Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Egypt --------------------------->>> Saudi - II

I think "thabatet el ro2ya", the guessing we had
is now becoming true. Saudi bcame the Mecca of Arab Politics as it is in Islam. I hope that they keep the Arab League in Egypt (3ashan 7efz ma2 el wagh)!


  1. Mesh el ro2ya bas, da el helal tele3, wel badr kaman!

    King Abdullah is trying to play Nasser's role, do u thing he will succeed?

  2. I hope he can do something, but talking about Nasser, the time, people, and circumstances are different. The Arab nations needs a leader who is capable of convincing its youth who are the vast majority, and King Abdullah is 84!

  3. we can notice in the US the increasing role of Saudi and fading out of Egypt :(



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