ml haga testahl eny asm7o hasm7o b2a we 2mry lelallah

  18. Tamer, actually I do believe than opinions change as well, so there is no direct yes or no for your question, and I am waiting for your fun stuff on this blog :)

    Mona, you are -as Mohaly said- an added value to this blog. By the way, you should register as a blog follower as well.

    Saralona, What about dinner on the candle lights?

    ya Gama3a, Mohaly's grandma is in a very critical state in the intensive care, she is very close to him, I called him and he is in a very bad condition and I think that he is cancelling his scheduled travelling this week. Pray for her.

  19. Omar,
    I am so sorry to hear about Mohaly's grandmother's health condition. My heart goes out to him and his family during this difficult time. I will keep him and his family in my prayers. And please let me know if I could be of any help.

  20. Oh god, Plz all pray to her, as you all know how far Mohaly need all your prayers, I can imagine how far he is in bad condition, god cure her soon Isa.
    Mohaly: we all wish her speedy recovery and ISA she will get back to lighten her home soon

  21. ya 3eny 3alromantic ezay gaylk 2lb tekhrog we sa7bk fe ashd el7aga leek y3ny we 3mal bs t2ol sa7by sa7by bs anyway y3ny ana mwf2a 3la elinvitation de emta b2a ya 3mora ;);) :D:D

    p.s : alf alf salma 3leha ya mohal isa t2omlna kolna blslma we all miss u wallhi ;) tel3 leek sh3bya gmda aho y3mmmm;);) we wait uuuuu we tamna 3lehaa

  22. Happy anniversary ya Mohaly, really appreciate mentioning my name.

  23. I can't forget you ya Gypo, you were one of the establishers of this blog :)


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