Tuesday, September 7, 2010

718) Fawazeer Ramadan ::: Ruling Egypt !

We all know that President Mubarak was ruling Egypt in the turn of the 21st century & the 3rd Millennium.
El Fazoura: can you identify who was ruling Egypt in the turn of the last Century, and last Millennium?

-20th Century (1901)
- Turn of the Millennium (1001) 

Bonus: Who will be ruling in 2101 ;)



  1. i think Abbas Helmi II who ruled Egypt from 8 January 1892 to 19 December 1914.
    Akeed someone from outside the Mubarak family, i am optimistic :)

  2. 1001: One of Egypt's most famous lunatics. الحاكم بأمر الله

  3. In 2101, Gamal's grand grandchildren :) wAllah a3lam :)

  4. 1001 was the Fatimids era and I think Mohammed Gamal is right.

  5. Tamam :)

    Do you know that Since Muhamad Aly Pacha, Mubarak has the longest term in ruling Egypt.

    Actually if we excluded Muhamad Aly, Mubarak will be the longest continuous term in the Millennium.

    Abbas Helmy II comes after Mubarak with a record of 22 years...

    So Mubarak shares the long term with Abbas, but ya tara does he share anything with El Hakem be2ar Allah ;)

  6. Ah for the Future 2101, I dont think so ya Sue. Mubarak's family will leave power in October 2081.

  7. I enjoyed your beautiful company and contribution in the fawzeer this year :)

    Mohaly :))

  8. Eshma3na 2081? lol :D and who do you think will be ruling by 2101?

  9. 2081 ... Think more, it has a significance :)

    For 2101 .. I think it will be a completely different system of governance.

  10. His first term began in October 1981 :):) yeah significant fe3lan and to have completed a century :)

    About the new system of governance, maybe it's going to be like a totally automated system that people won't even need a government or president, to be more specific (cause the system can be seen as the ruling government), to regulate anything...


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