Wednesday, July 29, 2009

585) Miss Egypt 2009!

Howa Fih Eih !!!



  1. هام وجدي خريجة كلية الفنون الجميلة جامعة حلوان عام ‏2007‏ وتجيد التحدث بأربع لغات هي: الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإيطالية والعربية، وساعدتها رشاقتها وجمالها الجذاب وطلتها المميزة في ان تصبح سفيرة لاشهر بيوت الازياء والمصممين وشركات مستحضرات التجميل في العالم فسافرت الى فرنسا وايطاليا والامارات وسويسرا والصين واليابان والفلبين وقطر والبحرين ولبنان وامريكا وغيرها وما لبثت ان اصبحت بفضل ذكائها وثقافتها سوبر موديل عالمية.
    حصدت لقب وصيفة ملكة جمال الانتركونتيننتال لعام 2007 التي اقيمت في سيشل بعد منافسة مع 85 متسابقة من جميع انحاء العالم.

  2. وقد شاركت الهام في ثلاث مسابقات عالمية أولها مس إيجيبت 2005 ثم مس إيرث 2005 في الفلبين ومس إنترناشيونال 2006 في اليابان وتم اختيارها كواحدة من أجمل 13 فتاة على مستوى العالم والسادسة كسفيرة للجمال وحصلت على لقب ملكة جمال الذكاء.

  3. 3ala ra2i melody aflam

    Ahkeeran fehemteni ya wadee3 :)

    ya Titi, teer enta

    ya Maha, eih ra2yek ;)

  4. she is super ya omar, bas enta 3ayez ra2ye fe eh ?, fe el model wala el post ? ;)

  5. Quoting: "Howa Fih Eih !!!"

    Apparently Mafish :)))

  6. oooh ... no comment ... u c how guys evaluate ladies these days ?? with all my respect to you ya omar

  7. both ya maha

    el moz..ops el model and your opinion about the contest of miss & mr. egypt that mohaly obviously is sarcastic about ;)

  8. el banat di mabtetekesefsh?!

  9. mesh 3arfa a2oul eih bas lazem a2oul haga! Allah Gameel wa yoheb El Gamal! however, I have a question: is she beautiful because she's sexy? or she's sexy because she's beautiful? are both necessary related? mesh moshkelah!

  10. ya Sylvia, el mawdou3 la ya7tamel methl hazihi al falsafa el 3ameeqa

    el sexy wala el beautiful, howa "kolak 3ala ba3dak 7elw" :)

  11. i suggest that all the married people here (maha, meri,..etc) show this picture to their husbands, and describe their feedback :)

  12. Amina, to answer your question 3an el banat di mabtetksefsh, mara khaledet el zekr Lucy, sa2olooha fi interview 3ala ma atzakar fi channel lebnany. She said en gesmaha mafihosh 3'alata, tekhabeeh lieh we tetksef mn eh.

    fa akeed she is proud of her body, so she is showing it. el 7amdullah 3ala ne3met el 3a2l, at least I have something else to show badal ma amshy 3erayana fi el share3

  13. mohaly,yasser says ta7ya misr wo lazem el helwa nekool 3aleeha helwa...........ana cool wife wo ba3deen heya gamda and we never care except for her looks and figure

  14. we ta7eya kebeera gedan le el cool wife merhan we yasser abouz zo2 3ali :)

  15. I wonder what is the value aslan beyond miss egypt contest?!

  16. This is what I'd call globalization!!! and besides if u have it then flaunt it :))

  17. *mind drifts* isn't that 3asr el7areem in flesh aho?!

    I mean if a man from ancient times somehow teleported in the future to witness nowadays, he'll get back to his mates and tell them about our 3asr hareem.

    I mean, com'on! semi-nude photos on bright screens, what can any man from the antiquity ever wish for more than that?!

    wa7da betsafer 7awaleen el 3alam 3ashan te2la3, I'm not judging I'm just articulating my own view.

    yalla masr lessa bekher bardo ..

  18. Mohaly, i showed the pic to Lauaie & akeed you know his comment!!

    That's why Loli & Yasser are getting along ya meesha ;)

    beside, we are already in Marina & the trend this summer is the hot short & bikini top w etfarag ya salam .. w 3ala ra2y elmasal ... khally elsha3b ye3eesh :PP

  19. Ya Omar .. as Sylvia said allah gamil yo7eb elgamal.
    The "mozel" is super but these days anyone can be like this with the plastic surgery ... wala eh ?

    And for Mohaly's post ... he published the photo with one question without his own opinion ... eh ya Mohaly, sama3na sotak ;)

  20. teer enta ya omar and edy mesh fadya :)

  21. Maha, my opinion is we should focus first on the mind competitions that develops the country and produces thinkers and leaders then if we have time then we can do "body" competitions.

  22. Mohaly,definitely ent betharag... howa meen fy misr interested in mind competitions,not all think like you for the country's wellfare .3ala fekra eih rayek fy el style dah:))and please donot insult my intelligence

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Mind competition eih bas ya 3am mohaly rawa2 bas keda we hady 2a3sabak ma7adesh fady lelkalam elfady da delwa2ty kolo beymoot fe eltahyees ma3a el2e3tezar lel moza el gamda 2awy de mafehash 3'alta ya nas betetkalemo 3an eih....
    Tamer dayman keda eidak mesh fadya

  25. BTW: edy mesh fadya cause of work!! not anything else :)

    we'll have to work hard :)

  26. Yes sure ya tamer you have to work harder kolo 3ashan masr:)

  27. Mohaly ask: "Howa Fih Eih !!!" I reply: da fih w fih, ba3d keda mafesh! w 3agaby

    I saw her in on an interview over the TV on an Egyptian Satellite Channel -as I recall- and have to say she's too shallow.

  28. girlwithabrain:

    why should she "itkisif"? Why do people think ino lazem negahti kil haga? 3ashan kida lama 7ad yilbis jeans w tshirt kol 7ad yo3od yibos. i believe il banat il bit2ool 7agat zay kida are insecure. Go to the gym so you can stop hating on other girls! She is gorgeous. I'm a girl and I think so! ba3dein amany inti bint, instead of promoting equality bit2ooly 7agat zay kida. 3ashan kida el balad mish bititghayar.

  29. by the way sh's gd cuz of her qualifications only day .she has agogd body so she's sexy and she'sn't beautiful enough but almost she's smart


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