Thursday, February 12, 2009

527) Valentine's Week: Singles Agenda !

After second thoughts, and instead of escaping, I told myself that It is Valentine's day, and singles have the right to enjoy it too, there is a brightside there for us ...Whether you choose to have other single people over to celebrate by playing these one-of-a-kind singles games, or whether you prefer to soak in the glory of being single on your own, the goal is simply to make the Valentine's day on Saturday your day!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend, and a "Habby Falantim" as I hear it in the streets ;)


Some Tips from the Net:


There's just something about seeing a movie when most people are not even thinking about what's on at the movies! Every holiday... this is where you'll find us.


Get out & about and explore some unknown territory in your car. If it's warm enough, roll the windows down (or put the top down), crank the tunes, and go wherever the road leads you. You have no destination. You have no obligations today. You are free to roam the great outdoors and just enjoy the day... alone. (Want some extra adventure?... rent your dream vehicle (like a Jeep or a motorcycle) for the day!


You'll become rejuvenated and feel like a kid again pedaling around the neighborhood. Don't want anyone you know to see you?... Then stick your bike in the car and motor on over to the nearest park. There, you can pedal (or wobble) to your heart's content, take in the sights, stop and smell the roses, and even burn a few calories at the same time.


Some fun newactivities to consider:

Yoga... there's nothing like it for making you feel great in a short amount of time -- with very little effort on your part!

Parasailing... most are surpised to learn that this is such a mindless, effortless, no-skill-required kind of activity. You sit. They drive the boat. They add some slack to the rope attached to the harness you're sitting in. And you rise above it all. All the while, taking in some of the most beautiful sites around.


Whether you're handy in the kitchen or not, find a recipe (either an old family favorite, or one you dig up online), take a trip to the store and purchase all of the necessary ingredients. (Don't forget to splurge on some special pre-made dessert that's to die for!) Rush home to work your magic.


Hopefully, you'll feel compelled to get outdoors and photograph places that mean something to you, or some common local sights (people window-shopping downtown, kids playing at the park, animals at the zoo). If that's not motivating you, then consider these unique ways to use a digital camera. Either way, spending the day sharpening up your photography skills will surely yield some satisfying results at the day's end.

PURSUE YOUR PASSION (Mohaly's choice)

Whatever it is that you are passionate about in life -- be it a particular hobby, travel, craft projects, charitable acts, etc. -- use this day to make great strides by just doing that today. This is also known as drowning yourself in productivity... or pursuing those things that you are passionate about. As long as it's something you are completely driven to succeed at, then you will still be having FUN while accomplishing great things at the same time.


  1. wow ya Mo, it actually seems more fun to be single of the Valentine's this way! but u know what it is pathetic at the same time!! Imagine I feel special and pathetic at the same time.

    Last year I was with my girlfriend now I am alone, who know what will happen next year.

  2. That's the spirit; the day is overrated that's for sure yet it is not that bad after all :D
    Habby falantime :D

  3. u know ya mohaly u make me love 2 be single :D:D

    last year i was alone now im wiz my boy who know what will happen next year :D:D

  4. mohaly hwa ana momkn a2olk 7aga bs matedy2sh . look hwa ana dn't know u personally y3ny bs leh 7asa enk 3ndk 3o2da men el lovers we enhom we7shen we bet7wel tebyen enk tmam awy keda wenta single wnta 3aref enk mesh mabsot bs a2olk 7aga ana s3at keter b3ml keda bs hea de mesh el72e2a 3shn 3omr ma 7d by7s eno mabsot we hwa alone i know that may be a lot of people around u bs aked aked bygy 3lek w2t btb2a nefsk tetklm m3a 7d fahmk awy we tedelo all ur feeling wla enta eh r2yak ya 3omar :D:D

    l2 begd ya mohaly mesh kalamy sa7 wla eh

  5. you really dont know me saralona :)

    bel3aks, if you read my blog you will know that I find that loving is more of the most precious blessings, and I do really seek it, but this doesn't mean that we shouldn't celebrrate the time we are singles coz it has its pros too, wala eih ;)

  6. wallhi yabny ana b2ly 23 yers single elly mal2et leha pros w7da enta b2a shyef en leha yb2a enta 7or b2a:) we b3den elw7ed mynf3sh eno seeking 4 love 3shn keda 3omro mhyl2eh l2no momkn yekon 2oryeb meno awy bs hwa wala hwa hena we 3mal yedwr fe 7eta tanya khales wala eh :)

    p.s 1 : how was ur day yesterday ya3am singlawy we proud awy keda enk alone y3ny ;)

    p.s 2 : hwa 3omr ra7 fen :D:D

  7. Actually it was a lovely day among my students, where most of red, and we celebrated it all together specially the single ones.

    Enjoy your life in all its stages ya saralona :)

    p.s. khali balik omar sha2ee ;)

  8. I am here ya saralona ;)

  9. 3amoraaaaaa fenk ya ragell missing u :D:D:D
    p.s : khaly balk ya 3mora 3shn mohaly byw23 bena but im trust on u baby :D:D:D

  10. ya gama3a 3eeb keda, take each other's emails we "zabato" henak! mesh 3al mala2 keda!

    ya Omar ana khayef saralone di tekon walad we betel3ab beek ;))

    Ana bas bahadee el nefous :)

  11. eh elzaka2 dh ya mohaly sa7 3reft menen :D:D hwa ana lw walad we gaya ashtghl 7ad hena hashtghl elowner bt3 elblog mesh hadkhol azbt 7d men 3ndo y3ny wla eh ya 3mora :D:D we b3den hwa mesh 7war elwald elly yedkhol y3ml nafso bent dh mesh khalas khels wla lesa fe nas bt3ml keda

    p.s 1 : try 2 clean ur heart from all that hatred ya3m singlawyyyyy :P:P ;)
    p.s 2 : etbhdlt men b3dk ya 3omr :D:D:D

  12. saralone, yes lesa feh nas keda, but i dont think you are one of them ;)

  13. ya salam 3lek ya 3mora wenta bedafe3 3anyyy :D:D ana lw men nas tanya hena shklha b2a we7sh awyyyyyyyyy aseb elblog le so7abo elgodad we amshy b2a :D:D :P:P

  14. la ma3lesh ya saralona, when it comes to Mohaly, howa eli ye3od we7na eli nemshi!


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