Tuesday, May 29, 2007

178) FUN::: Post it!!

For those with bad memory, or in favor of one-night-stands ;)


  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place for putting the post it :)

    in my opinion it should be in
    1. a place always in your mind
    2. u r checking from now & then
    3. not for public
    4. you have its code
    5. and you know it well
    6. and you can reach it anytime

    It's the wallet the best place to keep your post it ;)

  2. bas efred 7ad 7at 2edo fel "walet" we khad el feeha. hate3mel eih ya Titi :)

  3. hehehhehe which wallet you mean?
    mesh 2olt abl keda el shee2 lezoom el sheee2

  4. I know a friend in NJ who does something similar. Everyone he meets (1-N-Stand), he writes her name in his palm to remember it in the morning; imagine!


  5. mosh fahma ana men el akher eih 2asdokou ya Omar w ya Titi, dayman teghayarou masar el mawdou3 w dah beyzawed som3etkoum ettayeba ;D


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