Saturday, November 10, 2012

829) Close, Lock, and Seal !!

Since the Islamic stream came to power, I have noticed that there are certain words and expressions that prevailed over others like Closing, Banning, Controlling, Dominating, Monitoring, ..etc rather than Opening, Creating, Cooperating, Respecting,.etc. There are many incidents and issues, but lately the Egyptian society, media, and intellects, were consumed in the issues of closing stores at 10pm, and banning the porno sites. Actually, I am for having a regulation for opening and closing of stores, and I am against the negative effect of porno sites. However, I totally refuse both decisions..

Let me start with the latest, PORN Sites...Before you think that I am promoting Porn Sites, just answer the following questions:

  1. Does the government have a certain definition for Porno sites? Other than the explicit fornication sites, do you consider an article or a blog, or facebook page that contains people on the beach or scientific illustratiomn of body parts as porn? What is the criteria for classifying or banning a website?
  2. Do people log onto porno sites by their own will, or is it obligatory in the web browser? I.e. If someone decides not to log to porn sites, will he/she ever be exposed to them unless he/she digs for it?
  3. Can we really technically control it? I worked for 10 years in the Internet field and managed mega portals like Microsoft Network, and I can assure you that the 100+ Million pounds they gonna spend will be invain as there are many ways to open these sites ranging from stuff for free to application for $10 or $15!! needless to say that the Internet in Egypt will be slower as well.
  4. Who will pay the 100 Million Pounds (announced in Al Ahram)? and how does this come as a priority in public spending?
  5. Did anyone consider the side-effect of this decision in our world positioning in the Telecommunication and Internet field? 

I am afraid that this kind of banning will be a Trojan horse for controlling the content of the net, and blocking whatever pages or application the government doesn't like .. famous bloggers like Wael Abbas, or Alaa and Manal or Mona El Tahaway or even this humble blog can be banned just for claiming that they contain something "doesn't fit with the values of the society" .. Give me a break!!

Moving to the 2nd very much related issue, Closing the Shops @10 and restaurants @12 ... Let me throw a couple of questions as well:
  1. On What basis was this decision taken? 
  2. Why cant it wait till the election of parliament to be fully discussed and apply it in the right way at the right time?
  3. Did the government consult with the owners, and civil societies to study the pros and cons?
  4. Did the government consider the Egyptian culture with all its ups and downs and how to apply the decision while taking it into consideration?
  5. What alternative solutions will the government provide for the side effects of the decision (like increasing in un-employment, security issues, fighting illegal trade and "ghorza" that will flourish after closure hours,...etc).

Again, I am afraid that it is all revolving about the same ancient obsolete ideology of banning and bestowing !!!! the divine supreme government that has "ra3aya" or "3abeed e7sanhom" not civil citizens.



  1. according to the Egyptian human nature, both decisions will lead people to think betare2t el mamnou3 marghoob. imagine ba2a what they will do!

  2. why are we turning to be control freaks?

  3. they tend to control our lives and suffocate us till death :( not only by these two decisions but lesa ely gay aktar.

    you know i am thinking every day about the formula DVD>R.... and after what I5wan and Salafis did, i am trying to convince myself that the resistance here is stronger...we are trying not to accept the any change they force.

  4. To subject No.1:
    From what I read there is a juridicial resolution to ban porno sites over Internet relaesed in 2009. the question to the Prosecutor General is why now activate this resolution?
    the answer doesn't have a positive aspect at all- at least to me.
    They might think that it is the duty of "waly-el-amr" to control the correct running of evertyhing public related, personal practices are every person's concern. for example it is the government's duty to provide security for the public, but it is one's personal decision not to close the door to his house at night.
    i hope you get my point.

    to subject No.2
    The decision wasn't discussed or consulted with any realted parties, that's why it came as a disaster in timing, way of communication and application as well.
    it shows the chaos and immature political practice of the Government in taking a decision that effects lives of millions without consulting not only them, but also other governmental bodies to set common and area- specific suitable rules to implement the decision nationwide.
    A simple follow of the rule "shurah" will solve the issue, if they look at it from the religious point of view!!!

    I am not sure if this decision reflects the dominating, stubborn and one-side thinking way or is it just immature decision way that will disappear ste by step after some political practicing.
    what scares me and i don't want to think about it now that it might be the group-dominating and obeying thinking way. will the Ekhwan way of thinking and group belonging control our lives?
    I am not good at following a group and simply obey rules but tend to be a solo-flying bird.
    But the answer to this question will show in the coming months.

  5. I am still convinced that is all interconnected with the same ideology whether it is something continuing from before or just popping up..
    These people dont understand liberty, they are obsessed about "EL TAMKEEN".

  6. I agree with your opinion.the question i am trying to find an answer to is for how long would they be obsessed with it?
    would it drag to other areas or when they have full control they would lessen?
    would they one day feel "certain" enough to give some freedom?
    would we face another 3adly system, this time with a bread? it might not be as bloody as before, but would it be as suffocating as beofre?
    this is what really scares me

  7. the new rosy background looks nice. somehow tender.
    this is a pure female perception of colour that i dont think a male can start anything with :-)

  8. Then you should be scared, and u have all the right to..

  9. For the rosy background. I understood that you like it, but didnt understand the 2nd part of your sentence! "this is a pure female perception of colour that i dont think a male can start anything with :-)"

  10. in my first sentence ya Doctor, I said that the colour is "somehow tender". The colour effect on the Blog i mean.
    But as i wrote it, i thought that the word "somehow tender" isn't exactly a description a male engineer with a PHD in Business can "understand" as it is not a clear, scientific description.

    I know that female perception of colours differs much from the male one. we name different shades of blue: "turquiose", "sea-blue", "light blue", "sky-blue", etc, while you see it all "blue"

    "tender" as description isnt exactly scientific

  11. ya3nee di 7aga kewayesa wala we7sha ..:)

    actually changing the color was done by accident, wasnt meant to be. hehe.

  12. dih 7aga 7elwa. Would never say anyhing bad here, because you and your followers deserve every respect.
    That's a good accident :-). Rose gives anything that it colours a soft touch. Keep it please, if you don't mind, of course. It matches the blog's soul more than the grey.
    Can you guess what i mean here? :-)

  13. the rate is going up. this is the second smile in one post. while the last one didnt carry any, the first one after your return carried only one.
    I am happy to see you smiling.try to keep it, even when life treats you unkindly.

  14. I am really counting days to be myself again

  15. you can start now. Or any is not the end of the road.and you are not going through this road alone. If vamily, friend, colleague, neighbours and stranger fail to accompany you, there is always Allah waiting for your call to help you.
    You will be amazed how lucky you are, if you count your blessings.
    And there are your followers here who could support your steps.
    There is a group on FB called salafeyo costa. Check it out if you have time. You will be amazed of the diversity of ppl there, all respecting and caring to enrich discussions with their diversity.
    Just don't disappear again, bc there u will be unreachable to those who care about u.

  16. yes you are right I will start, yalla with a new hjiri year kaman .. thank you
    p.s. i just feel so lonely no matter how many people are around me even the loved ones.

  17. i know the feeling.
    i am sorry you are going through this. wish i could help.

    wish you a blessed new hijri year

  18. You too and all blog readers and followers


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