Saturday, October 6, 2007

299) Fawazeer Ramadan 18 - Seta October!

18. What happened to the Egyptian Spirit, vision, and persistence we had before and during the October war? How come we (the majority) become the exact opposite?



  1. This fazoura has no answer ya Mo!
    nothing left from 6 October except Mubarak!

  2. Our souls were bought by a corrupt political system...

    As you mentioned in your last post - looking at the concept from a social prespective rather than a religious one:
    We have been living in the wrong do to our government for so long that we got used to it - & our spirit has gone to waste....

    Nice blog.
    Kol sana wenta tayeb

  3. Good point Jade...

    and Thanks for your comments on my blog. Hope to see u here more often :)


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