Sunday, April 22, 2007

102) Nannous 3een Ommoh!!

I am totally against a beauty pageant for men, coz a beautiful or pretty man is not something nice aslan. There is a smart man, successful man, handsome man, ...etc but definitely not pretty man.

Anyway, regardless of my opinion about the pageant, do you think the pictures displayed here represent Mr.Egypt.

The one to the left I guess he falls somewhere between Mr & Miss Egypt! while the one to the right gives me hope to be the next Mr.Egypt!
Mohaly (Y.I.)


  1. yakhtee 3aleehom, 3shna we shofna

  2. i can't shake the charachter "lucy" in esha3ett 7ob

  3. right on bo2bo2!!!
    i had the same thought :D
    "Ezayak ya ooooncle"

  4. fee el belad el mota2akhera(Australia for example) these competitions are associated with 7agat keda we7sha balash te3rafooha. El ghareeb en el nas fee masr bey2oolo 3ala kol 7aga ghalat ennaha ta2leed lel gharb, tell you the truth ana mashoftesh ayy 7aga men dy hena. Mr Australia el wa7eed elly shofto kan fee Mardi gras festival (Mardi gras for people who don't know is a gay and lesbian fest).
    Ana ba2a eftakart 7aga tanya,"maho el wad yet7ab ya ramadan, from el 3eyal kebret"

  5. tr,
    Ma3lesh ana maba2darsh 3ala nafsi, "ma2darsh ashouf makana bayza we masala7hash" (quoting fouad el mohandes in 3eilet Zizi)

    Mardi Gras is not a gay festival, at least not the original event... i know it's been labeled "gay" in Australia, but the real event is supposed to be the last carnival held before lent, seyam el masi7eyin...

    tab3an the most famous Mardi Gras celebration takes place in New Orleans.
    And it's one of the main reasons a lot of people say that hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans because God was disapproving of the outrageous celebrations taking place during Mardi Gras week.

    A quick definition:
    Mardi Gras (French for "Fat Tuesday") is the day before Ash Wednesday, and is also called "Shrove Tuesday" or "Pancake Day". It is the final day of Carnival. It is a celebration that is held just before the beginning of the Christian liturgical season of Lent.

  6. nice info i didn't know that here before the lint we go out as friends and eat out mostly la7ma :)

  7. Thank you Yasmine, your info is accurate. I only referred to the Australian Mardi gras which is a gay and lesbian festival, it takes place during february of each year and is only held in Sydney, almost all original Australians feel disgraced because of this festival(Australians are very conservative by the way) and the major event, the parade takes place on the last tuesday of february.


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