Friday, January 1, 2010

641) Between Two Decades!

Happy New Year everyone. 2010 will be a year where all of you will enjoy good times, success, happiness, but at the same time you will suffer from problems, and challenges. So be realistic in your plans and resolutions, but optimistic in your attidue and spirit.

By the way, Is 2010 the last year of the 1st decade of the 21st century or is it the 1st year of the 2nd decade?!!



  1. Happy New Year to you Mohaly :). ISA all your wishes and dreams come true this year :).

  2. Happy New year, brother :)

    The photo is very expressive!

    I think it's the 1st year of the 2nd decade, walla my maths isn't working anymore?

  3. Very True
    Happy New Year

  4. Happy New Year Mohaly and happy New Year everyone.

    I am not that good with math but given the 2000 was the start of the decade that makes 2010 the start of the 2nd decade in the 21st century.

    ISA a good year and a good decade for all of us.

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  7. Happy New year MOHALY!

    blogs like yours are few and far in between, this past year you have brought many a point of view to your forum discussing innumerable political issues and social subjects. with a knack of moderating with restraint and class (when pressed not to) you sir are a true gentleman.

    a truly golden blog that imparts a message to its readers...

  8. Noly, Shaimaa, & Rawani: Same to you dears :))

    Ibhog: thank you, will answer in another comment.

    PAX: I dunno what to say Pax, your just came in the right time, I really needed them. Thanks a lot :)

  9. The confusion comes from that year 2000 is officially the last year in the century, while officially bardo it is the 1st year in the 00s decade! so it is in the 20th century but in the 1st decade in the 21st, 7aga 3ageeba!

    Anyway 2010 whether it is the start or the end of a decade, it is A MILE STONE between 2 decades :)

  10. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Your question reminded me of the Y2K.. 10 years ago I read this joke somewhere:

    50% of people think that the first year of the millennium starts on the 2000
    40% of people think that the first year of the millennium starts on the 2001
    The rest 10% think that the 90% need to get a life :P

  11. Happy New Year ya Mohaly

    No, the End of December 2010 Will be the beginning of the new Decade .. So 2010 is the last year of this decade :D wohooooo can't wait :D

  12. Happy New Year Mohaly and all your readers. May God grant your wishes and dreams.

  13. Happy New year ya Mohaly, may all your wishes come true in 2010...

  14. Happy New Year Mohaly
    people are not celebrating the start of a new decade as they should


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