Tuesday, January 27, 2009

520) A milestone on my Birthday!

It is my birthday again! I am starting a new year filled with hope that I can build on the stuff I have achieved, and fix the stuff that I had gone wrong with. 
I feel that I am starting not only a new year, but a new era in my life as well.

Last year was a very successful one on the mental level and I over achieved my targets, and established a reputable name in academic, training, and consulting, but on the other hand, I missed on emotional targets; friends, and starting a family.

I wish that this year I can make the right balance between spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional targets, it is about time, and to be able to make more positive difference with more number of people. 

I wish that Egypt will at least stop and realize that we were going backwards, and start PLANNING for the future even if it is late.

I wish that my friends and this blog readers still like and support me as they have always done, and I wish someday I make them proud of this friendship..

Lots of wishes but it my birthday bardo, so I gotta have some :)

born on 27 Jan @12pm


  1. Happy Birthday and many Happy returns.

  2. May all your wishes come true
    Happy birthday :)

  3. Happy birthday with a lot of joy and happiness

  4. wishing you a very special year, isa by-passing all your worries and surpassing all your dreams.
    Happy birthday Mohaly!

  5. Welcome to the new era of your life.

  6. Thanks a lot my lovely readers :))

  7. How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older? happy birthday!

  8. كل سنة وانت طيب
    وان شاء الله تعمل السنة دي التوازن اللي تامله
    وتحقق كل رغباتك واحلامك

  9. bit late to wish you a happy birthday but I'll do it anyway " Happy Birthday Mohamed" I am proud to be one of your friend :-)

  10. i know that you were lonley on your birthday but who isn't! we are all that man, life became sooo fast and lovless.

  11. اذا المرء لا يرعاك الا تكلفا
    فدعه ولا تكثر عليه التاسفا
    ففى الناس ابدال و فى الترك راحة
    وفى القلب صبر للحبيب ولو جفا
    وليس كل من تهواه يهواك قلبه
    ولا كل من صافيته لك قد صفى
    اذا لم يكن صفو الوداد طبيعة
    فلا خير فى ود يجي تكلفا
    ولا خير فى خل يخون خليله
    ويلقاه من بعد المودة بالجفا
    وينكر عيشا قد تقادم عهده
    ويظهر سرا بالامس القريب قد خفى
    وسلام على الدنيا اذ لم يكن بها
    صديق صدوق صادق العهد منصفا


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