Saturday, February 23, 2013

840) مع البلطجية !!

فى يوم عيد الحب السنة ديه
كنت رايح فرح أعز أصدقاء ليّه
فرحان و بأغنى مع ثومة الأغنية
و الإشارة واقفة و الزحمة لا نهائية

طلعوا عليا فجأة البلطجية
فى عز الزحمة و ناويين أذية
واحد شمالى و عامل نفسه ضحية
و واحد قدامى قافل طريقى بسوء نية

مد إيده مابين الباب و الإزاز
و خطف موبايلى و شد الكوفية
قعد يشتم و يزعق عشان أنزل
و يخطف هو بسلامته العربية

سبحان من ثبتنى فى الليلة ديه
و كأن الكلام ده بيحصل لحد تانى مش ليّه
رجعت لورا .. و بسرعة تانى لقدام
و طوحت اللى قدامى بعصبية

جريت و معرفوش يلحقونى
و رجعت بيتنا أخد نَفَسى شوية
و حلفت إنى مش هأخاف من اللى حصل
و إن الليلة دى لسة مش منتهيه

وقفت الخط و غيرت الباسوردز
و فوّقت نفسى بسرعة  بشوية ميّة
نزلت الفرح و عديت على نفس الشارع
عشان أنسى اللى حصل فيّه

من الأخر خالى باكم و ماتقفوش أبدا
حتى لو دوستم حد بالعربية
دى ناس ضايعة و عن روحها مستغنيه
مايفرقش معاها إنت إبن ناس ..  و لا إبن جنّية

و على فكرة القصة دى حقيقية
فى الخليفة المأمون قُرب الإتحادية
الساعة تمانية و نص و شوية
 فى عيد الحب .. مع البلطجية


Saturday, February 16, 2013

839) فـــــاكِر؟ !

أول مرة مش زى أى مرة 
مهما كانت حلوة ... مهما كانت مرة

فاكر أول مرة نجحت؟
فاكر أول مرة سافرت؟
فاكر أول مرة عرفت ..
إن الناس من جوة غير من برة؟

فاكر أول يوم مدرسة؟
فاكر الدنيا و هى كويسه؟
فاكر صاحبك اللى حبك ..
و كان دايما حواليك و جنبك؟

فاكر ضحكة أول بنت عرفتها؟
أول وردة؟ أول رعشة لما لمستها؟
فاكر لما عملت بطاقة ..
و إفتكرت إنك خلاص بقيت حاجة؟

فاكر لما إتخرجت من الجامعة؟
 فاكر الفرحة؟ فاكر الدَمعَة؟
فاكر أول مرتب خدته ..
و إزاى فرحت و إنت بتعِده؟

فاكر لما إفتكرت إنك حبيت بجد
  و إنكسر قلبك و إتوجعت؟
فاكر لما من ربنا قربت ..
و تُبت و وقعت، و وقعت و تُبت؟

فاكر لما بقى ليك فى المجتمع مركز
 بس فضلت وحدتك هى اللى فى المركز؟
فاكر لما قررت إن الحياة لازم تتعاش ..
و طلّعت نفسك من غرفة الإنعاش؟

عارف إنت لسه فاكر ده كله ليه؟
و لا إنت مش فاكر إنت عايش ليه؟

13 / 2 / 13

Saturday, February 9, 2013

838) Do you Progress into Success ?!

A wise man once said: "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."

Have you ever thought about how to you know that you are successful or not? or How can you feel satisfied about yourself and your life regardless what job you are doing? .... I find many people in Egypt having a perception that success is having a good position in a big company and getting a big salary !! I find people prisoners of this one track-minded success. Success is not a position, nor the name of the employer, nor the amount of money you make. Success is a state of mind and a life-style where we are in-tune with what we do, want, and have.

Whether you had or hadn't thought about it, let me introduce some guides and measures that I compiled -and added to from my personal journey and findings- that may help you through understanding SUCCESS.

You are successful If:

1. You have a mission of what you are doing and a vision of why you are doing it, and a strategy of how you will be achieving it. This will be your guideline and benchmark in any future plan, risk, or decision. "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success."
Swami Vivekananda 

2. You consider accomplishment a commitment not just a promise or a dream. You work hard, study, and try once, and twice till you reach what you want. "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." Booker T. Washington 

3. You think about the solutions not the problem, and try always to find unconventional ways and ideas. Successful people turn problems into challenges, and challenges into opportunities and act upon them. "Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure." 
George Edward Woodberry 

4. You enjoy doing what you do and don't feel the time passing. I.e. you are inspired and motivated."Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." David Frost 

5. You take the lessons from the past, and use it to enjoy the present and realistically plan the future. "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill 

6. You know what you say and when. "Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. "
Napoleon Hill 

7. You know what you are doing and assertive about it no matter what. Everybody is unique and has his own recipe of success.  "Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. " Bruce Lee

8. You do help others and not expect help from them, and remember that you can't please them all.

9. You put yourself in others shoes and treat them the way you wanna be treated regardless of their level.

10. Last and not least, if you have solid values and are sticking to it. "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." Albert Einstein 

So how many have you got out of 10?


Saturday, February 2, 2013

837) Cairo Part-Timer !!

I am not gonna talk today about politics, love, relationships, life, or anything. This is one of the personal posts that I bother you with every now and then J

I finally took the decision that I have long waited for ; I am moving out of Cairo by the end of 2015 in-shaa-Allah. Before you say, that is still far away, I would like to tell you that it cant be sudden, and it has to be gradual in order to pull out slowly of the corporate business and establish another in the new destination, and handle how I will continue teaching at AUC as well, and do the Social work at Nahdet El Mahrousa. My Mission is the same, but I may need to change some strategies.
This will take at least 2 years to handle, but just taking the decision itself is a big relief. 

Although I loved Cairo a lot -when I was younger- that I have established a club in its name at AUC and other Egyptian and Foreign universities, but I really cant bare living there or being a full-timer in Cairo anymore. Cairo became a blood, mind, and soul sucking city with all its traffic, air, pollution, aggressiveness  and lost feeling of security. This is not only because of the aftermath of the revolution, I was actually thinking about it since 2006, but the revolution aftermath just came to push me to take the decision without regrets.

So what about Marriage? Ah, I won’t wait to get married and take the decision, that stage is over. I am where I am, and will be where I will be, and the woman who is gonna think about marrying me will know that from the beginning and it is her full choice to join me in such life or “enjoy” Cairo. In addition, I am more closer than ever now regarding not looking for an Egyptian wife with all my respect to Egyptian women.

The challenge is that I still have lots of ideas in development and corporate, that I cant still figure out how to handle while not always being in Cairo. I am sure that I will be able to handle it, specially that I wont completely move out, I will be a part timer being in Cairo 2 or 3 days every week or something of the sort.. The things I know for sure is that I don’t want Cairo to be my home anymore as I already don’t feel belonging there anymore.

Will I succeed in such new life challenge … I don’t know, but I know that I will do my best to take the challenge till the end J
