Tuesday, June 26, 2007

214) Eza Nazar Elayha Asarrateh...

This is a sentence in one of Prophet Muhammad sayings when he was talking about the best qualities of a wife. I like the word very much, very simple word but has deep meanings coz the ultimate thing that we are looking for is happiness, and when it comes from your life-partner, it is the optimum.



  1. bas meen yesma3!!

  2. أتعرف متى ؟ إذا نظر اليها أسرته ؟ إذا أحبها واحترمها وأكرمها وكان لها ملجأ وملاذ من الدنيا وما فيها لأنه سيجد دائما في عينيها نظرة امتنان لما يقدمه لها فحتما سيدخل السرور قلبه مهما كان حالها من ضعف أو قلة جمال .. ستكون أجمل نساء الأرض

  3. im not sure you will read this, as its been very long- but i will write it anyway:
    when the prophet said these words, he put simple "conditions" for the couple to follow. back then it was: a good person. you can call it religious, kind, ibn nas, whatever. so is the partner.these days we put so many conditions for the one we "should love" that it is impossible to find him/her. and for all the "conditions" we have traded love and happiness.
    it si well known that he loved Khadija as never loved any other woman in his life.would any man these days even think of marrying an elder girl? will he go through the fight with his parents? defend her against mocking friends? love her enough to protect her against silly remarks of silly society?
    or rather go the easy way and look for someone else, maybe with no success?
    would we have the courage to stand for what we really care for and believe in, or this unsusal condition will never be accepted, although its silly????

  4. you are entering 3esh el dababeer HAW!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. its a bad habit since i was in school.
    nothing to be done about that. either keep my mouth shut and loose my personality, or speak out what i dont like and try to grab my life in my own hands. :))))

  7. by the way, you didnt tell what you think about what i wrote.
    i mean the point of view of a man

  8. It is complicated. Since I am a Strategic Management Instructor, I can tell you that any corporate or personal decision has to be built on many inputs and studying of surrounding environment and consequences. If you know what it takes, and what you will face, and well prepared, then go ahead, but don't just act without enough thinking and risk regretting it.

  9. you will never know what you will face, becuase nothing is guaranteed in this world.one can study and analyse anything that is subject to logical terms, but how will you ever know how the other person will respond? is fine to study and analyse and check inputs and percentage of success- if you want to put it this way. but the risk factor is always there. we are talking about a human being, who has his own feelings and demands as well. this factor you can not calcualte based on anything- never forget that deep inside everyone of us there is a part hidden from even closest persons. this part will most probably infulence the reaction.
    in business you can definetely reach a high percentage of accuracy in analysing success vs. failure.
    but in human nature/feelings, never.
    for me, i decide to take the risk of a terrible heartbreak, than be a stone. so much i owe to myself

  10. like Nizar Qabbany says in his peom :ekhtary"
    اختاري الحب أو اللا حب، فجبن الا تختاري
    لا توجد منطقة وسطى ما بين الجنة و النار

  11. so u agree?
    to go for what you think is happiness, even risk getting hurt?
    or it still sounds crazy?


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